赤と緑を混同する色盲 a colour blindness in which a person cannot distinguish between red and green
- EDR日英対訳辞書
赤色盲という,赤と緑の区別がつかない目の先天異常 a birth defect in which the eye cannot distinguish between red and green, called red blindness
- EDR日英対訳辞書
赤緑色盲と血友病の遺伝子は Y 染色体の上にあるので, その形質は女性に現われず, キャリアである女性から男の子供にのみ遺伝する. The genes for red‐green color‐blindness and hemophilia are carried on the Y chromosome, and these characteristics do not therefore appear in females, but are transmitted by a female carrier to her male children only. - 研究社 新和英中辞典