
  • 日本最後の文人と謳われる
    He is considered to be the last of the literati painters in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治・大正・昭和期に活躍し、名人と謳われる
    He distinguished himself through the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods, and was celebrated as a master of Noh.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 農民、農村、農業を重視した三農対策等が謳われる
    Farmers, farm villages, and agriculture are important. Three agriculture measures are expressed. - 経済産業省
  • 京の台所として知られる錦市場の東の端にあり、学業に加え商売繁盛も御利益に謳われている。
    The shrine is situated at the eastern end of Nishiki Market, known as the kitchen of Kyoto, and offers the blessings of both academic success and prosperous trade.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 絶代の美貌を謳われ、信仰心も深かった女院を慕い、法金剛院を訪れる人々の中には、かの歌僧西行もいたという。
    It was said that many people have visited the Honkogo-in Temple, including the famous poet and monk, Saigyo to pray for the Nyoin (Shoshi), who was exceptionally beautiful and believed strongly in Buddhism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 維新後の能楽復興に尽力し、初代梅若実、櫻間伴馬とともに明治三名人と謳われる
    He contributed to the restoration of Noh art, and was celebrated as the Three Noh Masters of the Meiji Period together with Minoru UMEWAKA the First and Banma SAKURAMA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 100年後の江戸時代中期には実高200万石とも謳われる日本最大級の藩に成長した。
    A century later, Sendai Domain became one of the largest domains in Japan by mid Edo period, which was considered to reach 2,000,000 koku in its actual territorial value.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治後半において名人中の名人と謳われ、その平明な棋風は現代でも高く評価される
    He was praised as the Master of the masters in the second half of the Meiji period and his transpicuous Igo style is highly evaluated even in the present age.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 13歳で蕃書調所で英語を学び、1864年には16歳にして開成所の教授方になるほど、若くしてその英才を謳われる
    His academic talents became well known when he was still young since he studied English at the Bansho shirabesho Institute when he was 13, and became a teacher at the Kaiseijo Institute when he was 16.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 武蔵国忍藩(埼玉県行田市)そして川越藩主(同県川越市)であり智慧伊豆と謳われる松平信綱は大河内氏である。
    Nobutsuna MATSUDAIRA, who was the lord of the Oshi domain in Musashi Prrovince (Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture) and of the Kawagoe domain (Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture), and who was revered as the "Wisdom of Izu," was a member of the Okochi clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方、商業都市として発展をみた大阪は海に近く、魚介も豊かで地方の産物も集まるところから、「天下の台所」と謳われるほどであった。
    On the other hand, because Osaka, having developed as a commercial city, was placed near to sea, fishes and seashells were available abundantly there and foodstuffs from other areas gathered there as well, being called the kitchen of Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 酒呑童子は日本最強の鬼と言ってよく、玉藻前で有名な白面金毛九尾の狐と、恨みによって大天狗と化した崇徳天皇と並んで、日本三大悪妖怪と謳われるようになった。
    It is often said that Shuten Doji is Japan's strongest oni, and he came to be counted as one of Japan's Trio of Heinous Specters, the other two being Tamamonomae, a women of incredible beauty who is in fact a white-faced fox with nine golden tails and Emperor Sutoku who, out of bitterness, turned into a great Tengu, a legendary supernatural creature.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 松平伊豆守と謳われた松平信綱などを出した大河内氏は、三河国額田郡大河内(愛知県岡崎市大平町字大河内、東名高速の岡崎インターチェンジ近く)へ落ちたこの兼綱の末裔とされる
    Kanetsuna's descendants ended up in Okochi, Nukata District in Mikawa Province (Aza Okochi, Ohira-cho, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture; near the Okazaki Interchange of the Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway) and founded the Okochi Clan, from which Nobutsuna MATSUDAIRA, who was known as Matsudaira Izu no Kami, was descended.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 儒学の才を謳われる一方、民政にも明るく、官田の設置(元慶官田)を提唱して財政再建を行うなど、清和天皇・陽成天皇朝を支える能吏として活躍した。
    While he was admired for his talent in Confucianism, he also had wide knowledge of civil affairs and worked hard as a capable official to support Emperor Seiwa and Emperor Yozei in a way such as to advocate the settlement of "kanden (Imperial Estate)" (Gangyo imperial estates) for financial reconstruction.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 通称である「島左近(しまさこん)」の名で一般に広く知られ、「治部少(三成)に過ぎたるものが二つあり島の左近と佐和山の城」と謳われるほどの人物であった(本項目でも、特に断りが無い限りは「(島)左近」と表記する)。
    He was widely known by the common name of 'Sakon SHIMA', and he was respected so much that it was said that 'Jibusho (Mitsunari) had two valuable things: Sakon SHIMA and Sawayama-jo castle' (his name is noted as 'Sakon (SHIMA)' in this section unless otherwise specified).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのことは、皇族の範囲を狭く限定する趣旨(これは大正天皇の直系の子孫であっても同様に適用される)が準則の第1条にまず謳われ、邦家親王の子孫に関する規定は特例として「附則」に言及されているに過ぎないことからも明白である。
    It was expressed in No.1 of the regulation as a purpose to limit the range of Imperial Family to a narrower definition, (it was applied in the same way to the direct descendants of Emperor Taisho) it was apparent that the regulation for an Imperial Prince's descendants was an exception as it was mentioned in an additional rule.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この俗説に関しては、菊姫は政略結婚によって上杉家に嫁いだ女性にも関わらず、複数の史書に才色兼備を謳われている程、上杉家中一同の深い敬愛を集める存在であったと伝えられることから、四辻氏という女性の存在自体を認めたくない家臣などが少なからずいた可能性は否定できないとの説もある。
    Regarding this popular belief, some would consider it is the reflection of the truth; Princess Kiku is known that she was truly adored by all in Uesugi clan, substantiated by the fact that she is favorably described in various references as a woman endowed with both beauty and intelligence, despite the fact she married into the Uesugi clan for political convenience; thus quite a few feudal retainers refused to admit the presence of the concubine Yotsutsuji near Kagekatsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 田安家徳川宗武の七男・松平定信(後の松平定信)が幼少の頃から英明を謳われ、後継と目されたが、時の権力者・老中田沼意次や、子の徳川家斉(後の家斉)を推す徳川治済(一橋家当主)らの画策で、陸奥国白河藩主・松平定邦の養子にさせられたとも言われる
    The seventh son of Munetake TOKUGAWA of the Tayasu family, Masamaru (later Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA), was famous for his intelligence since childhood and considered to be a successor, but roju Okitsugu TANUMA, an influential person in those times, and Harusada TOKUGAWA (the head of Hitotsubashi family) who backed up his son Ienari TOKUGAWA made him being adopted as a son of Sadakuni MATSUDAIRA, the lord of Shirakawa Domain in Mutsu Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
