
  • 賛成多数.
    The ayes have it.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 賛成多数.
    The ayes have it.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 賛成多数
    The ayes have it.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 賛成者が多数だ.
    The ayes have it.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 多数が彼に賛成だった。
    The majority was for him. - Tatoeba例文
  • 賛成多数により可決
    The ayes have it. - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • 賛成多数により可決いたしました
    The ayes have it. - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • 多数が彼に賛成だった。
    The majority was for him.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 議案は 120 票対 70 票の賛成多数で通過した.
    The bill was carried [passed] by a majority of 120 to 70.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 議案は大多数賛成を得て議会を通過した
    The bill passed the House with an overwhelming majority in its favour.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 採決は74対26の賛成多数でした。
    The vote was 74 to 26 in favor. - Tatoeba例文
  • その決議案は国連総会で賛成多数で可決された.
    The resolution was carried by a majority when put [submitted] to the U.N. General Assembly.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 議案は 300 票対 100 票の賛成多数で衆議院を通過した.
    The bill passed the House of Representatives by a majority of 300 to 100.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 開発者は集合体として以下の権限を持つ。3:1の賛成多数をもって、この憲章を修正できる。
    Together, the developers may amend this constitution, provided a 3:1 majority is in agreement. - Tatoeba例文
  • 賛成者も反対者も彼らが人々の大多数を代弁すると熱烈に信じている
    both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people  - 日本語WordNet
  • 裁判所の多数賛成する意見(一般に単に「意見」として知られている)
    the opinion joined by a majority of the court (generally known simply as `the opinion')  - 日本語WordNet
  • 開発者は集合体として以下の権限を持つ。3:1の賛成多数をもって、この憲章を修正できる。
    Together, the developers may: Amend this constitution, provided they agree with a 3:1 majority.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • なお、規定があるものは、いずれも過半 数の賛成により決定する(多数決)ものと定めてい る。
    Other BITs provide that the arbitral tribunal may make decisions by majority vote. - 経済産業省
  • 1950年(昭和25年)3月には西舞鶴地区にて住民投票が行われ、賛成7,046票、反対6,070票、棄権4,483票と賛成多数で舞鶴市をふたたび東西に分割する案が決議された。
    In March 1950, a referendum was carried out in the Nishi-Maizuru region resulting in 7,046 votes for, 6,070 against, 4,483 abstention votes, resulting in its ratification.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 8月10日に開かれた市議会で、事実調査するための地方自治法に基づく百条委員会の設置が提案され、賛成多数で可決された。
    The establishment of the investigation commission to investigate the fact based on Article 100 of the Local Autonomy Act was proposed at a city assembly held on August 10, which was approved by a majority.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それを受けて12時30分から開かれた金曜日の衆議院の本会議で、賛成多数でそれが承認されました。
    After this decision, at a plenary session of the House of Representatives that started at 12:30 p.m., the withdrawal of the bills was approved with majority support.  - 金融庁
  • 本日、IMFのクォータと投票権(ボイス)の改革に関する総務会決議が90.6%の賛成多数で採択されたとの知らせを歓迎する。
    I welcome the news that the IMF Governors' resolution on quota and voice reform was adopted today with 90.6% support. - 財務省
  • 多数の用途がありうる中間製品について、下流の排出量を算定しなくてよい場合が示された点は賛成
    As for interim products to be used in multiple purposes, I agree to exclude emissions associated with such products from their downstream processes.  - 経済産業省
  • この計画に対しては、予定地の東側では橋ができると街の活性化につながると賛成する意見がある一方で、西側の先斗町では橋ができて通り道になると街の風情が損なわれると反対する意見が多数を占めていた。
    People on the east side of the planned footbridge are in favor of the plan since the bridge may well energize the area; on the other hand, those in Ponto-cho on the west side are mostly opposed to it, thinking the planned footbridge would crowd the street and destroy the landscape of the town.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 貴族院(日本)議員田村保によって民法商法施行延期法案が貴族院に出され、断行派議員と延期派議員との間でも激しい論戦が繰り広げられたが、同案は圧倒的多数で貴族院を通過、衆議院でも賛成多数で可決するに至りここに民法典論争は決着をみた。
    A bill of postponing the effectuation of the Civil Code and the Commercial Code were submitted by Tamotsu TAMURA, a member of the House of Peers, which caused heated arguments as to whether to carry it out or postpone it, but the bill passed the House of Peers by an overwhelming majority and the House of Representatives by a majority: Finally the Minpoten Ronso saw its settlement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ②最初から過半数の賛成により決定できるとす る協定(通常の多数決)(EEA(議定書33の4 条)、EFTA(附属書T の1条7項)、FTAA (23章24条3項)、CARICOM の仲裁手続(207条7項)、Europe Agreement の仲裁手 続(114条4項)、EC-モロッコ(86条4項)) 我が国のEPA についてみれば、日マレーシア (150条9項)、日シンガポール(144条8項)及び 日フィリピン(154条8項)においては、仲裁廷の 裁定は全員一致で行うよう努めるものとするが過 半数の賛成により決議することもできると規定さ れている。
    (2) A (simple) majority vote is used from the outset (see, for example, EEA Protocol, Article 33-4; EFTA Annex T, Article 1, Paragraph 7; FTAA, Chapter 23, Article 24,Paragraph 3; CARICOM, Arbitration Procedure, Article 207, Paragraph 7; European Agreements Arbitration Procedures, Article 114, Paragraph 4; and EC - Morocco FTA, Article 86, Paragraph 4). Among EPAs entered into by Japan, Japan - Malaysia EPA (Article 150, Paragraph 9), Japan - Singapore EPA (Article 144, Paragraph 8) and Japan - Philippines EPA (Article 154, Paragraph 8)provide that the arbitral tribunal shall attempt to make its decisions by consensus, but may also make such decisions by majority vote should it fail to reach consensus. - 経済産業省
  • 3 前二項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる社員総会の決議は、当該社員総会において議決権を行使することができる社員の議決権の過半数を有する社員が出席し、出席した当該社員の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもって行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の社員の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, resolutions at any of the following general meetings of members shall be made by at least a two-thirds majority (if a higher proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a proportion) of the votes of members attending the meeting, where those members who are in attendance hold the majority of the voting rights of all of the members who are entitled to exercise their voting rights at said general meeting of members. In this case, it shall not be precluded for the articles of incorporation to provide to the effect that the assent of at least a certain number of members is required, nor shall it be precluded for them to provide any other conditions in addition to the relevant conditions for a resolution:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 4 第一項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (4) A resolution of a shareholders meeting set forth in paragraph (1) shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (in cases where a higher proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion or more) of voting rights of the shareholders present when Shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of Shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said shareholders meeting are present. In this case, the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to obtain the consent of a certain number or more of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 2 前項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (2) The resolution of the shareholders meeting set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (in cases where a higher proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of voting rights of the shareholders present when shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by the articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said shareholders meeting are present. In this case, the Stock Company-Type Financial Instruments Exchange Extinguished upon a Consolidation-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to obtain the consent of a certain number or more of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 5 第一項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (5) A resolution of a general meeting of shareholders set forth in paragraph (1) shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (if a larger proportion has been specified by articles of incorporation, such proportion) of votes of the shareholders present when shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said general meeting of shareholders are present. In this case, the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to gain the consent of more than a certain number of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 2 前項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる投資主総会の決議は、発行済投資口の過半数の投資口を有する投資主が出席し、出席した当該投資主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を規約で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の投資主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を規約で定めることを妨げない。
    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, resolutions at the Investors' meetings listed in the following items shall be effected by a majority of two-thirds or more of the votes (in cases where a higher proportion is provided for in the certificate of incorporation, such proportion) of the Investors present at the meeting, where the Investors holding the majority of Issued Investment Equity are present. In this case, it is not precluded that the certificate of incorporation should be provided, in addition to such requirements for resolution, to the effect that the agreement of a certain number or more of the Investors is required or any other requirements:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 5 第一項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (5) A resolution of a general meeting of shareholders set forth in paragraph 1 shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (if a larger proportion has been specified by articles of incorporation, such proportion) of votes of the shareholders present when shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said general meeting of shareholders are present. In this case, the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to gain the consent of more than a certain number of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.  - 経済産業省
  • 2 前項の株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあつては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもつて行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (2) A resolution of a general meeting of shareholders set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds majority (if a larger proportion has been specified by the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of votes of the shareholders present when shareholders holding a majority (if a proportion of one-third or more has been specified by the articles of incorporation, at least such proportion) of the voting rights of shareholders who are entitled to exercise voting rights at said general meeting of shareholders are present. In this case, the Incorporated Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger shall not be precluded from prescribing in its articles of incorporation a requirement to gain the consent of more than a certain number of shareholders or other requirements in addition to the requirement for such resolution.  - 経済産業省
  • 2 前項の規定による承認の決議は、同項の定款の変更が損害を及ぼすおそれのある優先出資社員に係る発行済優先出資の総口数(当該決議が二以上の種類別に区分された優先出資に係る優先出資社員を構成員とする各総会において行われる場合には、当該種類別の各総会の構成員たる優先出資社員に係る発行済優先出資の口数)の過半数に当たる優先出資を有する優先出資社員が出席し、かつ、その議決権の三分の二以上に当たる多数をもって行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の優先出資社員の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (2) The resolution for approval under the preceding paragraph shall be made by at least a two-thirds majority of the votes of Preferred Equity Members attending the general meeting, where those Preferred Equity Members who are in attendance hold the majority of the total number of units of issued Preferred Equity pertaining to Preferred Equity Members who are likely to incur damages as a result of the changes to the articles of incorporation as referred to in that paragraph (in cases where said resolution is to be made at each general meeting for Preferred Equity Members who hold Preferred Equity which is categorized into two or more classes, the total number of units of issued Preferred Equity pertaining to Preferred Equity Members who are the members of the relevant general meeting of each such class). In this case, it shall not be precluded for the articles of incorporation to provide to the effect that the assent of at least a certain number of Preferred Equity Members is required, nor shall it be precluded for them to provide any other conditions in addition to the relevant conditions for a resolution.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 2 前項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる株主総会の決議は、当該株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもって行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the resolutions of the following shareholders meetings shall be made by a majority of two thirds (in cases where a higher proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) or more of the votes of the shareholders present at the meeting where the shareholders holding a majority (in cases where a proportion of one third or more is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion or more) of the votes of the shareholders entitled to exercise their votes at such shareholders meeting are present. In such cases, it is not precluded from providing in the articles of incorporation, in addition to such requirements for resolution, additional requirements including those providing to the effect that the approval of a certain number or more of the shareholders are required:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 2 前項の規定にかかわらず、次に掲げる種類株主総会の決議は、当該種類株主総会において議決権を行使することができる株主の議決権の過半数(三分の一以上の割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合以上)を有する株主が出席し、出席した当該株主の議決権の三分の二(これを上回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上に当たる多数をもって行わなければならない。この場合においては、当該決議の要件に加えて、一定の数以上の株主の賛成を要する旨その他の要件を定款で定めることを妨げない。
    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the resolutions of the following Class Meetings shall be made by a majority of two thirds (in cases where any higher proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) or more of the votes of the shareholders present at the meeting where the shareholders who hold a majority of the votes (in cases where any proportion of one third or more is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion or more) of the shareholders who are entitled to exercise their votes at such Class Meeting are present. In such cases, it is not precluded from providing in the articles of incorporation, in addition to such requirements for resolution, additional requirements including those providing to the effect that the approval of a certain number or more of the shareholders are required:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 一 特定株式(法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る株主総会において議決権を行使することができることを内容とする株式をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の総数に二分の一(当該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該特定株式の議決権の総数の一定の割合以上の議決権を有する株主が出席しなければならない旨の定款の定めがある場合にあっては、当該一定の割合)を乗じて得た数に三分の一(当該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該株主総会に出席した当該特定株主(特定株式の株主をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の有する議決権の総数の一定の割合以上の多数賛成しなければならない旨の定款の定めがある場合にあっては、一から当該一定の割合を減じて得た割合)を乗じて得た数に一を加えた数
    (i) the number adding one to the number obtained by multiplying 1/3 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of a general meeting of shareholders, that a majority of more than a certain rate of the total voting rights held by Specified Shareholders [which means shareholders of Specified Shares (which means shares with the contents that a shareholder can exercise voting rights at a general meeting of shareholders pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph (2) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article] who attend said general meeting of shareholders must agree to the resolution, the rate obtained by subtracting said certain rate from one) by the number obtained by multiplying 1/2 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of said general meeting of shareholders, that shareholders who have more than a certain rate of the total voting rights must attend said general meeting of shareholders, said certain rate) by the total number of Specified Shares;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • 一特定株式(法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る株主総会において議決 権を行使することができることを内容とする株式をいう。以下この条において同じ。) の総数に二分の一(当該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該特定株式の 議決権の総数の一定の割合以上の議決権を有する株主が出席しなければならない旨の 定款の定めがある場合にあっては、当該一定の割合)を乗じて得た数に三分の一(当 該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該株主総会に出席した当該特定株主 (特定株式の株主をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の有する議決権の総数の一定 の割合以上の多数賛成しなければならない旨の定款の定めがある場合にあっては、 一から当該一定の割合を減じて得た割合)を乗じて得た数に一を加えた数
    (i) the number adding one to the number obtained by multiplying 1/3 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of a general meeting of shareholders, that a majority of more than a certain rate of the total voting rights held by specified shareholders [which means shareholders of specified shares of stock (which means shares of stock with the contents that a shareholder can exercise voting rights at a general meeting of shareholders pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph 2 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article] who attend said general meeting of shareholders must agree to the resolution, the rate obtained by subtracting said certain rate from one) by the number obtained by multiplying 1/2 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of said general meeting of shareholders, that shareholders who have more than a certain rate of the total voting rights must attend said general meeting of shareholders, said certain rate) by the total number of specified shares of stock;  - 経済産業省
  • 法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する主務省令で定める数は、次に掲げる数のうちいず れか小さい数とする。 一特定株式(法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る株主総会において議決 権を行使することができることを内容とする株式をいう。以下この条において同じ。) の総数に二分の一(当該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該特定株式の 議決権の総数の一定の割合以上の議決権を有する株主が出席しなければならない旨の 定款の定めがある場合にあっては、当該一定の割合)を乗じて得た数に三分の一(当 該株主総会の決議が成立するための要件として当該株主総会に出席した当該特定株主 (特定株式の株主をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の有する議決権の総数の一定 の割合以上の多数賛成しなければならない旨の定款の定めがある場合にあっては、 一から当該一定の割合を減じて得た割合)を乗じて得た数に一を加えた数 二法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る決議が成立するための要件として 一定の数以上の特定株主の賛成を要する旨の定款の定めがある場合において、特定株 主の総数から吸収合併存続株式会社商品取引所に対して当該行為に反対する旨の通知 をした特定株主の数を減じて得た数が当該一定の数未満となるときにおける当該行為 に反対する旨の通知をした特定株主の有する特定株式の数 三法第百四十四条の七第二項に規定する行為に係る決議が成立するための要件として 前二号の定款の定め以外の定款の定めがある場合において、当該行為に反対する旨の 通知をした特定株主の全部が同項に規定する株主総会において反対したとすれば当該 決議が成立しないときは、当該行為に反対する旨の通知をした特定株主の有する特定 株式の数
    The number specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 144-7, paragraph 2 of the Act shall be the smallest number among those listed as follows: (i) the number adding one to the number obtained by multiplying 1/3 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of a general meeting of shareholders, that a majority of more than a certain rate of the total voting rights held by specified shareholders [which means shareholders of specified shares of stock (which means shares of stock with the contents that a shareholder can exercise voting rights at a general meeting of shareholders pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph 2 of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article] who attend said general meeting of shareholders must agree to the resolution, the rate obtained by subtracting said certain rate from one) by the number obtained by multiplying 1/2 (in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for concluding a resolution of said general meeting of shareholders, that shareholders who have more than a certain rate of the total voting rights must attend said general meeting of shareholders, said certain rate) by the total number of specified shares of stock; (ii) in the case where the articles of incorporation define, as a requirement for - 102 - concluding a resolution pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph 2 of the Act, that more than a certain number of specified shareholders must agree to the resolution, and when the number obtained by subtracting the number of specified shareholders, who had notified to a Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger that they would disagree with said action, from the total number of specified shareholders is less than said certain number, the number of specified shares of stock held by said specified shareholders who had notified that they would disagree with said action; (iii) in the case where the articles of incorporation have provisions other than those set forth in the preceding two items as a requirement for concluding a resolution pertaining to actions prescribed in Article 144-7, paragraph 2 of the Act, and when said resolution is not concluded if all the specified shareholders who had notified that they would disagree with said action disagree with the resolution at a general meeting of shareholders prescribed in the same paragraph, the number of specified shares of stock held by specified shareholders who had notified that they would disagree with said action; (iv) the number specified by the articles of incorporation.  - 経済産業省
