
  • 位の高い僧に随従する僧
    in Japan, a Buddhist priest who follows a high priest  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 1869年、徳川慶喜に随従して静岡に移り住む。
    In 1869 he followed the lead of Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA and moved to Shizuoka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 貞享2年(1685)本多忠平、大和郡山転封に伴い随従移転。
    In 1685, the temple was relocated in accord with the move of Tadahira HONDA to Yamatokoriyama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸入国に随従して、土器御用仰せ付け連綿の家柄となる。
    He followed Ieyasu to Edo, after that, his family became the earthenware maker patronized by the Tokugawa Shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この間、村田は小隊を率いて、西郷に随従するとともに、会談を護衛した。
    In the meantime, Murata led the platoon as he followed Saigo and guarded the meetings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 征夷大将軍が殿中における宴席や他家訪問の際に随従・相伴する人々の事。
    They were the ones who followed the lead of the Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") and went together with him when he attended a banquet at the palace or visited somebody else's home.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 随身(ずいじん、ずいしん)とは、平安時代以降、貴族の外出時に警護のために随従した近衛府の官人のことである。
    Zuijin (also called as zuishin) was a government official in Konoefu (the Headquarters of the Inner Palace Guards) during and after the Heian period; zuijin followed nobles to guard them when they went out.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 多くの被官人たちはいずれの勢力に随従すべきか、或いは自分たちの自立性を如何に維持させるべきか決めた。
    Most hikan had to decided which power they should comply with, or how to keep their independent existence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 護良親王の側近として常にその活動に随従し、令旨の奉者に度々なっている。
    As an aide of Imperial Prince Morinaga, Takasada always accompanied the imperial prince and often served as the transmitter of the prince's ryoji (orders issued by princes, empresses, etc).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天皇の行幸の際には漏刻博士1名と守辰丁12名が漏刻とともに随従する義務があった。
    During an imperial visit, one Rokoku Hakase and 12 Shushincho were obliged to join the procession, along with the rokoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、「一介の人間としての釈迦」を重視する臨済宗、曹洞宗、黄檗宗の禅宗各派では釈迦如来の脇侍として大迦葉尊者・阿難尊者を配し、十大弟子・十六善神が随従することがある。
    The various schools of Zen sects such as Rinzai sect, Soto sect and Obaku sect place importance on 'Shaka as a human' and in some cases have Daikasho-sonja and Anan-sonja as attendant figures to Shakanyorai, together with Judai deshi or Juroku Zenshin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 随従するのは本化地湧(ほんげじゆ)という上行菩薩(じょうぎょうぼさつ)・無辺行菩薩(むへんぎょうぼさつ)・浄行菩薩(じょうぎょうぼさつ)・安立行菩薩(あんりゅうぎょうぼさつ)の四大菩薩である。
    The attendants are the four major Bosatsu, Benhuadiyong, Jogyo Bosatsu, Muhengyo Bosatsu, Jogyo Bosatsu and Anryugyo Bosatsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 将軍の外出などに守護大名が随従する慣習は足利義満の頃には成立していたが、役職・身分としての相伴衆の成立は足利義教の永享年間であると推定されている。
    The custom of the shugo daimyo following Seii taishogun's lead was established around the era of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, but it is estimated that Shobanshu as a status and position was established during the era of Eikyo of Yoshinori ASHIKAGA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 山城国は平安京(京都)の所在地であり、山城介は内蔵助とともに賀茂祭の行列に必ず随従する決まりがあった(『官職難儀』)。
    Yamashiro Province was home to Heian-kyo (the ancient capital of Japan in current Kyoto), where there was a rule that Yamashiro no suke, together with Kura no suke (Deputy chief of Kuraryo, Bureau of Palace Storehouses), had to take part in the parade in the Kamo Festival ("Kanshoku-nangi"(book of government posts and criticism).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 建保7年(1219年)、鎌倉幕府征夷大将軍源実朝の右大臣就任の鶴岡八幡宮参詣に随従してその暗殺を目にする事になる。
    In 1219, while visiting Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine to attend the Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") of Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), MINAMOTO no Sanetomo's inauguration as Minister of the Right, Sanemasa witnessed Sanetomo's assassination.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 朝廷に対する久光の働きかけにより5月9日、幕政改革を要求するために勅使を江戸へ派遣することが決定され、久光は勅使随従を命じられる。
    Due to Hisamitsu's action towards the Imperial Court, it was decided on June 19, 1862 to dispatch an Imperial envoy to Edo in order to demand the reformation of the shogunate government and Hisamitsu was ordered to follow the envoy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 久光は5月12日、出府に先立って通称を和泉から三郎へと改めた上で、21日に勅使大原重徳に随従して京都を出発、6月7日に江戸へ到着する。
    After changing his common name to Saburo from Izumi on June 18 before leaving, Hisamitsu left Kyoto following Shigenori OHARA, the Imperial envoy, on June 30, and arrived in Edo on July 16th.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2月27日、西郷は中村を小田原まで来た輪王寺宮公現法親王のもとに派遣し、西上の事由を尋問して随従してきた諸藩兵を撤退させた。
    On February 27, Saigo sent Nakamura to Cloistered Imperial Prince Rinojinomiya Kogen who came up to Odawara and asked the reason for coming down to the west and made accompanying soldiers of various domains retreat.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治3年(1870年)2月13日、大山巌らとともに西郷隆盛に随従して長州藩に赴き、奇兵隊脱隊騒擾の状を視察し、藩知事毛利広封に謁見した。
    On March 14, 1870, Murata, together with Iwao OYAMA, followed Takamori SAIGO to the Choshu domain, inspected the mayhem of deserting Kiheitai troops, and saw Hiroatsu MORI, the domain governor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そこで村田三介は三将に寡兵が随従する策を、野村忍介は野村自身が寡兵を率いて海路で小浜に出て、そこから陸路で京都に行き、行幸で京都にいる天皇に直接上奏する策を主張した。
    Then, Sansuke MURATA said that a small army should accompany the three leaders, whereas Oshisuke NOMURA said that he would lead a small army to Obama by sea and from there to Kyoto by land to directly report the matters to the Emperor who would be there for an imperial visit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後水尾天皇の3男・守澄法親王が日光山輪王寺門跡となった際に、烏丸光広の次男烏丸広賢は随従したまま京都に戻らなかった。
    When Cloistered Imperial Prince Shucho, the third son of Emperor Gomizunoo, became the chief priest of Nikko-zan Rin-noji Temple, Hirokata KARASUMARU, the second son of Mitsuhiro KARASUMARU, accompanied him and did not return to Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時のエピソードとして、斯波氏が吉良氏と同盟する折、信長は義銀に随従し、同盟相手である吉良義昭への会見に臨んだが、席次をめぐって対立を起こしたという。
    The story goes like this: On the occasion of the formation of the alliance between the Shiba clan and the Kira clan, Nobunaga accompanied Yoshikane to have a meeting with Yoshiaki KIRA from the Kira clan, and they caused a confrontation over the seating order.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 尚、また、足利一門上野氏の三代上野頼兼の次男 上野直兼を祖とする豊後上野氏は、尊氏の腹心として九州下向に随従、上野氏一門の中で唯一九州に留まった。
    Originating from Naokane UENO, the second son of Yorikane UENO who was the third head of the Ueno clan belonging to a branch family of the Ashikaga clan starting with Yasuuji ASIKAGA, the Bungo Ueno clan accompanied Takauji on his trip to Kyushu as his trustworthy assistant and stayed there as the sole family of the Ueno clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、多くの国人領主はそれぞれが独立した存在であり、利害に応じて守護に随従したり他の守護家に寝返ったり、複数の国人と共同して国人一揆を形成、守護の軍令を拒否する場合もなきしもあらずであった。
    However, while many regional lords managed to exist independently and their situations mirroring the fortunes of the governor, it was not unknown for betrayal of governor families to occur, insurrections fomented by joining with groups of provincial folk and for rejection of a shugo's military command.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし将軍と老中との間を取り次ぐ御側御用取次を設け、紀伊藩から吉宗に随従して幕臣(旗本)となった加納久通と有馬氏倫という腹心を任命、彼らを通じた政治運営を行って、側用人政治を事実上継続した。
    However, he established the Osoba-goyotoritsugi post for relaying messages between Shogun and Roju to appoint Hisamichi KANO and Ujinori ARIMA, his confidants who accompanied Yoshimune from the Kishu domain and became retainers of the bakufu (Hatamoto), to the post, and operated the bakufu through them, retaining the 'Sobayonin seiji' effectively.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同年、公武合体派の久我建通の弾劾に加担、翌年2月、壬生基修とともに庶政刷新と攘夷貫徹を求める建言を提出して国事寄人に任じられ、孝明天皇の攘夷祈願の為の石清水八幡宮行幸に随従した。
    In the same year, he participated in the impeachment for Takemichi KOGA who was a member of the party advocating Kobu-Gattai (the union of the Imperial Court and the shogunate); in March of the following year, he and Motoosa MIBU proposed the radical reform in the government and the execution of Joi (expulsion of foreigners), then he was appointed to Kokuji-yoryudo (general official of the government) and attended Emperor Komei's visit to Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine to pray for the success of Joi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • デジタル放送受信時は受信したデータストリームの基準時刻情報に随従したシステムクロックを正確に生成し、ディスク再生時には低ジッター、高ピュリティでかつ周波数変動の極小なシステムクロックを提供する。
    To accurately generate a system clock following reference time information of a received data stream in receiving digital broadcasting, and to generate a system clock with low jitter, high purity, and minimum variation in frequency in playback of the disk. - 特許庁
  • だが、戦国時代_(日本)に入ると、朝倉孝景(10代当主)や北条氏康など守護大名ではなくかつ在京して将軍に随従する事もない地方の戦国大名が任じられる例も増えて、役職としての意味合いは希薄化して大名の格式を示す身分としてのみ存在するようになる。
    However, during the period of the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States) (Japan) the appointment of more local warlords who were not from the shugo daimyo, who did not follow the Seii taishogun's lead by staying in Kyoto such as Takakage ASAKURA (the 10th family head) and Ujiyasu HOJO increased, and the meaning as a position was diluted and continued to exist only as a formal title representing the status of a feudal lord.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また歴史物語である『増鏡』では、弘安4年の勅使の記事について、経任に随従した二条為氏が帰途の際に元王朝敗退の報を聞いて詠んだとされている「勅として祈るしるしの神風によせくる浪はかつくだけつつ」という和歌の記事しか記載されていないが、一説にはこの歌は経任が詠んだにも関わらず、忠義と愛国の情に満ちたこの歌を変節漢の経任が詠んだという事実そのものに不満を持つ『増鏡』著者の手によって著者を為氏にと書き改められたのではという説が唱えられている程である。
    In "Masukagami" ("The Clear Mirror"), which is a book of historical stories, only an article on a waka (=tanka; a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables), 'By virtue of the kamikaze that was the result of our pray by an imperial order, surging waves were broken,' which was reportedly composed by Tameuji NIJO, who accompanied Tsunetada, on the occasion he heard about the defeat of the Yuan Dynasty, was recorded with respect to an Imperial envoy in 1281; however, there is a view that, although Tsunetada composed this waka but the author of "Masukagami" who was not satisfied with the fact that such a waka, which was filled with loyalty and patriotism, was composed by an apostate like Tsunetada, changed the composer of the waka to Tameuji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
