配偶者の連れ子 a child of your spouse by a former marriage
- 日本語WordNet
連れ子同士の夫婦 the relationship of marriage between a stepbrother and stepsister
- EDR日英対訳辞書
連れ子同士である兄弟 stepbrothers
- EDR日英対訳辞書
トムには連れ子が二人いるんだ。 Tom has two children from a previous marriage. - Tatoeba例文
配偶者の連れ子である娘 a daughter of your spouse by a former marriage
- 日本語WordNet
連れ子同士である兄弟という関係 the kinship relation of stepbrothers
- EDR日英対訳辞書
連れ子と実の子nこれ 全く違うんですってね。 It is totally different from a child of a child with a child. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
妹のさやかは 父親の連れ子なんです。 While my sister sayaka is the child father brought along. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
12年前に失踪した 奥さんの連れ子 She's the child of his wife who disappeared 12 years ago. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
新婚なのに子供?そう・・・息子は父親の連れ子。彼はバツイチというわけだ。 Newly weds but with a child? Yes, that's right - the son is from the father's former marriage. He's been divorced once. - Tatoeba例文
新婚なのに子供?そう・・・息子は父親の連れ子。彼はバツイチというわけだ。 Newly weds but with a child? Yes, that's right - the son is from the father's former marriage. He's been divorced once.
- Tanaka Corpus
三千家(さんせんけ)千利休の後妻の連れ子である千少庵系統の家。 Sansenke: The house of SEN no Shoan, the son of the second wife of SEN no Rikyu
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
後、母の中蒂姫命は安康天皇の皇后に立てられ、眉輪王は連れ子として育てられた。 After this incident, Princess Nakashi, the mother of Prince Mayowa, became the Empress of the Emperor Anko; Prince Mayowa was raised as a step child of the Emperor Anko.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
父は千利休の後妻千宗恩の連れ子千少庵、母は利休の娘お亀である。 His father was Shoan SEN, who was a child from a former marriage of Soon SEN, the second wife of Rikyu SEN, and his mother was Okame, Rikyu's daughter.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
研究者によるとこの女性は石井秩という未亡人で、連れ子(娘)が1人居たという。 According to the researchers, the woman's name was Tsune ISHII and she had a daughter.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
妻は谷崎潤一郎の養女(潤一郎の妻・松子の連れ子)・恵美子。 His wife was Emiko, the adopted daughter of Junichiro TANIZAKI (a child by a former marriage of his wife, Matsuko).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
千利休の後妻の連れ子である千少庵系統の家であり、本家の堺千家に対して傍系に当たる。 They are households descending from SEN no Shoan, who was a child from SEN no Rikyu's second wife's previous marriage, and are all of collateral lineage as opposed to the Sakaisenke which is the honke (head family).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
同3年8月9日(旧暦)(456年9月24日)、天皇は中蒂姫の連れ子眉輪王(まよわのおおきみ)により暗殺された。 In September 24, 456, Emperor Anko was assassinated by Mayowa no Okimi, a child by Nakashihime's former marriage.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
父・少庵が利休の後妻の連れ子だったことから、家督争いをさけるために仏門に入れられたと言われている。 It is said that Sotan was sent to Daitoku-ji Temple in order to avoid conflict concerning the succession of the family estate, because his father Shoan was Rikyu's second wife's son by a previous marriage.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
弟・安康天皇をその連れ子・眉輪王が殺すと、境黒彦皇子は弟・大泊瀬稚武皇子(後の雄略天皇)が皇位を継がんとする企みで殺されそうになった。 When his younger brother, Emperor Anko, was murdered by his own stepchild, Prince Mayowa, Sakai no kurohiko no miko was almost murdered in conspiracy of his younger brother Ohatsuseno wakatakeruno miko (the later Emperor Yuryaku) who was trying to succeed the Imperial Throne.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
九条兼実の娘である中宮九条任子と通親の側室・藤原範子の連れ子で通親の養女であった女御源在子である。 One was Ninshi KUJO, who was a Chugu (second consort of an emperor) and a daughter of Kanezane KUJO and MINAMOTO no Zaishi, who was a Nyogo and a child of previous marriage of FUJIWARA no Noriko (Michichika's concubine) and an adopted daughter of Michichika.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
一方、秀武は自らと同じく日ごろから真衡に不満を持っていた真衡の異母弟の家衡・異父異母弟(家衡の母の連れ子)の清衡に挙兵を促して、真衡の背後を突かせようとした。 On the other hand, Hidetake attempted to attack Sanehira from behind by urging troops to be raised byIehira, younger paternal brother of Sanehira and Kiyohira, younger stepbrother (a child by a previous marriage of Iehira's mother) of Sanehira, who had always been displeased with Sanehira as Hidetake himself had.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
後継者としては先妻宝心妙樹の子である嫡男千道安と、後妻千宗恩の連れ子で娘婿でもある千少庵が有名であるが、この他に娘婿の万代屋宗安、千紹二の名前が挙げられる。 The well known successors to Rikyu were SEN no Doan and SEN no Shoan; the former was a son of Rikyu's first wife Myoju HOSHIN, and the latter was a son between Rikyu's second wife SEN no Soon and her previous husband, and Shoan was also known as a husband of Rikyu's daughter. In addition to them, these two people were also Rikyu's successors: Soan MOZUYA, husband of Rikyu's daughter, and SEN no Shoji.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
三千家は利休の養子となった宗恩の連れ子千少庵の系譜であり、大徳寺の渇食であったその息子千宗旦が還俗して家を再興し、現在の表千家・裏千家の地所である京都の本法寺前に屋敷を構えた。 The three SEN families are the lineage of Shoan, adopted son of Rikyu, and Shoan's son SEN no Sotan, who had served the Daitoku-ji Temple as Kasshiki but returned to secular life and reestablished the SEN family, setting up his residence in front of Honpo-ji Temple in Kyoto, which belongs to the Omotesenke and Urasenke now.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
敵将の嫡男であったので本来は処刑される運命にあったが、母が安倍氏を滅ぼした敵将である清原武則の長男清原武貞に再嫁することになって危うく難をのがれ、連れ子の清衡も清原武貞の養子となった。 He was to be killed as the heir of an enemy warlord, but then allowed to survive because his mother came to remarry KIYOHARA no Takesada, the first son of warlord KIYOHARA no Takenori who had destroyed the Abe clan, and Kiyohira, as her child, was also adopted by KIYOHARA no Takesada.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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