
  • そのお礼に小麦粉を水で溶いて薄く伸ばしたものを熱した銅鑼に引き、丸く焼いた生地であんこを包み、振舞ったことが源。
    To show his gratitude, he mixed flour and water, spread it thinly over a hot Chinese gong and used the round baked cake to wrap bean paste and this was the origin of Dorayaki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古くは寺社などの神託を受けて商品ではなく縁物を振舞うことを生業とし、その謝意として祝儀を受け取る祭りには欠かせない、職である。
    The Lotus Leaf Trade were businesses that were asked by shrines and temples to sell holy good luck charms, rather than merchandise, receiving in return gifts of gratitude, and as such were indispensible for festivals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • -祭り矢・祭り弓を源とし、江戸時代には市や縁日が立つ参道や境内、門前町で出店や夜店として、弓矢を使い的に当て、的の位置や種類により、商品や賞金が振舞われ、庶民はこれを縁担ぎとして楽しんだ。
    It originates from matsuriya and matsuriyumi, for in the Edo period common people enjoyed, as superstition, aiming at targets with a bow and arrows and were given prizes and prize money according to the position and type of targets on an approach to the temple where a fair or festival was held and at stands and yomise (night stall) in temple grounds and Monzen-machi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
