
  • 豪胆でみずから恃むところ多く、中華趣味をもっており、中国語にも堪能だったという。
    He was daring and built on his own capability, and he was interested in Chinese taste and fluent in Chinese language.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都の鳥羽伏見の戦いでは、決死隊を募り官軍の銃弾に対して刀一つで突撃する豪胆さも見せた。
    In the Battle of Toba-Fushimi at Kyoto, NAGAKURA showed his courage by leading members of a suicide squad and charging with a sword against the bullet-firing imperial army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このような豪胆で激しい性格の一方で、娘を義経に嫁がせて地位の保全を図るなど、目的のためには手段を選ばない冷徹な資質も持ち合わせていた。
    He was of such strong nerve and had a violent temper on one hand, and on the other hand had coolheadedness to consider that the end justifies the means, as shown by, for example, his attempt to maintain his position by making his daughter marry Yoshitsune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • まだ世子であった頃、表面的に家臣としての立場を守り潜在的な緊張関係を保ってきた主筋の「織田大和守家」の支配する清洲城下に数騎で火を放つなど、父・信秀も寝耳に水の行動をとり、豪胆さを早くから見せた。
    When he was still a young heir, he had often shown daring performances which astonished his father Nobuhide, for example, he put the town on fire near the Kiyosu-jo Castle which was controlled by his master 'the Oda Yamato no Kami family' with which the Oda clan superficially had kept the position as a vassal and subconsciously strained relations, with a few mounted warriors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、第二十五話「丹波守平貞盛、児ノ肝ヲ取リシ語」の、妊婦の腹を裂き胎児の肝を得て自分の矢傷の治療をし、その秘密を守るため治療法を伝授した医師の殺害を企てた、という逸話とが述べられ、豪胆な人物に記述されている。
    In addition, his daring character is also introduced in the episode 25th titled "The story of Tanba no Kami (the governor of Tanba Province) TAIRA no Sadamori, who extracted the internal organs of an unborn baby" by a story that Sadamori not only cut open the belly of a pregnant woman to get her unborn baby's internal organs for the treatment of his arrow wound, but also plotted to kill the doctor who taught him the remedy for fear that such a cruel conduct would come to light.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
