
  • 其国ノ人物ハ都テ日本唐山等ノ人ヨリ壮大ニシテ筋骨モ強シ食量モ大概日本ノ二人ノ食ヲ朝鮮ノ一人ニ充ベシ然レドモ其心機アクマデ遅鈍ニシテ不働也此故ニ太閤ノ征伐ニヨク負タリ (『三国通覧図説』版本6丁)
    The people in that country are all bigger and stronger than Japanese and Chinese, and a Korean usually eats twice as much food as a Japanese; but they are slow and do not work hard, so that they were defeated twice by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI ('Sangoku tsuran zusetsu' [An Illustrated General Survey of Three Countries], woodblock print, page 6)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
