
  • 財界人という立場の
    a person in the financial world  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 彼らはその財界人を抑制した
    They kneecapped the industrialist  - 日本語WordNet
  • そのお客には,政財界の要や文化がいる。
    Its customers have included important people in the political and business worlds and people of culture.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 財界人として彼の後半生は順風満帆だった.
    In his latter life, he had exceedingly smooth sailing as a financier.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 堤氏は政財界に強力な脈を持っている。
    Tsutsumi has strong personal connections in the political and business world.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 氏は財界の指導者としての役割を最後まで演じたであった.
    He played out his part as a leader of the financial world.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 当時の満州国の軍・官・財界の実力者5の弐キ参スケの1とされた。
    He was one of the five leaders called 'Nikisansuke,' who were considered as influential in the worlds of military, government, and business in Manchukuo at that time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 沿道は住宅街で、京都財界の著名が居を構えたこともあった。
    The area along Shimogamo Nishi-dori Street is a residential area and some celebrities in the business and financial world of Kyoto used to live there.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 現在の京都の政財界において、歴代京都府知事の中で北垣を高く評価する々が多い。
    Kitagaki is highly regarded, among successive governors of Kyoto Prefecture, by many political or business leaders of today's Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2006年現在では国立大学法財界団体もふくめ、55団体が加盟する組織体となっている。
    As of 2006, 55 organizations including national university corporations and business associations are members.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2が名古屋市内で住んだ邸宅は「二葉御殿」と呼ばれ、政財界など各方面の著名が集うサロンとなった。
    Their residence in Nagoya City was called 'Futaba Goten' and became a salon where many famous people from various fields, including politics and finances, gathered.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それにより、1987年(昭和62年)、芸妓出入りの料理屋や財界人の出資により「柳都振興株式会社」が設立された。
    In 1987, 'Ryuto Shinko Corporation' funded by restaurants where geigi regularly came to work and some business leaders was established.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 努力の甲斐あって有力財界人の関心を呼び、茶道を女子教育の必須科目として組み込むことに成功した。
    It was worth his effort for he succeeded in grabbing the attention of influential businessmen to incorporate sado as required education for girls.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以後政財界の要が頻繁に興津の西園寺の元を訪れるようになり、「興津詣」(おきつもうで)という言葉が生まれる。
    After that, key figures in the government and business circles frequently visited Saionji in Okitsu, and the term 'Okitsu visits' was born.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 毎日新聞も行き詰った「大阪日報」を伝三郎が大阪財界人に呼びかけ「大阪毎日新聞」として再興したものだ。
    He also established the 'Osaka Mainichi Shinbun' newspaper (now the Mainichi Shinbun) by reorganizing the ailing 'Osaka Nippo.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 父直温は総武鉄道や帝国生命保険の取締役を経て、明治期の財界で重きをなした物。
    His father, Naoharu SHIGA, became an important figure in the Meiji period financial world through serving as the director of Sobu Railway and Teikoku Life Insurance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主に東京府会議員や財界人の支援を受け、3月23日に内務省(日本)から設立許可を受けた。
    It gained the main support from Tokyo Prefecture Assembly and bussinessmen before being approved for establishment by the prewar Ministry of Home Affairs on March 23.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 関西の茶財界人の引き立てを受けて名声を高め、来阪する内外の要をもてなすのに欠かせない高級料亭となる。
    The restaurant's fame rose, as chajin (master of tea ceremony) and businessmen in Kansai patronized the restaurant, it established itself as a high-class Japanese style restaurant essential to entertaining very important persons in and outside of Japan who visited Osaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この莫大な費用からしてみてもだれでも旦那様になれるわけではなく必然的にその土地の財界人やトップクラスの企業の経営者などで多額の金銭をポケットマネーでまかなえる物あった。
    Given these exorbitant costs, not everyone could become danna-sama and, as a necessity, a person who would become danna-sama has to be among the business leaders of the area or one of the top executives of major corporations who had a monetary means to be able to afford such large expenses.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお近代になって財界人の間で茶の湯が流行するが、こうした茶達は多くの名物道具の収集を行っており、その様が桃山時代の数寄者に似るところから「近代数寄者」と呼ばれる。
    Furthermore, chanoyu became popular amongst the business leaders in the modern times, but these chajins (masters of the tea ceremony) usually collect many special utensils; being similar to the sukimonos of the Momoyama period, they are called 'the modern sukimonos.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 徳富蘇峰主宰の碧巌会の講師をつとめ、政・財界、夏目漱石居士ら知識への講義・指導を通じて多くの信奉者をもった。
    He was a lecturer at Hekigan-kai organized by Soho TOKUTOMI, and had many followers through lectures and instructions for the political and financial circles as well as for intellectuals including Soseki NATSUME as a Buddhist layman.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • したがって利用客は、主に各地の政治家、強大な企業の経営者、名の通った財界人らごく一部に限られ、それらの面々が各種接待や会合を行ってきた。
    Therefore, the customers were limited mainly to the very few VIP such as politicians in various places, managers of powerful enterprise, famous financiers; various receptions and gatherings were held for such VIPs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 特に東京吉兆の「銀座店」や「ホテル西洋銀座店」、大阪の本吉兆高麗橋店、京都吉兆嵐山店などは、政財界有力者や外国要の接待で利用されることが多い。
    In particular, the 'Ginza shop' and 'Hotel Seiyo Ginza shop' operated by Tokyo Kitcho, Koraibashi shop operated by Honkitcho in Osaka, and Arashiyama shop operated by Kyoto Kitcho are often used to entertain influential people in politics and business, as well as foreign VIPs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本の政財界の中にも、朝鮮の近代化は隣国として利益となる面も大きいと考え、積極的な支援を惜しまない々が現れ、改革の土台が出来上がっていった。
    Some people in the Japanese political and financial worlds found the modernization of Korea more valuable as a neighbor and came to provide positive support, and this formed the foundation of reform.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 洋画の需要が最も少なかった時代、政財界人につてを求めて肖像画をかかせてもらったりすることがなく、むしろ日本赤十字社歴史により昭憲皇太后の肖像画を描く最終候補者3の1に選ばれながら辞退した(金500円)。
    When the demand for Western-style paintings was at its lowest, he did not ask politicians nor business persons to let him draw their portraits; he even refused to be one of the three finalists in a selection by the Japanese Red Cross Society of a painter to draw a portrait of Empress Dowager Shoken (500 yen).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 中川は政財界の主要物や学界脈から後援を得るとともに、西園寺公望の実弟・末弘威麿らの協力を得て、上京区三本木通にあった料亭「清輝楼(旧・吉田屋)」を間借りして三年制の夜間学校を設立した。
    Nakagawa gained cooperation from Takemaro SUEHIRO, a younger brother of Kinmochi SAIONJI, as well as backing from key figures in the political and business worlds, as well as the network of the academy, and established a three-year night school by taking a room of 'Seikiro (former Yoshidaya),' a restaurant in Sanbongi-dori Street, Kamigyo Ward.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以前までは、企業間の接待や政財界人の利用、官官接待が毎日のように行われてきたが、現在ではほとんど行われなくなったために、全国の料亭は一般に利用しやすい価格にしたり、スタイルを変えたり、様々なプランやイベントを行ったりし、顧客の誘致をしている。
    Before, ryotei were used almost every day by the receptions among enterprises, politicians, financiers and bureaucrats, however, now these receptions are rare, so ryotei nationwide are lowering prices to be reasonable for common people, changing the style, providing various plans and events to attract customers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 前述の野中広務、京都財界のリーダー格であった京都商工会議所会頭塚本幸一(株式会社ワコール代表取締役)等、政治的には対立しながらも魅力的な物であったと著書等で記している。
    Above-mentioned Hiromu NONAKA and Koichi TSUKAMOTO (Representative director of Wacoal Corporation), who was a business leader in Kyoto and the chairman of the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, wrote in their books and writings that Ninagawa was an attractive person even if they conflicted with each other in a political point of view.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後政財界有力者の間で雁金に打たせようという相談がまとまり、1920年3月、細川護立の催しで、1914年に名(囲碁)就位していた秀哉と対戦、13回打掛けで翌年1月30日終局、雁金(先)6目勝。
    Subsequently among people in the political and business world, an idea of having Karigane to play games was arranged, and on March, 1920, as the auspices of Moritatsu HOSOKAWA, he played a match with 13 uchikake (intermissions) against Shuya, who had been ranked as a meijin (Go) in 1914, and the match was finished on January 30, the following year, resulting in Karigane's win (sente or initiative move) by 6 moku (points).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このままでは朝鮮の近代化はおぼつかないと感じた金玉均・朴泳孝・徐載弼らの開化派(独立党)士らは、福澤諭吉や大隈重信をはじめ一足先に近代化を果たした日本の政財界の代表者達に接触し、交流を深めてゆく。
    Ok-gyun KIM, Yong-hyo PAK, and Jae-pil SEO of the Progressive Party (Independent Party), who had doubts about the modernization of Korea under this situation, reached the political and financial leaders of the early-modernized Japan, including Yukichi FUKUZAWA and Shigenobu OKUMA, and deepened exchanges with them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このままでは朝鮮の近代化はおぼつかないと感じた金玉均・朴泳孝・徐載弼らの開化派(独立党)士らは福澤諭吉や大隈重信をはじめ一足先に近代化を果たした日本の政財界の代表者達に接触し、交流を深めてゆく。
    Members of the Korean Progressive group (Independent Party) such as Ok-gyun KIM, Yong-hyo PAK and Jae-pil SEO, who thought that modernization might not be attained if Korea stayed as it was, contacted Yukichi FUKUZAWA, Shigenobu OKUMA and some of the key people in the political and business world in Japan that succeeded in modernization earlier and deepened their friendship.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • おもな例として私立では東武鉄道の根津財閥が武蔵高等学校(旧制)、当代一流の教育家であった沢柳政太郎が成城高等学校(旧制)(現成城学園高等学校)、三菱財閥の岩崎家が成蹊高等学校(旧制)、関西地方の財界人が甲南高等学校(旧制)がある。
    As primary examples, for private schools there are Musashi Koto Gakko (under the old system) of Nezu Zaibatsu (financial conglomerate) of Tobu Railway Co., Ltd., Seijo Koto Gakko (under the old system) (present-day Seijo Gakuen High School) by Masataro SAWAYANAGI who was the foremost educator of the generation, Seikei Koto Gakko (under the old system) by the Iwasaki family of Mitsubishi Zaibatsu, and Konan Koto Gakko (under the old system) by a businessman in the Kansai region,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代の日本最大の豪商、鴻池財閥は、家業以外への進出を禁じた家憲によって、金融業から他の事業へ営業分野の拡大は図らなかったが、明治期以降は同家の名声を欲する財界の要請で、鴻池家が様々な企業の発起となり、大株主として君臨したことから、投資財閥の性格をもっていたとも言える。
    The Konoike zaibatsu, as the wealthiest merchant in Japan during the Edo period, did not expand its business from finance to other fields due to the family rule that prohibited the business expansion to other than the family business; however, it can be said that the Konoike zaibatsu had the characteristics of an investment zaibatsu because the Konoike family ultimately founded various enterprises in response to requests from financial communities that had tried to acquire the family reputation after the Meiji period, and consequently the family had the status of a major shareholder.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、2007年4月から5月にかけての安倍総理の中東5か国(サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、クウェート、カタール、エジプト)公式訪問時にも、180名の経済ミッションが総理に同行し、総理と各国首脳との会談に一部同席したり、訪問先財界人とのビジネスフォーラム等に総理とともに出席し、意見交換を行った。
    An economic mission of about 180 Japanese industry leaders also accompanied the then-Prime Minister Abe when he made official visits to 5 Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and Egypt) in April 2007. The mission attended some of the summit meetings and also some business forums with Prime Minister Abe and exchanged opinions with industry leaders of these countries. - 経済産業省
  • 翌年、教学面での協力を京都帝国大学教授だった織田萬、井上密、岡松参太郎らから得るとともに、学校設立事務については、西田由(朝日生命株式会社専務取締役)、橋本篤(大同生命保険株式会社初代支配)、山下好直(京都府議会議員)、河原林樫一郎(東洋レーヨン常務取締役)、羽室亀太郎(京津電車支配)らの協力を得て、また設立賛助員として京都政財界の大物(内貴仁三郎、浜岡光哲、田中源太郎、中村栄助、雨森菊太郎、高木文平、河原林義男)の力を借り、京都法政学校設立事務所を朝日生命保険株式会社の一角に設置した。
    The next year he obtained teaching support from former professors of Kyoto Imperial University, Yorozu ODA, Hisoka INOUE, Santaro OKAMATSU, as well as Yui Nishida (executive director of the Asahi Seimei Company), Atsushi HASHIMOTO (the first president of Daido Seimei Insurance Company), Yoshinao YAMASHITA (member of the Kyoto Metropolitan Assembly), Kashiichiro KAWARABAYASHI (executive director of Toyo Rayon (Toray)), Kametaro HAMURO (general manager of Keishin Densha) had supported in terms of management for the establishment of the school. Other important people from the realm of Kyoto financial affairs lent their assistance to the school's establishment, including Jinzaburo NAIKI, Koutetsu HAMAOKA, Gentaro TANAKA, Eisuke NAKAMURA, Kikutaro AMEMORI, Bunpei TAKAGI, Yoshio KAWARABAYASHI), and with the help of these people he established the office of Kyoto Hosei School in a corner of the Asahi Seimei Insurance Company.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 翌年、教学面での協力を京都帝国大学教授だった織田萬、井上密、岡松参太郎らから得るとともに、学校設立事務については、西田由(朝日生命株式会社専務取締役)、橋本篤(大同生命保険株式会社初代支配)、山下好直(京都府議会議員)、河原林樫一郎(東洋レーヨン常務取締役)、羽室亀太郎(京津電車支配)らの協力を得て、また設立賛助員として京都政財界の大物(内貴仁三郎、浜岡光哲、田中源太郎、中村栄助、雨森菊太郎、高木文平、河原林義男)の力を借り、京都法政学校設立事務所を朝日生命保険株式会社の一角に設置した。
    The next year, he set up a preparatory office for to establish Kyoto Hosei School within the building of Asahi Life Insurance Company, and received cooperation in educational affairs from ex-professors at Kyoto Imperial University, Yorozu ODA, Hisoka INOUE, and Santaro OKAMATSU among others, cooperation in office procedure to establish the school from Yoshi NISHIDA (Senior managing director, Asahi Life Insurance Company), Atsushi Hashimoto (Directing manager, Daido Life Insurance Company), Yoshinao YAMASHITA (Member of Kyoto Prefectural Assembly), Kashiichiro KAWARABAYASHI (Executive director, Toyo Rayon Co., Ltd.), and Kametaro HAMURO (Directing manager, Keishin Densha (Keishin Electric Tramway), among others, and also received support from prominent figures in the Kyoto business circle (Ninsaburo UCHINUKI, Kotetsu HAMAOKA, Gentaro TANAKA, Eisuke NAKAMURA, Kikutaro AMEMORI, Bunpei TAKAGI, and Yoshio KAWARABAYASHI) as patronage members.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
