
  • は優で繊細でした。
    The taste was elegant and delicate. - Weblio Email例文集
  • のよさで表された優
    elegance indicated by good taste  - 日本語WordNet
  • 私たちはそこで優な気分をわう。
    We get an elegant feeling there. - Weblio Email例文集
  • な(しかし通常無意な)ジェスチャー
    a gracious (but usually meaningless) gesture  - 日本語WordNet
  • 線という楽器の組歌としての表組
    a song in a musical suite, accompanied by a Japanese harp called samisen  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 印面・鈕形・色彩のすべてに優わいがあり人気を博した。
    His stamp's surface, shape, and color, all had refined taste and were very popular.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • な文体で公家の生活が描かれた文芸豊かな作品である。
    One can enjoy its rich literary flavor and elegant style in its descriptions of the life of the court aristocracy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 呂と律は楽における曲調の大分類であり(上述の曲の調子を参照)、呂律は広い意での曲の調子を意する。
    Ryo and Ritsu are large classifications of musical tones in Gagaku (See "Tone of Music" as described above), Roretsu means the tone of music in a broad sense.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の能は、祖父観阿弥のドラマ性と、父世阿弥の幽玄をあわせもつ優美な作風で、さらに元独自の新が加わって、その異才を示している。
    Motomasa's Noh had elegant style by containing both the dramatic factors of his grandfather, Kanami, and the subtle and profound factors of his father, Zeami, and showed his exceptional talent by including a new original taste.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 武家文化が文武を重きにおく事に対し、公家文化は花鳥風月と例えられるや遊び、いわゆる趣や芸術である。
    While the samurai culture put a value on the literary and military arts, court noble culture was characterized by elegance and pleasure, that is, hobbies and arts which were told as kacho-fugetsu (beauty of nature, the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 楽を演奏する際、1日の最後の曲には祝言の意から必ず「千秋楽」を演奏したという古い風習
    It came from the ancient custom that, when gagaku (traditional court music) was played, "senshuraku," which suggested congratulations, was played as the last number of the day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子の九世盛勝も父の文人趣を受けつぎ、英一蝶に絵を学んで福王雪岑の号で知られる。
    His child, Morikatsu the ninth who inherited his father's literatures' hobby, learned painting from Itcho HANABUSA, and was well-known as his pseudonym, Sesshin FUKUO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『詩経』(小、四牡)などにおける用例から見て、倭は必ずしも侮蔑の意を含まないとする意見がある。
    Some says 倭 does not necessarily imply an insult judging from the examples in "Sikyo" (Chinese Poetry book) (Shoga (aristocracy).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文房では欠かせない中国茶や香の習慣は覚や嗅覚までに俗認識が及んでいる。
    The customs of Chinese tea and incense which are significant part of Bunbo show that the sense of elegance and vulgarian prevailed even in taste sense and olfactory sense.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 5歳で初舞台を踏んで以来、父および観世華雪、観世雪に師事し、京観世のやわらかと観世銕之亟家系統の幽玄静穏な芸を身につける。
    Since making his first appearance on stage at the age of five, he studied under his father, Kasetsu KANZE and Gasetsu KANZE to acquire the gentle style of the Kyoto Kanze school and the subtle grace of the Tetsunojo KANZE lineage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 楽の琵琶」(楽琵琶)のように、大陸では失われてしまった古い姿を残している楽器も多いが、「三線」「尺八」「能囃子」「能囃子・能囃子」のように独特な進化を遂げたものもある。
    While many Wagakki, such as the "Gagaku Biwa" (a Japanese lute traditionally used for ceremonial court music), have retained their original forms (and these forms can no longer be found in mainland Asian), other instruments, such as the Shamisen (a three-stringed musical instrument), the Shakuhachi (a five-holed traverse bamboo flute), the Nohkan (a traverse flute used in Noh), and the Ko-tsuzumi and O-tsuzumi (small and large drums, respectively, that are used in Noh), have developed in a unique fashion in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 艶麗さと古いを共存させ、寂びた風情には捨てがたいものがあるが、惜しむらくは常磐津と清元のあいだにあって独自性が発揮できなかったために、歴史の流れに打ち克つことができなかったのである。
    Although its elegant simplicity, arising from the combination of eroticism and antique flavor, has a charm all its own, it has failed to show its uniqueness against Tokiwazu and Kiyomoto and therefore cannot resist the tide of history.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 矢鱈の語源は楽にあるとされ、語源はただの当て字とされるが、「めったやたら」には、「目星をつけず数を打てば当る」という意もある。
    The word yatara is considered to have come from gagaku (an ancient Japanese court dance and music) and this is only a phonetic equivalent, but the word 'metta-yatara' also means that 'you can hit it without marking it down if you shoot it alot.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • またこの条では、「隅田川(能)」を巡り元との間に意見の対立があったことや、また世阿弥が義満の御前で摂津猿楽の榎並と競演したとき、わざと舞を止めて榎並を出し抜いた話など、興深い挿話が記されている。
    In this section, there are some interesting episodes; there was conflict of opinion with Motomasa over a Noh program "Sumidagawa River", and when Zeami was playing opposite to Enami of Settsu Sarugaku, he outwitted Enami by deliberately stopping the performing, and the like.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 禅の精神にもとづく簡素さ、枯淡のわいと伝統文化における風、幽玄、侘(わび)を精神的基調とする足利義政の時期の文化である。
    It was a culture that was established at the time of Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA; it retained simplicity and an air of austere elegance of the spirit of Zen, based on the spiritual keynote of grace, quiet beauty, and elegant simplicity of the traditional culture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「すし」の語源は江戸時代中期に編まれた『日本釈名』や『東』の、そのが酸っぱいから「酸し(すし)」であるとした説が有力とされている。
    A widely-accepted theory was that the term 'sushi' originated from 'sushi' meaning sourness as described in "Nihon Shakumei" (The Japanese Etymological Dictionary) and "Toga" (an etymological dictionary) compiled during the middle of the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、三世紀頃に編まれた『広』からは、それまで別の意であった「鮨(魚の塩辛)」と同じものとされており、「鮓」があまりポピュラーな食べ物ではなかったことがうかがえる。
    However, after "Guangya" (Expanded Erya) edited in around the third century, '鮓' (pickled fish) was defined to be the same as '鮨' (salted fish) which had been defined as being different, which showed that '鮓' was not such a popular food.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『源平盛衰記』によれば、この戦いのときに景季は箙に梅の花の枝を挿して奮戦し、坂東武者にもを解する者がいると敵方問わず賞賛を浴びた。
    According to "Genpei Seisui ki" (Rise and Fall of the Minamoto and the Taira clans), Kagesue stuck a branch of Japanese apricot in his ebira (quiver of arrow), for which he was praised by both allies and enemies to be a Bando musha (warriors from the east Japan) who has the sense of miyabi (elegance).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 池田屋事件を経験し、なおかつ戊辰戦争において箱館まで転戦した新選組隊士は、土方歳三を別とすれば島田魁と尾関次郎、そしてこの蟻通勘吾の3名だけであり、有る意稀有な存在である。
    Among the members of Shinsengumi, those who lived the experience of the Ikedaya Incident and later went down to Hakodate surviving various fights during the Boshin Civil War were reduced to only three; Kai SHIMADA, Masajiro OZEKI and this Kango ARIDOSHI, except for Toshizo HIJIKATA, and in this sense, he was an rare person.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 六朝および唐においては華麗にして典な貴族趣が好まれたが、宋代になると庶民的な質素さを基調とする趣致が好まれるようになる。
    While a gorgeous and elegant taste of nobility had been favored in the Six Dynasties and the Tang, a folksy and simple taste came to be favored in the Sung period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 従来の乳濁剤による黄色がかった白さではなく、優で上品な白さを演出することができる窯業用の乳濁剤や該乳濁剤を用いた釉薬を提供する。
    To provide an emulsifier for ceramic industry and a glaze using the emulsifier which produce not yellowish whiteness produced by a conventional emulsifier but can produce whiteness of elegance and grace. - 特許庁
  • また三線音楽が遊里との結びつきも持っていて、どちらかといえば三線が庶民の楽器として普及したのに対し、箏曲は王朝文学に取材したものが多いなど高な精神性を持ち、このため武家では「高尚な音楽」として、箏は武家の娘のたしなみ(アマチュア)としてもてはやされた。
    While shamisen developed as a kind of ordinary people's musical instrument because shamisen music linked with the red-light district, Soh music was regarded as 'music of high spirituality' by samurai families because many pieces were created based on dynastic style literature, and it was praised as an essential achievement for the daughters of samurai families (amateur).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また趣の写真も相当なものであったという評判で、昭和9年の読売新聞立川専売局及び通信部主催のコンクールで1等を受賞、また翌10年にも多摩光会主催の「第1回写真展覧会」でも2等1席を獲得。
    He got such a high reputation as an amateur photographer that he won the highest prize in the photo contest hosted by Tachikawa Monopoly Bureau and communications department of the Yomiuri Shinbun in 1934 as well as in 'the First Photo Constest' hosted by Tamagako kai (organization of Tamagako) in 1834.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 賄賂の横行や罷免された荻原重秀の独断専行を目の当たりにしていた新井は先に荻原が廃止した勘定吟役を正徳2年(1712年)に再度設置し、杉岡能連、萩原美(ともにのち勘定奉行)を任命し、勘定所自体の綱紀の引き締めを図った。
    Since Arai witnessed widespread bribery and arbitrary decision and execution by Shigehide OGIWARA who was dismissed, Arai revived Kanjoginmiyaku in 1712 that was abolished by Ogiwara earlier and assigned Yoshitsura SUGIOKA and Yoshimasa OGIWARA (both of them became kanjo bugyo [commissioner of finance] later) and strived for tightening up the official discipline in the finance ministry.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 商標とは,固有名詞,号,語句,任意若しくは架空の表現,色彩の組合せ,肖像,ラベル又はそれらの組合せ,更には販売促進若しくは広告スローガンも含め,製品,サービス又は商業上若しくは産業上の施設を他の類似したそれらから識別させる機能を有する可視的で,新規かつ特徴ある標識を意する。
    A trademark is any visible, novel and characteristic sign that allows to distinguish products, services or commercial or industrial establishments from others that are similar, such as names, pseudonyms, words, arbitrary or fancy expressions, color combinations, vignettes, labels, or a combination of these elements, as well as propaganda or advertising phrases.  - 特許庁
