
  • 遁世者
    a hermit - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 遁世者
    a recluse - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 遁世者
    a solitaire - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 遁世者
    an anchorite - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 遁世者へ深く共感しながら、作は厭世思想を持たない。
    Although identifying with those living in seclusion the author doesn't show a pessimistic view of life.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同朋衆は、将軍に近侍した時宗をなのる僧で、遁世者の系譜をうけつぐものである。
    The Doboshu was the monk that practiced Jishu (one Buddhist sect), and those who passed down the genealogy of those who escaped from the society to practice Buddhism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、教学の面から興福寺の再興に尽力した貞慶や東大寺再興に奔走した重源との親交も深く、特に前との交友は互いが遁世した後も続いた。
    He had been on close terms with Jokei, who worked hard for restoration of Kofuku-ji Temple from the aspect of learning of religious doctrines, and Chogen, who devoted himself to the restoration of Todai-ji Temple; especially, the friendship with the former lasted even after they retired.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その連歌といえば、鎌倉時代中ごろから約百年、御霊の鎮魂の性格を持つ花の下連歌が無縁の遁世者によってひらかれ、好評を博していた。
    Concerning that renga, the Hananomoto-renga (a form of renga), which had the characteristic of quelling the soul of the dead, performed by unrelated people who entered the priesthood, was performed for about a hundred years from the mid-Kamakura period and became popular.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 多量の唐物で飾り付けられているところ、のちに同朋衆にもなっていく遁世者がふたりおかれたところは、最盛期、室町時代のそれをおもわせ、会所の発展の経過を示す好例となっている。
    The fact that many karamono were decorated and the presence of two monks, who would eventually become the Doboshu (monks who performed art, tea, and various duties for shogun or daimyo) were viewed as fine examples indicating the progress of Kaisho development and the most flourishing period of Muromachi period,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行長は本来は学識ある人物だったが、唐の太宗の武の七徳に基づく舞曲「七徳の舞」の内の二つの徳を忘れたことから「五徳の冠」と渾名され、世間に嫌気がさして遁世したという説がある。
    One theory has it that although Yukinaga was basically an educated person, he failed to recall two of the seven virtues described in the dance music named 'Dance of the Seven Virtues' which had followed the seven virtues of the military arts of Emperor Taiso of Tang (Tang Taizong,) thereby being scornfully nicknamed the 'Young man of the Five Virtues,' and therefore he became thoroughly tired of this world and retired to live in seclusion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 爰ニ佐渡判官入道々誉都ヲ落ケル時、我宿所ヘハ定テサモトアル大将ヲ入替、尋常ニ取シタヽメテ、六間ノ会所ニハ大文ノ畳ヲ敷双ベ、本尊・脇絵・花瓶・香炉・鑵子・盆ニ至マデ、一様ニ皆置調ヘテ、書院ニハ羲之ガ草書ノ偈・韓愈ガ文集、眠蔵ニハ、沈ノ枕ニ鈍子ノ宿直物ヲ取副テ置ク、十二間ノ遠待ニハ、鳥・兎・雉・白鳥、三竿ニ懸双ベ、三石入許ナル大筒ニ酒ヲ湛ヘ、遁世者二人留置テ、誰ニテモ此宿所ヘ来ラン人ニ一献ヲ進メヨト、巨細ヲ申置ニケリ
    When Sado hankan (Doyo SASAKI) was defeated, he invited the general to his palace as something of norm, within a kaisho as big as six rooms, a tatami with the enormous family crest was lined up together, and even honzon (the principle image such as Mandala), wakie (scroll), flower vase, incense burner, tea pot, and tray were lined together, and the study room had sanskrit written by Ogishi (Chinese calligrapher), literature written by Kanyu (Confucianism scholar in Korea), sleeping quarter with a pillow smelling of Winter daphne, took the sleeping gear and placed it on donsu (Chinese blanket), and the twelve rooms of the samurai serving far from the lord had hanging birds, rabbits, pheasant, and swan piled up high, and big cylinder that could contain as much as three seki (541 liters) contained sake (Japanese rice wine) and stopped two Buddhist followes, and said, 'try to serve a shot of wine to anyone who visits this lodging.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
