室内に置く飾りもの an ornament for putting indoors
- EDR日英対訳辞書
競技などの入賞者に与えられる飾りもの a prize given to the winner in a competition
- EDR日英対訳辞書
ヤナギなどの枝に菓子や縁起物などをつるした正月の飾りもの in Japan, a New Year's decoration made by hanging confections or good luck charms on willow or other branches
- EDR日英対訳辞書
太刀の頭やこじりを,兜の正面にある2本の角のような形にした飾りもの {a long sword or sword sheath} that has been ornamented with two horn-like projections the shape of which resembles that of those found on a Japanese war helmet
- EDR日英対訳辞書
ヤナギなどの枝に繭の形につくったもちや団子をつけた,養蚕の安全を祈る正月の飾りもの in Japan, a New Year's decoration consisting of silkworm cocoon shaped rice cakes and dumplings attached to willow or other tree branches, used to pray for the success of sericulture
- EDR日英対訳辞書