
  • 哲郎『土』(1931年)
    "Climate and Culture" by Tetsuro WATSUJI (1931)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このころに「水辺の景を表す」という現代の茶屋を意味づける特徴も固定化された。
    At that time the 'depiction of water scenery' that features the present-day Chayatsuji was also fixed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 石川県の金沢市には正月に色とりどりの占煎餅を、縁起物として家族で楽しむ習があり、現在も和菓子店における占の製作景は、年末恒例の物詩となっている。
    In Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, there is a custom that the whole family enjoy colorful tsujiura-senbei as good lucky charms, and even now the scene of tsujiura production in Japanese sweets shops is a special feature at the year end.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『甲子夜話』第1巻には、「神祖駿府御在城の内、江戸にて御旗本等の若者、頻りに切して人民の歎きに及ぶよし聞ゆ。(省略)所々切の聞専ら聞え候、それを召捕候ほどの者なきは、武辺薄く成り行き候事と思召候。いづれも心掛切の者召捕へと御諚のよし申伝へしかば、其のまま切止みけるとぞ」とある。
    The 1st volume of "Kasshi Yawa" said, 'It has been said that, while Ieyasu TOKUGAWA was at the Shinpu-jo Castle, young individuals such as bakufu hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu) in Edo frequently committed tsujigiri and citizens were mourning the situation. (snip) Although rumors of tsujigiri occurring were occasionally heard, there was no one to capture them and it appeared that there were less and less individuals who were skilled in martial arts. (snip) Those who were at a high official rank announced that everyone should keep in mind that they must capture those who committed tsujigiri so that tsujigiri would stop in the end.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 公共の場所、特に人の集まりやすいや河原などに立て札を立て、主に世相を刺した狂歌を匿名で公開する。
    In public places, especially intersections and riversides where people easily gathered, notices would be put up, publishing anonymously written kyoka (lit. mad poems) that generally satirized current events.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 5代中田疎軒は近江国堅田の氏から養子になった人で、多くの門人があり幕末の京都茶道界で一世を靡した。
    The fifth head, Soken NAKATA, was an adopted son who came from the Tsuji clan of Katata, Omi Province, and as he had many Monjin he dominated the tea ceremony community of Kyoto at the end of the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • NHK大河ドラマ平成18年『功名が(NHK大河ドラマ)』・平成19年『林火山(NHK大河ドラマ)』の能楽指導。
    He undertook the teaching of Nogaku (the art of Noh) for NHK Taiga-dorama (NHK Historical Drama) "Komyogatsuji (Crossroads of a great achievement)" in 2006 and NHK Taiga-dorama (NHK Historical Drama) "Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan (as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and as immovable as the mountain)" in 2005.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の曲がり角で、かれは自分の名刺をオール・アウトドア・マンションの執僕を務める北に手渡す。
    At the corners of four streets he hands his pasteboard to the North Wind, footman of the mansion of All Outdoors,  - O Henry『警官と賛美歌』
  • 日本における木造仏像彫刻の古例として貴重であるとともに、大正時代以降、和哲郎の『古寺巡礼』、亀井勝一郎の『大和古寺物誌』などの書物で紹介され著名になった。
    It is valued as an old example of wooden Buddhist sculptures in Japan; after the Taisho period, it was introduced in writings such as "Koji Junrei" (A pilgrimage to ancient temples) by Tetsuro WATSUJI and "Yamato Koji Fubutsushi" (Pilgrimage to the ancient temples of Yamato) by Katsuichiro KAMEI and became well-known.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 治承四年(1180)四月、中御門大路と東京極大路の交差点付近(現在の京都市上京区松蔭町、京都市歴史資料館の辺りか)で大きな竜巻(長明は『辻風』と記述)が発生した。
    In April 1180, a big tornado (a "whirlwind," according to Chomei) occurred near the crossroads of Nakamikado-oji Street and Higashikyogoku-oji Street (near the present Matsukagecho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City and the Kyoto City Museum of Historical Materials).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、現在の帷子ノから西北西(嵯峨野の北西、奥嵯峨)に位置する化野(あだしの)は鳥辺野、蓮台野とともに古来の葬の地、葬送の地として知られる。
    In addition, 'Adashino' located in the west northwest of present-day Katabira no tsuji (Okusaga located in the northwest of Sagano) is known as a place for funeral or a place for an ancient ritual, 'fuso' (funeral rite where the dead body is exposed to the wind until it is eroded completely).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元和(日本)5年(1619年)9月18日、後水尾天皇の典侍・四与津子が皇女梅宮(文智女王)を生み、宮中の紀の乱れ(およつ御寮人事件)の責任をとり、徳川秀忠によって丹波国篠山に流罪される。
    On September 18, 1619, held responsible for the moral decline in the imperial court that followed the Oyotsu-Goryonin incident, where Yotsuko YOTSUTSUJI, a Naishi (lady-in-waiting) of Emperor Gomizuno-o, gave birth to Princess Umemiya (Princess Bunchi), Atsufusa was banished by Hidetada TOKUGAWA (the second Tokugawa shogun) to Sasayama, Tanba Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亡くなる直前まで、最新作として山田太郎作の『幻燈馬車』の映画化を構想し、配役は仲代達矢、真田広之、緒形拳ら、音楽は山下洋輔と決まり、シナリオを練っていたが、果たせなかった。
    Until the last minute of his death, he had an idea to film "Gento Tsujibasha" (Magic lantern stage carriage) by Futaro YAMADA as his newest film, for which he had already decided to cast Tatsuya NAKADAI, Hiroyuki SANADA, and Ken OGATA among others, with music by Yosuke YAMASHITA, and he was developing the script, but the film was never realized.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 哲郎(わつじてつろう、1889年3月1日-1960年12月26日)は、『古寺巡礼』『土』などの著作で知られる日本の哲学者、倫理学者、文化史家、日本思想史家。
    Tetsuro WATSUJI (March 1, 1889 - December 26, 1960) was a Japanese philosopher, ethicist, cultural historian, and scholar of Japanese history of ideas who was well known for his literary works such as "Koji Junrei" (A Pilgrimage to Ancient Temples) and "Fudo" (Climate and Culture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1月30日(当時の感覚でいえば、「正月晦日」)の未明、賀茂川東側の宮川町団栗子(現在の京都市東山区宮川筋付近)の空家から出火、折からの強に乗って南は五条通にまで達し、更に火の粉が鴨川対岸の寺町通に燃え移って洛中に飛び火した。
    In the early dawn of March 7 (January 30 in old lunar calendar which is a day called Shogatsu Misoka at the time), a fire broke out at an unoccupied house in Donguri no Zushi in Miyagawa Town on the eastern side of Kamo-gawa River (in the vicinity of modern-day Miyagawasuji, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City) and was carried south by strong winds to Gojo-dori Street while sparks also spread to Teramachi-dori Street on the opposite side of Kamo-gawa river and throughout central Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 松井家の二天一流師範である豊田景英が著した武蔵の伝記『二天記』には、大和国・奈良の宝蔵院流槍術の使い手奥蔵院日栄、伊賀国の鎖鎌の使い手宍戸某、江戸の柳生新陰流の大瀬戸隼人と辻風左馬助等との試合を記しているが、『二天記』の原史料である『武公伝』に記載が無く、また、他にそれを裏付ける史料が無いことから史的事実ではないと考えられている。
    A Musashi's biography "Niten-ki," written by Kagehide TOYOTA, an instructor of Niten Ichi-ryu Heiho in the Matsui family, describes many fights including a fight with Nichiei OKUZOIN, a master of Hozoin-ryu School of So-jutsu (art of spear) from Nara of Yamato Province, a fight with Shishido, a master of kusarigama (chained scythes) from Iga Province, fights with Hayato OSETO and Samanosuke TSUJIKAZE, masters of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu School from Edo; however, the information on those fights is not found in "Buko-den" on which Kagehide based, and there is no material to support the tales as well, therefore, presumably, those fights are not historical facts.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
