神前に酒食を供えること the act of offering liquor and food to a god
- EDR日英対訳辞書
(レストランなどで)人に酒食のもてなしをする. wine and dine a person
- 研究社 新英和中辞典
人に酒食をごちそうしてもてなす to treat someone to a meal and drinks
- EDR日英対訳辞書
臣下は天皇の好物の酒を献上し、宴を賜ったという(「是日天長大酺群臣献翫好酒食宴畢賜禄有差」)。 Vassals presented the Emperor's favorite alcohol and joined the party ('是日天長大酺群臣献翫好酒食宴畢賜禄有差').
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
乗船時間は2時間から3時間程度で、お酒、食事が出るものが多い。 The boat ride lasts two to three hours and sake or meals are usually served.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
天下の飢えを忘れ、日夜問わず宮人と酒食に溺れた。 He forgot that the empire was famishing and indulged in wining and dining with his court ladies day and night.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
そして、その見返りとして、酒食や宿、いくばくかの金銭などの接待を受けつつ、南信州一帯を放浪した。 In turn, he received sake (Japanese alcohol), meals, accommodation and some money, and with this treatment, he was able to wander around the whole area of the southern part of the Shinshu region.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
家中の掛軸をかけ、机をおいて、その上に酒食を供えて年神(大歳神)をまつることは今日でも広くおこなわれている。 It is widely seen in houses even today where all hanging scrolls are displayed on walls and sake and food are offered on a table to worship Toshigami (Otoshi no Kami).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
遊部は、天皇の喪に籠もる一番近い肉親以外で、殯宮に入り、崩御した天皇に2人1組で仕える役で、刀と矛を持つのが禰義(ねぎ)、刀と酒食を持つのが余比(よひ、よし)と言い、死者の魂(凶癘魂:きょうれいのたましい)が荒振らないように鎮魂の儀式を行う。 Besides his closest relatives, Asobibe were those who seclude themselves in the death of an Emperor; they had roles of going into the funeral parlor in pairs and served for the dead Emperor; the one with the sword and the shield were called Negi, and the one with the sword and provide sake and women were called Yohi or Yoshi, and performed ceremonies so that the spirit of the dead (the spirit of kyorei) would not do harm.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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