二強雄蘂という,雄しべの形態 a form of stamen, called didynamous
- EDR日英対訳辞書
植物の器官としての雄蘂と雌蘂 both the pistil and the stamen of a plant
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一個の花に雄蘂だけか,又は雌蘂だけあるもの a single flower that has either a pistil or a stamen
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萼と花冠、雄蘂、雌蘂葉からなる、花の外側の部分の総称 collective term for the outer parts of a flower consisting of the calyx and corolla and enclosing the stamens and pistils
- 日本語WordNet
四長雄蘂という,植物の雄しべの形態 of a flower, tetradynamous stamens
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集葯雄蘂という,植物の雄しべの形態 a sorus made up of sporangia variously united or cohered into a compound structure, called synangium
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仮雄蘂という,本来の働きを失ったおしべ a sterile stamen, called a staminodium
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魅力的なドーム形あるいは平たい梢を持つアジア産の高木で、二回羽状の葉と絹のような長い雄蘂がある花を持つ attractive domed or flat-topped Asiatic tree having bipinnate leaves and flowers with long silky stamens
- 日本語WordNet
広く分布する草本で掌状の葉を持ち、クリーム色またはピンクから赤紫色の花は長さの不揃いな多くの雄蘂を持つ widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length
- 日本語WordNet