
  • 議院内閣制という政治
    a political system in Japan, called parliamentary cabinet system  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 首相の地位が強まった議院内閣制
    parliamentary cabinet system under which the prime minister has comparatively broad power  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 1900年前後に議院内閣制の慣行が確立されると政党内閣による政権運営が定着した。
    Around 1900, when the parliamentary cabinet system became customary, the governmental management by party cabinets was firmly established.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 議院内閣制ともいい、議会の信任に基づいて政権を運営する。
    It's also called a parliamentary cabinet system, where the cabinet exercises political power with parliamentary confidence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、議院内閣制は憲法の規定に基礎を持たず不安定であった。
    However, the parliamentary cabinet system wasn't stable without foundation in the Constitution.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、内閣職権は当時のドイツ帝国の内閣度ではなく、イギリスの議院内閣制の影響も含まれた「ハルデンベルグ官」(1810年のプロシアの官)をモデルにしたとされている。
    However, it has been said that Naikaku-shokken was not based on the cabinet system of German Empire of the time but based on the "Hardenberg governmental regulation" (the governmental regulation in Prussia in 1810) that was affected by the British parliamentary cabinet system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結局大日本帝国憲法にはプロシアをモデルとした立憲君主が採用され、議院内閣制は採用されなかった。
    Eventually, the Prussian-style constitutional monarchy, not the parliamentary cabinet system, was adopted in the Constitution of the Empire of Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時日本ではすでに議院内閣制が施行されていたが、現代ではほとんどの国家で憲法が施行されている(右図の紫などを除く)。
    At that time, parliamentary Cabinet system had been already put into effect in Japan, but in modern age, constitutions have been effective in most states (excluding those colored in purple in the illustration on the right).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「官僚主導から政治主導へ」、「官僚内閣から真の議院内閣制へ」という点では全く一致をしているわけでありますから、細かいところの妥協は大いに可能と思います。
    Since we are completely in accord in regards to the need for a transfer of the initiative from the bureaucracy to politics and a shift from a bureaucracy-controlled cabinet system to a genuine parliamentary cabinet system, a compromise regarding details will be possible  - 金融庁
  • ただし、アメリカ合衆国のように議院内閣制を採用していない国では、政党政治が実施されていても、その政権をさして政党内閣とは呼ばない場合が多い。
    However, the cabinet of a country without a parliamentary cabinet system, for example that of the United States of America, is not usually referred to as a party cabinet, even though the country has a party system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大久保の死後は岩倉具視に重用され、安定政権を作れる政府党が出来る環境にない現在の日本で議院内閣制を導入することの不可を説いて、ドイツ式の国家体樹立を説いた。
    After Okubo's death, he was appointed to a responsible position by Tomomi IWAKURA, and he emphasized that it was impossible to introduce a parliamentary cabinet system to Japan at the time, where had not been ready for having parties to build a stable administration, and also told about the importance of the establishment of a German-style state system instead.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この間にも井上毅が伊藤の盟友・井上馨(当初は将来的な議院内閣制導入を唱えていた)を自派に引き入れ、伊藤が薩摩藩藩閥と結んでまず憲法定・議会開催時期の決定することを求めた。
    During this time, Kowashi INOUE convinced Kaoru INOUE, a sworn ally of Ito (Inoue thought of introduction of parliamentary Cabinet system in future), and asked Ito to cooperate with Satsuma domain clique and decide on establishment of a constitution and the time of opening a parliament.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが、立憲導入を巡る大隈の左大臣有栖川宮熾仁親王への密奏と議院内閣制の導入提案が岩倉の態度を硬化させた。
    However Iwakura stiffened his attitude when he heard of Okuma's secret report to Imperial Prince Arisugawanomiya Taruhito, Minister of the Left, concerning the introduction of constitutional monarchy and of Okuma's proposal for the introduction of parliamentary cabinet system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 次の第1次桂内閣で妥協と反対の両政策を取り、1902年の第7回衆議院議員総選挙では190議席を獲得して過半数をする。
    During the First Katsura Cabinet, which was formed after Ito's, Ito took both compromising and opposing policies toward the Cabinet and in 1902, the Seiyu Party occupied 190 seats and got a majority in the seventh general election of members of the House of Representatives.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 内容は案によって様々で、抵抗権や革命権(東洋大日本国国憲按)を容認したもの、人民主権、議院内閣制を主張するもの、国民投票で皇帝を廃立する権利を規定したものもあった。
    The contents differed among drafts; some allowed the right of resistance and the right of revolution (Toyo Dai Nippon-koku Kokken-an [Draft of the National Constitution for Great Japan of the East]), some insisted that sovereignty should reside with the people or on a parliamentary system, and some included the right to dismiss an emperor from the throne by national referendum.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国家公務員度改革基本法案で、先日、衆議院内閣委員会で審議がありましたけれども、改めて野党側との一致点を見出せるかどうかが政治のかぎだと思うのですけれども、民主党側の主張とか論戦の中で、
    I think that the key point is whether you can find common ground with the opposition camp with regard to the reform of the civil servant system.  - 金融庁
  • 本来あるべき姿の議院内閣制を支える公務員度を作っていこうということや、公務員の世界に優秀な人材が集まるように、そして彼らが誇りを持って働けるようにという観点から言うと、ほとんど同じとすら言ってもおかしくない案だと思います。
    The counter proposal may be described as almost the same as the government bill in that it seeks to establish a civil servant system ideally suited to support a parliamentary cabinet system and to encourage talented people to become civil servants and enable them to work with a sense of pride.  - 金融庁
  • 民本主義と共に、議院内閣制の慣行・政党政治と大正デモクラシーを支え、また、美濃部の著書が高等文官試験受験者の必読書ともなり、大正時代半ばから昭和の初期にかけては、天皇機関説が国家公認の憲法学説となった。
    Along with the democracy, the Emperor Organ Theory supported practices in the parliamentary Cabinet system, and party government and Taisho Democracy, and also because Minobe's book became a bible of examinees for high civil officers, the theory became a constitutional doctrine approved by the state from the middle of Taisho period through early Showa period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 岩倉は伊藤に辞意の翻意を求め、井上毅も国家基盤を安定させてからイギリス流の議院内閣制に移行する方法もあるとして、自説への賛同を求めたが、伊藤はイギリス式かプロシア式かは今決める事ではないとして、岩倉が唱える「大隈追放」にも否定的であった。
    Iwakura asked Ito not to resign and Kowashi INOUE recommended and asked for the approval of the plan to switch to parliamentary Cabinet system from England after stabilizing state infrastructure; however, Ito didn't made a decision on whether to adopt England style or Prussia style and did not agree with banishment of Okuma, either.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治十四年の政変(めいじじゅうよねんのせいへん)は、1881年(明治14年)自由民権運動の流れの中、憲法定論議が高まり、政府内でも君主大権を残すビスマルク憲法かイギリス型の議院内閣制の憲法とするかで争われ、前者を支持する伊藤博文が、後者を支持する大隈重信を政府から追放した政治事件をさす。
    Meiji juyonen no seihen (the failed Meiji-14 coup of 1881) is a politically-motivated incident, which occurred during movement of the Freedom and People's Rights and dispute regarding creation of a constitution in government, especially between Hirobumi ITO, who recommended Bismarck's constitution, which preserves the royal prerogative and Shigenobu OKUMA, who recommended constitution from England, which has parliamentary system of government, as a result of the incident in which Shigenobu OKUMA was banned from government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なぜなら、自由民権派が求めるようなイギリスの議院内閣制そのものは否定して天皇の権威の絶対化を目指すものの、同時にドイツ帝国の体は皇帝の権限が強すぎるためにそのまま導入した場合、当時明治天皇からの信任が厚かった宮中保守派(中正派)が求める「天皇親政」への道を開き兼ねないとというジレンマがあったからである。
    This was because there was the following dilemma behind this background; while the British parliamentary cabinet system itself demanded by the group of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement was denied and the absolutization of the Emperor's power was aimed, the direct introduction of the German Empire's system could lead to 'the direct rule by the emperor,' which was demanded by the conservatives in the Imperial Court who had gained the confidence of the Emperor Meiji at the time, because the authorization of the Emperor under the German Empire's system was so strong.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 議院内閣制の下での政治のリーダーシップの話と官僚組織としての組織運営体の話と、これは必ずしも一括では議論できない問題ではないか、とこんなふうに思うわけでありますが、いずれにしてもこれは任命権者の総理がお決めになることでありますし、まさにそこの中でどういう運営がなされるかということで評価される問題だと思っております。
    I think that the issue of the political leadership under the parliamentary cabinet system and the issue of the organizational management of bureaucracy should not necessarily be considered in the same light. In any case, this is an issue that should be decided by the Prime Minister, who has the authority to appoint cabinet ministers. Judgment should be made in light of how the management is conducted.  - 金融庁
  • 一 司法修習生となる資格を得た後に簡易裁判所判事、検察官、裁判所調査官、裁判所事務官、法務事務官、司法研修所、裁判所職員総合研修所若しくは法務省設置法(平成十一年法律第九十三号)第四条第三十六号若しくは第三十八号の事務をつかさどる機関で政令で定めるものの教官、衆議院若しくは参議院の議員若しくは法局参事、内閣局参事官又は学校教育法(昭和二十二年法律第二十六号)による大学で法律学を研究する大学院の置かれているものの法律学を研究する学部、専攻科若しくは大学院における法律学の教授若しくは准教授の職に在つた期間が通算して五年以上になること。
    (i) After acquiring the qualification to become a legal apprentice, to have served, in total, not less than five years as a judge of a summary court, a public prosecutor, a research law clerk, a court administrative official, a law official of the Ministry of Justice, an instructor at the Legal Training and Research Institute, the Research and Training Institute for Court Officials or government organ, as prescribed by Cabinet Order, in charge of the practices set forth in items (xxxvi) or (xxxviii) of Article 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Justice (Act No. 93 of 1999), a member of the House of Representatives or of the House of Councilors or a councilor (Sanji-kan) of the Legislative Bureau of the House of Representatives or of the House of Councilors, a councilor (Sanji-kan) of the Legislative Bureau of the Cabinet, or as a professor or associate professor of law at a department, major course or graduate school for the study of law at a university as stipulated by the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947) that has a graduate school for the study of law;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
