
  • まちがいなく探偵を追ってはいたが、ホンコンに着くまでにはまだ数日かかるのだった。
    It was certainly on the way, but as certainly it could not now reach Hong Kong for several days.  - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』
  • 神官もまた満潮に乗って舟を出し(ここで『高砂や...』となる)、松の精を追って住吉に辿り着く
    The priest also sets sail on the high tide (here the famous lines "Takasagoya..." are sung), and arrives at Suminoe after the spirits of the pine trees.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 伊勢人は、ある夜見た霊夢のお告げにしたがい、白馬の後を追って鞍馬山に着くと、そこには毘沙門天を祀る小堂があった。
    Isendo, in accordance with a message revealed to him in a spiritual dream one night, followed a white horse and arrived at Mount Kurama, upon which he saw a small shrine that housed Vaisravana.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 4月27日、一日遅れで桐野利秋が江代に着くと、翌28日に軍議が開かれ、各隊の部署を定め、日を追って順次、各地に配備した。
    Toshiaki KIRINO arrived in Eshiro on April 27, the day after them, then the next day, on the 28th, an army meeting was held to set the department for each company, and arranged them at each place, day by day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
