
  • 童心とは経書など外的権威・道徳ぶ以前の純真な心を指し、読書問によってかえって失われるとした。
    The child's mind is the pure mind before learning about morals and external authorities such as the Classics, and he said this is lost through reading and learning.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 基本的には大寮の明経道・紀伝道で採用されている書物が教科書として用いられたが、『群書治要』や『老子道徳経』・『荘子(書物)』・『白氏文集』・『貞観政要』・『世説新語』などそれ以外の講義も広く行われていた。
    The textbooks used were same as those used at Myogyodo and Kidendo of the Daigaku-ryo, but additional lectures were also given on "Gunsyochiyo," "Roshi Dotokukyo," "Soshi," "Hakushimonju," "Joganseiyo," "Sesetsushingo," etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 非宗教説は、敬神を国民の義務とし、この義務は道徳の範疇にあるので、神社・軍隊・校・官公庁などにおける敬神は宗教ではないとする説である。
    The non-religion theory says that piety is a duty of the people and this duty is one category of morality, therefore piety towards shrines, the army, schools and public offices is not a religion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 観念論と唯物論の対立などの哲上の根本問題の解決を純粋経験に求め、主客合一などを説いて、知識・道徳・宗教の一切を基礎づけようとした。
    Nishida regarded pure experience as the solution for the fundamental issues of philosophy such as the confrontation between idealism and materialism, he stated that the unification of objective and subjective phenomena was the foundation of knowledge, ethics and religion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『扶桑略記』には「在朝の通儒」と評されたが、儒教や歴史のみならず、『周易』・『老子道徳経』・『荘子』の三玄のに通じて、陰陽道に対する造詣が深かった。
    Although he was called 'an officer with good knowledge of Confucianism' in "Fuso Ryakki" (A Brief History of Japan), he in fact had profound knowledge not only of Confucianism and history but also of 3 fields of Xuanxue (Neotaoism) that were "Shueki," "Roshidotokukyo," and "Soshi," and therefore, he had very good knowledge of yin-yang philosophy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • かつての日本的儒教=朱子は武士や一部の農民・町民など限られた範囲の道徳であったが、近代天皇制のもとでは国民全体に強要された。
    The former Japanese Ju-kyo, or Neo-Confucianism was ethics for a limited target, such as samurai, certain farmers, and townsmen, but under the modern emperor system, it was imposed on all citizens.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 李氏朝鮮時代、日常生活に浸透した朱子を思想的基盤とした両班は知識人・道徳的指導者を輩出する身分階層に発展した。
    During the Yi Dynasty Korea period, yangban (traditional ruling class or nobles of dynastic Korea during the Joseon Dynasty), which had Neo-Confucianism permeate their daily lives as their ideological foundation, grew into a status hierarchy that produced intellectual people and ethical leaders.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 更に漢文・古文などを「よきものではあるがそこまでして勉強するものではない」(意訳)として、その意義を否定こそしないが、世間で扱われている程の価値があるものではない、と言って儒者や朱子者が言う様な難しい字句のある漢文や古文をぶより、まず日常的に利用価値のある、読み書き、計算、基本的な道徳などの「実」を身につけるべきだと書かれている。
    Fukuzawa also encouraged to acquire certain skills that could be practically used in everyday life, such as reading and writing, calculation, fundamental ethics, rather than learning Chinese and classics that had long been encouraged to learn but were rather abstruse and unpractical, and were good and appropriate only for Confucian or Neo-Confucian scholars, while Fukuzawa never denied the value of those classics, just implying that they were good, but were not the subjects you really had to study diligently.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その思索は禅仏教の「無の境地」を哲論理化した純粋経験論から、その純粋経験を自覚する事によって自己発展していく自覚論、そして、その自覚など、意識の存在する場としての場の論理論、最終的にその場が宗教的・道徳的に統合される絶対矛盾的自己同一論へと展開していった。
    His thoughts developed from the pure experience theory (which theorized the 'state of nothing') of Zen Buddhism into the self-consciousness theory (one develops himself by recognizing his pure experience), logicalness theory as a field in which consciousness, such as awareness, exists and absolutely paradoxical identity theory (the field is finally integrated religiously and ethically).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
