
  • 馬は逸物乗手は名人
    It is Alexander and Bucephalus.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • (埋もれていた人材や逸物を)発見して用いる
    to uncover hiding people or concealed and important things  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 現存しない散逸物語も含め、多くの物語作品が作られたのもこの時期の特徴である。
    This period is also characterized by many tales, including ones which do not exist any more.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 現存する「物語」として認められる作品以外にも、平安時代には様々な「散逸物語」があったと考えられているが、「物語」の語が捉える範囲そのものが現代と違うことに注意を要しよう。
    Other than the works which are currently recognized as 'monogatari,' there seems to have been various 'lost and dispersed monogatari,' but we have to be careful about the difference between the current definition of 'monogatari' and what 'monogatari' meant in those days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 無名草子は散逸物語の研究資料としてのみならず、中世初期に於ける人々の中古文学享受史が伺える貴重な作品である。
    Mumyo Zoshi is a valuable literary work not only for research on scattered and lost tales but also for understanding how people in the early Medieval Period accepted the Heian literature.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『みかきが原』『あさくら』『海人の藻塩火』のごとき散逸物語はいうまでもなく、『夜の寝覚』『浜松中納言物語』のように不完全な姿で伝来する物語の欠巻を補うのに役立ち、『無名草子』と共に中古作り物語の研究資料として貴重。
    This collection is a useful supplement to incomplete extant stories such as "Yoru no nezame" and "Hamamatsu Chunagon Monogatari (The Tale of Hamamatsu Chunagon)," not to mention stories such as "Mikakigahara," "Asakura," and "Amabito no moshiobi" that had been scattered and ultimately lost, and this fact makes Fuyo Wakashu a valuable document for the study of fictional stories in the Middle Ages (the times around the Heian period) together with "Mumyo Zoshi (Story Without a Name)."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
