
  • 銃槍突貫
    a bayonet charge  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 銃槍突撃
    a bayonet charge  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 銃槍林立せる護衛兵
    a bristling bodyguard  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 敵兵の多くが日本兵の銃槍にかかって斃れた
    Many Russians fell beneath the Japanese bayonet.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 各種足軽(和弓・火縄)隊、騎馬武者隊、小荷駄隊などで構成される。
    It consists of various foot soldier (Japanese bows, matchlock guns and spears) units, cavalrymen, provision transporters, and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 百姓が刀や脇差、弓(武器)、などの武器を持つことを固く禁じる。
    Strictly prohibit the peasants from possessing weapons including katana (sword), wakizashi (sword shorter than katana), bow (weapon), yari (spear), and muskets.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治時代に大日本帝国陸軍において、日本の伝統的な術を元に日本式の剣術(現剣道)を制定した。
    In the Meiji era, the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) established jukenjutsu, a Japanese style martial art using the bayonet (currently called jukendo) based on the Japanese traditional art of spearmanship,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 騎馬隊(cavalry)(きばたい)とは、兵士が馬にまたがり刀剣やなどで武装した兵士たちを集めて戦闘団にしたもの。
    Cavalry was a military force formed by soldiers mounting on horseback, armed with swords, spears, and guns.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ゲーベル隊を率いる池内蔵太が空砲で威嚇し、吉村寅太郎が率いる隊が裏門から突入した。
    Kurata IKE, who led the Gewehr gun corps, threatened by firing blanks, while the spear corps led by Torataro YOSHIMURA entered from the rear gate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義和団に至ってはその装備していた武器は刀がほとんどで、器を持った者などわずかしかいなかった。
    The weapons the Boxers had were mostly swords and spears and only a few had firearms.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 尚、陸軍において、刀剣、剣、ナイフなどの鋭器や棍棒などの鈍器を用いた至近距離の戦闘は白兵戦と呼んだ。
    In Navy, battles at close range using sharp weapons including swords, spears, bayonet drills, and knives and dull weapons such as bats were called hand-to-hand combat.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それ以前の器は、火種(火縄など)を手で押し付ける方式(タッチホール式)であった(宋(王朝)の「突火」、明の「火竜」、1300年頃のロシアの「マドファ」など)ことから、扱いが難しく命中精度も低かった。
    Previous firearms were types where live coals (matches and so on) were pushed down by hands (a touch-hole type) ('flame-spurting lance' - a bamboo gun in the Sung dynasty, 'a fire lance' [a gunpowder weapon] in the Ming dynasty, 'madfa' in Russia around 1300 and so on) which was difficult to handle, and the firing accuracy was low.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太刀(大刀)だけではなく、小太刀、鞘木刀、薙刀、、鎖鎌、実手、着剣したなど小太刀術、抜刀術、薙刀術、術、鎖鎌術、十手術、剣道においてもそれぞれの武器を木で模したものもがある。
    In addition to ordinary swords, known as tachi or daito, there are also wooden copies of the weapons used in other schools, such as kodachi (small swords), saya bokuto (wooden swords with sheaths), naginata (Japanese halberds), yari (spears), kusarigama (chain-sickles), jitte (one hook truncheons), and bayonets used, respectively, in kodachi-jutsu (kodachi techniques), batto-jutsu (sword-drawing techniques), naginata-jutsu (naginata techniques), yari-jutsu (yari techniques), kusarigama-jutsu (kusarigama techniques), jitte-jutsu (jitte techniques), and jukendo (bayonet techniques).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大日本帝国陸軍は、宝蔵院流や佐分利流などの日本の伝統的な術を元にした日本式の剣術を制定し、それまで行われていたフランス式剣術を廃し、これに改めた。
    Imperial Japanese Army established jukenjutsu (the martial art using the bayonet) in Nihon shiki (Japanese style) based on the traditional Japanese art of the spearmanship including Hozoin school and Saburi school, and the French-style jukenjutsu, which had been performed to that day, was abolished and was replaced with the new style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 随員には騎馬・徒歩の武士の他、火縄、弓(武器)などの足軽や道具箱や持ちなどの中間(人足)、草履取や医師などの大名身辺に仕える者たちが連なる。
    Attendants were consisted of warriors, horse-riding or on foot, ashigaru (common foot soldier) carrying matchlock gun or bow (arm), chugen (a rank below common soldier) (or ninsoku 〔coolie〕) carrying tool box or spear, and people who took care of daimyo such as zoritori (sandal bearer, equivalent to a batman) and doctors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このことに適した武器として長柄の刺突武器が見直された結果、が主力武器とされ、火薬を用いた火器火縄の伝来、普及へと変化した。
    After reviewing weapons to replace piercing weapons having a long handle with weapons suitable for group tactics, spears were considered to be a main weapon, which led to the introduction and widespread use of firearms matchlock guns that used gunpowder.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また守城側も火縄で攻城側の兵を攻撃できるようになったため、堀の深さをあえての届く程度にとどめる必要がなくなった。
    Castles were also designed to allow defenders to use firearms to fire on attackers, so there was no longer the need for the depth of moats to be restricted to the length of a spear.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 自検断権の象徴たるこれらの膨大な刀器が完全に廃棄されたのは、第二次世界大戦の敗戦後、警察が軍国主義の排除という名目と占領軍の武力と威光を背景に、没収の実行に成功してからであった。
    It was after losing in the World War II when the police succeeded in confiscating and destroying completely these large amount of swords, spears, and firearms, the symbols of the right of Jikendan, under the guise of elimination of militarism and backed by the force and prestige of the occupation forces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 野戦隊形における集中射撃法が実用化されたのはヨーロッパにおいてであり、最も初期のものはテルシオと呼ばれる、長(パイク)の密集方陣の進撃に際して四周に随伴した兵が相手方の方陣と至近距離まで接近し、接触寸前になった時点で発砲して第一次打撃を期待するものである。
    It was in Europe that the concentrated shooting method in open battle formation was turned into actual utilization and the earliest called tercio (Spanish square), where, against the advancement of a close-packed formation of pikes, fusiliers accompanying in four directions approach to the formation of the enemies at close range and just before contact, they firstly shoot and expect the first impact blow.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし日本軍も彼らを決して侮っていたわけではなく、「彼等ノ携帯兵器多クハ清国在来ノ刀・・剣、若クハ前装ニシテ、皆取ルニ足ラサルモノナリシモ、能く頑強ノ抵抗ヲ為シ、我兵ヲ苦メタル勇気ハ称スルニ余リ有リ」という声もあるように、士気はすこぶる高かったようである。
    However, the Japanese army did not look down upon them, and stated 'everyone stood with their own two feet and strongly resisted with portable weapons from the Qing dynasty such as swords, spears, and muzzle loaders, and they were brave enough to make our army have a difficult time at battles' indicating that they had strong morale.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
