
  • さらに37年橋本忍の脚本を得、自身でも「自作の中で最も密度が高い」と語した初の時代劇「切」でカンヌ国際映画祭審査員特別賞を受賞。
    Moreover, in 1962, his first period drama 'Seppuku' by Shinobu HASHIMOTO's, which he himself described as 'the densest among my films' received a Jury Special Prize at the Cannes International Film Festival.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 王の文字はマサカリの象形文字で、掛け姿は鍛冶を象徴することから、いち早く鉄文化を手に入れた族というものである。
    It says that the character 王 (king) is a hieroglyphic character representing a war ax and the figure with a bib symbolizes a blacksmith and, therefore, it was a powerful clan that was among the first to introduce the use of iron forging.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、第二十五話「丹波守平貞盛、児ノ肝ヲ取リシ語」の、妊婦のを裂き胎児の肝を得て自分の矢傷の治療をし、その秘密を守るため治療法を伝授した医師の殺害を企てた、という逸話とが述べられ、胆な人物に記述されている。
    In addition, his daring character is also introduced in the episode 25th titled "The story of Tanba no Kami (the governor of Tanba Province) TAIRA no Sadamori, who extracted the internal organs of an unborn baby" by a story that Sadamori not only cut open the belly of a pregnant woman to get her unborn baby's internal organs for the treatment of his arrow wound, but also plotted to kill the doctor who taught him the remedy for fear that such a cruel conduct would come to light.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
