
  • 花嫁が輿入れする
    The bride enters the bridegroom's home.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 彼女は山本家から輿入れした.
    She came as a bride from the Yamamoto family.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 1563年、元親25歳の時に土佐へ輿入れする。
    In 1563, when Motochika was 25, she married and went to Tosa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その際、信長は妹・お市の方を輿入れさせた。
    At this time, Nobunaga had his sister Oichi no kata married.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このころ、正室玉雲院稲葉氏が輿入れしている。
    Around this time, Gyokuunin from the Inaba clan married into his family and became his lawful wife.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 娘が二人の大王に輿入れしたとは到底考えられない。
    In conclusion, it is hard to believe that two of his daughters married two of the Emperors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして同年の7月に次女の三条の方が晴信の元へ輿入れした。
    In July of the same year, his second daughter Sanjo no Kata married Harunobu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文化(元号)4年(1807年〉に加賀藩十二代藩主前田斉広に輿入れする。
    In 1807, she married into the 12th lord of Kaga Domain, Narinaga MAEDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 凶日であるとして反対する周囲を押し切っての輿入れだった。
    They were married on the black-letter day despite the objections of others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2代藩主松平忠直が将軍家より輿入れした正室に斬りかかり乱心として配流された。
    Tadanao MATSUDAIRA, the second lord of Echizen Domain, was exiled because he tried to kill his wife, who married from the Shogun family into the MATSUDAIRA family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 毎年3月3日の桃の節句の折には勢津子が実家からお輿入れした際持ち込んだ雛人形を宮邸に飾った。
    On the Peach Festival (also known as the Girls' Festival) celebrated every year on March 3, Setsuko displayed the hina dolls (dolls displayed at the Girls' Festival), which she brought with her from her family home when she married into the Imperial family, in the Imperial Palace.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政子は山木の邸へ輿入れさせられようとするが、屋敷を抜け出した政子は山を一つ越え、頼朝の元へ走ったという。
    Refusing to be forced into a marriage with YAMAKI, Masako is said to have walked over a mountain to escape to Yoritomo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 輿入れした1563年はまだ美濃国は斎藤龍興の領地であり、光秀は浪人として他国を放浪していた。
    When the wedding took place in 1563, Mino Province was still a territory of Tatsuoki SAITO, and Mitsuhide was still wandering throughout other provinces as a ronin(masterless samurai).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、『軍鑑』では輿入れの記事も見られ、晴信の元服と官位も今川氏の斡旋があり勅使は三条公頼としている。
    The article on the marriage was contained in "Gunkan" where it mentioned that Harunobu's Genpuku as well as his official court ranks were fixed by the Imagawa clan, and the Imperial envoy at the time was said to be Kinyori SANJO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、外交方針を転換して、妹の菊姫を景勝に輿入れさせ、景勝の支持にまわった(甲越同盟)。
    But he changed his diplomatic policies and shifted to support Kagekatsu (the Koetsu Alliance (an alliance between the Takeda clan in Kai Province and the Uesugi clan in Echigo Province)) by marrying his daughter Kikuhime off to Kagekatsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家斉の娘・和姫が毛利斉広に輿入れする際に、姉小路は大上臈として和姫に従い毛利家江戸屋敷に入る。
    When Kazuhime (Ienari 's daughter) was married into Narito MORI, Anegakoji followed Kazuhime and entered the Mori family 's residence in Edo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後5月24日に再び橋本邸へ戻った後、安政7年(1860年)2月23日に桂御所へ移居し、和宮の輿入れとともに江戸へ向かう。
    Thereafter she returned to Hashimoto's residence again on May 24, but then on on February 23, 1860, she moved into the Katsura Imperial Palace and headed towards Edo with Princess Kazunomiya's marriage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主に有職故実に長けた京の公家出身の女中がこの役職に就くことが多く、彼女たちのほとんどは御台所や御簾中の輿入れに伴って奥入りしたと考えられている。
    Many of the women who rose to the position came from noble families of Kyo and were well-versed in court protocols, laws and special events and are believed to have accompanies the bride to wed the shogun and live in the Edo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時、津和野藩主坂崎直盛が輿入れの行列を襲って千姫を強奪する計画を立てていることが発覚し、直盛は自害(もしくは家臣により殺害)、坂崎氏は改易処分となった(千姫事件)。
    A plot was discovered at the time of her marriage, in which Naomori SAKAZAKI, the lord of Tsuwano Domain, planned to attack Senhime's marriage procession to abduct her. As a result, Naomori committed suicide (or was killed by his retainers) and the Sakazaki clan was deprived of their samurai status along with their territory (Senhime incident).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文政8年(1825年)に江戸より輿入れした忠熙の正室・郁姫(島津斉宣娘、島津斉興養女)やお付の上臈・幾島とは折り合いが悪かったと言われている。
    It is said that she was not on good terms with Tadahiro's legal wife, Ikuhime (who was a daughter of Narinobu SHIMAZU and an adopted daughter of Narioki SHIMAZU) and with Ikushima, Ikuhime's attendant and joro (high rank woman servant in the Imperial Court).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 輿入れの際には元親が京都へ上洛したと言われている(山科言継の「言継卿記」に、石谷頼辰の紹介で長宗我部氏が上洛と記載有り)。
    At the time of the wedding, it is said that Motochika went to Kyoto (there is an article in the 'Tokitsugu Kyoki' by Tokitsugu YAMASHINA, stating that people of the Chosokabe clan went to Kyoto with an introduction from Yoritatsu ISHIGAI.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家光の結婚相手としては黒田長政の娘との噂もあったが、元和9年(1623年)8月には摂家鷹司家から鷹司孝子が江戸へ下り、同年12月には正式に輿入れする。
    At first, the daughter of Nagamasa KURODA was reported as Iemochi's marriage partner, but in August of 1623, Takako TAKATSUKASA of the Takatsukasa family (a line of regents and advisers) came down to Edo, and in December of the same year she was married into the Tokugawa family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、稲葉山城に引き続き居住していたとしても、両親の住む鷺山城から輿入れの出立をしたとも考えられ、それにちなんで「鷺山殿」と呼ばれたと考えれば辻褄が合う。
    Another possible reason it would make sense for her to be called 'Sagiyama-dono' is that her marriage procession may have departed from Sagiyama-jo Castle where her parents lived even after she continued to live at Inabayama-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 姉小路は、文化(元号)元年(1804年)に将軍家継嗣・家慶の御簾中として輿入れした喬子女王付の小上臈として西ノ丸大奥に入った。
    Anegakoji entered the Nishi no Maru O-oku as a little Joro attending the lady lord Takako, who was married into the shogunate family as the successor Ieyoshi's legal wife in 1804.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文化(元号)元年(1804年)に将軍家継嗣・徳川家慶の御簾中として輿入れした有栖川宮家の喬子女王付の小上臈として西ノ丸大奥に入った。
    In 1804, she was housed in O-oku of nishi no maru (a castle compound to the west of the main compound) as kojoro (certain daughters or granddaughters of daijin [the Ministers of State], nagon [the Counselors], and sangi [the Consultants] and other kugyo [senior nobles]) serving princess Takako, who had married into the Arisugawanomiya family as gorenju (title of honor for legal wife of aristocrat as daijin, cabinet minister and kugyo, court noble) of Ieyoshi TOKUGAWA, the heir of the Shogun family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ちなみに幕府から給金を支給されていた女中たちすべてを「大奥女中」と言い、実際には将軍家の姫君の輿入れ先や息子の養子先の大名家にも存在していたという。
    All jochu who received a salary from the government were called "O-oku jochu" and it is said that O-oku jochu were also in families into which the shogun's daughters married, and to whom the shogun's sons were adopted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 御台所は、公家・宮家・天皇家から迎えるのが慣例となっていた(例外は、11代将軍徳川家斉御台所・広大院と天璋院の2人で、どちらも島津家出身であったが、近衛家に養女となった上で輿入れした)。
    Generally, a midaidokoro came from a court noble family, a house of an imperial prince or the Imperial family (there were two exceptions, Kodaiin and Tenshoin, midaidokoro of the 11th Shogun Ienari TOKUGAWA, although they came from the Shimazu family, they were adopted by the house of Konoe, and then married with the shogun).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、輿入れ前の天文17年(1548年)に父・斎藤道三が鷺山城を隠居所として移り住んでおり、濃姫と同腹の弟と考えられている斎藤孫四郎と斎藤喜平次も稲葉山城に居住していなかった事が明らかであるため、濃姫も道三と共に鷺山城に移り住んだ可能性がある。
    But it is also possible that she moved into Sagiyama-jo Castle before her marriage in 1548 with her father Dosan SAITO who used the castle as his retreat for his old age, because it is also clear that Nohime and Magoshiro SAITO and Kiheiji SAITO, who are considered to be her younger brothers, lived at Inabayama-jo Castle at the time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
