
  • 織田・徳川方の3000丁という量の鉄砲、さらに鉄砲隊を3つに分け、鉄砲込めによるタイムロスをなくす三段撃ち戦法で、最強と呼ばれた武田の騎馬隊を破ったというのが有名な通説である。
    A standard and well-known explanation is that Takeda's cavalry, known as the most powerful, was defeated by the Oda-Tokugawa allied forces which employed as many as 3,000 teppo in the "sandan-uchi" tactics in which the gunners were arranged in three lines to compensate for the teppo's slow reloading.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 豊臣家に対し融和策をとる徳川家も戦の準備は怠らず、攻城兵器として国友鍛冶に大鉄砲・大筒の製作を命じ、他にも石火矢の鋳造、イギリスやオランダに対し青銅砲・焔硝・鉛(砲の材料)の注文を行っている。
    The Tokugawa family that chose a policy of reconciliation toward Toyotomi clan, but at the same time did not hesitate to prepare for war, ordered Kunitomo kaji (smithy in Kunitomo) to produce either odeppo (Japanese artilleries)/ozutsu (Japanese artilleries) as weapons for attacking a castle, and to cast ishibiya (Japanese artilleries) and ordered bronze artilleries/gunpowder/lead (materials of cannonballs) from England and Holland.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天正元年(1573年)8月に越中国と加賀国の国境にある朝日山城を攻めた際に、一向一揆による鉄砲の乱射を受けて謙信は一時撤退を命じたが、吉江景資の子・与次だけはが飛び交う中で奮戦して撤退しようとしなかったため、謙信は与次を陣内に拘禁した。
    Kenshin ordered a temporarily withdrawal due to random shooting by an uprising of Ikko sect followers while attacking Asahiyama-jo Castle at the border between Ecchu Province and Kaga Province in September 1573, he demanded Yoji, the son of Kagesuke YOSHIE, to remain in custody within the camp as he fought bravely in a flurry of bullets and did not withdraw as ordered.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 中世にも町屋(商家)などと共に建てられており、近世、鉄砲の伝来の影響により城郭にも防火・防のために漆喰大壁の技術が用いられ、30cm以上の分厚い壁を多用したことで安土桃山時代後期から江戸期前後の櫓や天守などの防御施設は土蔵造りとなった。
    They were also built in the Middle Ages together with tradesmen's houses (merchant's houses), and in modern times, with the arrival of firearms, lime plaster stud wall techniques were also used on castles for fire-proofing and bullet-proofing, and mud walls over 30 centimeters thick as Dozo-zukuri style were extensively used on defensive structures such as guard towers and turrets keep from the late Azuchi-Momoyama period to around the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
