
  • 」はきな鳥の意から転じてきいの意。
    The chinese character '鴻' (pronounced 'Ko') refers to a large bird; accordingly, the character is used to refer to something large.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 貞観11年(869年)の新羅の入寇貞観の韓寇の後、警固所として臚中島館を建設し宰府の兵や武具を移した。
    After the Silla invasion in the Jogan period in 869, the Dazaifu constructed 鴻臚中島館 as a guard office and moved soldiers and armor belonging to the Dazaifu to 鴻臚中島館.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼は維新の業を成した元老の一人だ
    He is one of the elder statesmen who achieved the great work of the Restoration.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 王政御一新は至なる業であった
    The Restoration was a prodigious achievement―a stupendous achievement.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 直隷総督兼北洋臣・李
    Governor General and Superintendent of trade for the northern ports: Li  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 清帝国欽差頭等全権臣 李章(北洋臣直隷総督)
    Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of China, Li Hung Chang (Minister Superintendent of Trade for the Northern Ports of China)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本側使は蔵卿伊達宗城、清側使は直隷総督李章であった。
    The commander-in-chief of Japan was a Okura-kyo (Minister of the Treasury), Munenari DATE, and that of Qing was a Governor General of Zhili, Li Hung Chang,.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 撮影は戦前の市川右太衛門プロダクションから都映画で量産した松井が支えた。
    Shooting was supported by Ko MATSUI who was involved in many films by Utaemon ICHIKAWA Productions before the war.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 黒楽茶碗 銘「黒」:旧池家蔵、現在個人蔵、重要文化財
    Black Raku tea bowl, 'Oguro': Owned by the former Konoike family, currently in a private collection, an important cultural property.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 清国側の全権使李章に認められて「鎮鼎山房」の額を贈られる。
    In Qing, Kendo was appreciated by Li Hongzhang, ambassador plenipotentiary of Qing, and was given the '鎮鼎山房'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 海外使節はまず臚館に入館して宰府や都へ上ることとなっていた。
    Those envoys were obliged to enter Korokan before visiting the Dazaifu or the ancient Japanese capital.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 清国の実力者李章、イギリスの駐日使パークスは当初激しく反発した。
    At first, Li Hung Chang, who was an influential person in Qing and Parkes, British Ambassador to Japan, protested vehemently.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本では宰府の監督のもとで臚館貿易が行われていた。
    In Japan, trade via the Korokan (International Reception Hall in the then capital, Heian-kyo [present day Kyoto]) was being conducted under the supervision of the Dazaifu (local government office in Kyushu region).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 院君は清に連行され、李章による査問会の後、天津市に幽閉された(1882年8月)。
    In August 1882, Daewongun was taken to Qing, and was confined in Tianjin City after a hearing by Li Hongzhang.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、長男山中幸元(池新六)は父の死後、武士を廃して摂津国川辺郡(兵庫県)伊丹市で酒造業を始めて財をなし、のちに阪に移住して江戸時代以降の豪商池財閥の始祖となった。
    Yukimoto YAMANAKA (Shinroku KONOIKE), Yukimori's eldest son, abandoned samurai status after his father's death to enter into the sake brewing industry in Kawabe-gun in Settsu Province (Itami City in Hyogo Prefecture, as it is known today); thereafter, he moved to Osaka and founded the Konoike zaibatsu, and became a successful business magnate from the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東寺・西寺の建立のため弘仁年間(810年-824年)に朱雀路を跨いだ七条に東臚館・西臚館として移転。
    The Korokan was forced to move to the Shichi-jo Street (the seventh street) for constructing Toji and Saiji Temples during the Konin period (810-824), with the result that two guest houses were built on both sides of the Suzaku-oji Street, and named the Higashi-no-Korokan (east Korokan) and the Nishi-no-Korokan (west Korokan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時学生だった上尚史はオーディションに合格したが、当日の都合で参加できず、石田純一はオーディションに落とされたという。
    Although Shoji KOKAMI, a university student at the time, passed the audition, he was unable to take part in filming, and Junichi ISHIDA was unsuccessful at audition.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「「臚寺の掌客」である裴世清の「皇帝問倭皇」という書を阿部臣が門の机の上においた。
    The letter including 'questions to Wako from Emperor (of China)' which was brought in by Seisei HAI as "Koroji no shokyaku" (Chinese official in charge of entertaining important guests) was placed on Omikado (Emperor of Japan)'s desk by Abe no omi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 承和5年(838年)には第19回遣唐使の副使であった小野篁が唐人沈道古と臚館にて詩を唱和したとある。
    ONO no Takamura, who was the vice-envoy in the 19th diplomatic mission to the Tang Dynasty, and a Chinese person 沈道古 reportedly recited poems together in 838 at Dazai Korokan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 今では正4年(1915年)に建てられた東臚館址の碑が下京区嶋原揚屋町に残るのみである。
    Only a stone monument showing the site of Higashi-no-Korokan established in 1915 remains in Shimabara Ageya-machi, Shimogyo Ward.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当初、李章が書簡を送った朝鮮政界の物李裕元は頑なにその国際法受容を拒んでいる。
    At first Hongzhang LI sent a letter to Youwon LI, an influential person in political world of Korea rejected acceptance of international law.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 現在では、花園神社(東京都新宿区)、國魂神社(府中市)(東京都府中市(東京都))、神社(埼玉県巣市)、寂光院(群馬県桐生市)など、関東地方各地の社寺で鳥神社を勧請し、酉の市が行われている。
    Now, shrines and temples all over the Kanto region, including Hanazono-jinja Shrine (in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo), Okunitama-jinja Shrine (in Fuchu City, Tokyo), Ko-jinja Shrine (in Konosu City, Saitama Prefecture), and Jakko-in Temple (in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture), enshrine the divided spirit of the enshrined deity of the Otori-jinja Shrine and hold Tori no ichi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元恭は能登の豪商文人一族岩城氏の、次男善之助を娘婿としており、その子箸尾元市は池家の別家となっている(安岡重明『前期的資本の変質過程:池研究の一節』、宮本又次編『阪の研究』清文堂.1970年第四巻p480)。
    Motoyasu had a son-in-law called Zennosuke, who was the second son of the Iwaki clan, wealthy family of merchants and literature, and Zennosuke's son Motoichi HASHIO was a member of a branch family of the Konoike family ("Zenkiteki Shihon no Henshitsu Katei: Konoike Kenkyu no Issetsu" [The Process of Changes of Pre-modern Capital - a Study on the Konoike Family] written by Shigeaki YASUOKA, included in page 480, Volume 4 of "Osaka no Kenkyu" [Studies on Osaka] edited by Mataji MIYAMOTO and published by Seibundo in 1970).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代の日本最の豪商、池財閥は、家業以外への進出を禁じた家憲によって、金融業から他の事業へ営業分野の拡は図らなかったが、明治期以降は同家の名声を欲する財界の要請で、池家が様々な企業の発起人となり、株主として君臨したことから、投資財閥の性格をもっていたとも言える。
    The Konoike zaibatsu, as the wealthiest merchant in Japan during the Edo period, did not expand its business from finance to other fields due to the family rule that prohibited the business expansion to other than the family business; however, it can be said that the Konoike zaibatsu had the characteristics of an investment zaibatsu because the Konoike family ultimately founded various enterprises in response to requests from financial communities that had tried to acquire the family reputation after the Meiji period, and consequently the family had the status of a major shareholder.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戦国名太田氏の家臣団・巣七騎の1人膳亮久家がおり、小田原の役後帰農して今に連綿と系譜が続いている。
    Daizen-no-suke Hisaie OSHIMA was one of the Seven Horsemen of Konosu, vassals of the Ota clan, whose leader was a daimyo (feudal lord) in the warring states period; he returned to farming after the Siege of Odawara, and his family lineage has continued down to the present day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本側特派全権使小村寿太郎(外務臣(日本))及び特派全権公使内田康哉と清国側欽差臣慶親王及び翟禨・袁世凱の間で調印された。
    Jutaro KOMURA, Japanese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Minister of Foreign Affairs), and Kosai UCHIDA, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, signed the treaty with Prince Qing, Qing Foreign Minister Extraordinary, Zhai Hang Ji, and Yuan Shikai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ロシアも総理臣の李章が50万ルーブル、副総理の張蔭桓が25万ルーブルの賄賂を受け取り1896年に秘密協定である露清密約を結び、1898年、遼東半島南端の旅順・連市の租借に成功する。
    Russia also succeeded in leasing Lushun area and Dalian City, both southern parts of Liaodong Peninsula in 1898 by signing the Russia-Qing secret agreement in 1896 by giving a bribe of 500 thousands rubles to then-Chinese prime minister, Li Hongzhang, and 250 thousands rubles to then-deputy prime minister, Zhang Yinhuan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 僧坊酒を継ぐように台頭してきたのが、室町時代中期から他所酒を生産し始めていた、摂津国猪名川上流の伊丹・池田・池、武庫川上流の小浜・鹿などの酒郷であった。
    The brewing districts such as Itami, Ikeda and Konoike on the upstream site of the Ina-gawa River in Settsu Province and Kohama and Oshika on the upstream site of the Muko-gawa River gained power in such a way that they had succeeded Soboshu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 奈良流の諸白を改良し、効率的に清酒を量生産する製法が、慶長5年(1600年)に伊丹の池善右衛門(こうのいけぜんえもん)によって開発された。
    In 1600, Zenemon KONOIKE in Itami developed an efficient mass production method of seishu by improving morohaku of the Naka school.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸後期の博物学者で画人である木村蒹葭堂と極めて親密な交流を結んでおり、木村節庵、北村桃庵、藤井平らとならんで、もっとも蒹葭堂と仲が良かった医家の一人であった。
    He associated himself very closely with Kenkado KIMURA, a great naturalist and painter in the late Edo period, and was one of Kenkado's closest doctors together with Setsuan KIMURA, Toan KITAMURA and Kohei FUJII.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 現在の博多から箱崎の海岸が貿易の中心となり、宋国商客宿坊と名を変えた臚館での貿易は衰退。
    As a result, with the transfer of the trade center from the present Hakata to the coast of Hakozaki, trade at Korokan, the name of which had already been changed to the Daisokoku shokyaku shukubo (lodgings in a temple for visitors from the Great Song Dynasty), declined.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代に福岡藩の学者青柳種信・長野種正・伊藤常足らが臚館の位置を博多の官内町だと唱え、この説は正まで広く信じられていた。
    The opinion advocated by scholars in Fukuoka Domain in the Edo period including Tanenobu AOYAGI, Tanemasa NAGANO and Tsunetari ITO, that the construction site of Korokan was Kannai-cho in Hakata had been widely believed until the Taisho period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 福岡城址に駐屯する日本帝国陸軍歩兵第24連隊に所属した鏡山猛が、弾薬庫の歩哨のかたわら臚館の瓦の破片を採取したことも中山説の傍証となった。
    Nakayama's opinion was supported by Takeshi KAGAMIYAMA belonging to the 24th Infantry Regiment of the Imperial Japanese Army which was stationed at the ruins of Fukuokajo Castle, who gathered fragments of tiles used for Korokan while watching the ammunition depot.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1885年4月全権使伊藤博文と李章により天津条約が結ばれ、四ヶ月以内の日清両軍の朝鮮からの撤退と、以後出兵時の事前通告および事態の沈静化後すみやかに撤収すべきことが定められた。
    Plenipotentiary Hirobumi ITO and Li Hung Chang signed the Treaty of Tianjin, which provided that both Japanese and Qing troops will withdraw from Korea within four months and hereafter give a prior notice in dispatching their troops, and call troops home as soon as things have calmed down.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、条約交渉において清の全権李章は、日本軍は台湾本土に入っておらず、その割譲要求は筋が通らないといに反論した。
    However, Li Hung Chang given full authority argued strongly that the Japanese troops had not entered the main island of Taiwan and thus Japan's request for the cessation of Taiwan was not reasonable.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 列強との交渉は愛新覚羅奕キョウ及び直隷総督兼北洋臣に返り咲いた李章が担ったが、敗戦国という立場上列強の言いなりとならざるを得ず、非常に厳しい条件が付せられた。
    The negotiations with the allied western powers were carried out by Aisin-Gioro Yìkuāng and Li Hongzhang, who came back to power as Governor General of Zhili and superintendent of trade for the northern ports, but being the losing nation he was obliged to the allied western powers, and met demands with very strict conditions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それはやがて袁世凱を李章の後任として直隷総督へと出世させ、さらに辛亥革命後の中華民国総統、中華帝国(1915年-1916年)(洪憲帝)へと押し上げる原動力となった。
    It became the driving force for Yuan Shikai to be promoted to Governor General of Zhili as the successor to Li Hongzhang, the President of Republic of China after the Xinhai Revolution, and Empire of China (1915-1916) (Emperor of Hongxian).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また同時期太平天国の乱を鎮圧した曾国藩や李章ら地方の官も西欧の先進技術を学ぶ重要性を認識し、軍事・産業方面の近代化を推し進めていた。
    In the same period, local high officials including Guofan ZENG and Hung Chang LI, who quashed Taiping Rebellion, also understood importance of studying advanced technology of western countries and were promoting modernization of military system and industries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本マスターズ陸上競技連合の創設者の1人で現会長でもある(こうの)池(いけ)清(きよ)司(し)さん(74)はマスターズ会の人気を高めようと尽力している。
    Kounoike Kiyoshi, 74, one of the founders and the current chairman of the Japan Masters Athletics, is trying to make masters events more popular.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 実際において唐など外国からの使者や商人などの来航者を乗せた船が九州に到着すると、宰府から朝廷に報告が出され、これに対して、朝廷では宰府に命じて来航者を博多津に置かれていた臚館などの施設に引き止めて手厚く待遇した。
    When a vessel with foreigners such as envoys and merchants arrived at Kyushu, Dazaifu (local government office in Kyushu region) reported the Imperial Court about it and the Imperial Court ordered Dazaifu to stop the foreigners and give them warm welcome in the facilities such as Korokan at Hakatanotsu, Kyushu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 杜氏の発生の前提として、まず日本酒の産業革命ともいうべき、池善右衛門による量仕込み樽の技法が慶長5年(1600年)に開発されたこと、さらに、幕藩体制が敷かれ、各地方において農民と領主の関係が固定したことの二つが挙げられる。
    There were two facts which triggered toji; firstly Zen-emon KONOIKE developed a technique of large-sized preparation barrels in 1600, which can be said to be the industrial revolution of Japanese sake, and secondly the shogunate and domain system was established and it settled a relation between peasants and their lord in each region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「時うどん」(同「時そば」)、「三十石」、「貧乏花見」(同「長屋の花見」)、「子ほめ」、「牛ほめ」、「地獄八景亡者戯」(同「地獄めぐり」)、「宿屋仇」(同「宿屋の仇討」)、「高津の富」(同「宿屋の富」)、「いらちの愛宕詣り」(同「堀の内」)、「池の犬」(同「どこの犬」)、「菊江仏壇」(同「白ざつま」)。
    Time Udon Noodles' ('Time Soba Noodles' in Tokyo), 'On the Ferry Boat,' 'The Poor Man's Cherry-blossom Viewing' ('Cherry-blossom Viewing at a Slum' in Tokyo), 'Praise a Boy,' 'Praise a Cow,' 'Descent into Hell' ('Hell Tour' in Tokyo), 'Enemy at the Inn' ('Revenge at the Inn' in Tokyo), 'Lottery at Kozu Shrine' ('Lottery and the Inn Keeper' in Tokyo), 'Irachi's Pilgrimage to Atago' ('Horinouchi' in Tokyo), 'Konoike Dog' ('Butler Dog' in Tokyo), 'Kikue in the Buddhist Altar' ('White Kimono' in Tokyo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 九卿に入る職として礼儀祭祀を担う太常、宮中警備を担う光禄勲、宮門警備を担う衛尉、車馬の管理を担う太僕、司法を担う廷尉、来朝者の応対・接遇を担う臚、皇族の処遇を担う宗正、国家財政を担う司農、宮中財政を担う少府などがある。
    As posts included in Kyukei, Taijo in charge of courtesy and religious service, Korokukun in charge of security of the Imperial Court, Eii in charge of security of the Imperial Palace's gates, Taiboku in charge of vehicles and horses, Teii in charge of justice, Daikoro in charge of serving and treating visitors to the Dynasty, Sosei in charge of treatment of the Imperial family, Daishino in charge of state finance, and Shofu in charge of the Imperial Court's finance existed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当初は巨済島または鬱陵島の割譲を要求していたが、軍艦4隻と寺内正毅隊長が率いる兵1500人が到着する6日前に、既に清国が反乱を鎮圧し、主導権を握っていたことと、アメリカ合衆国が軍艦を派遣し威圧をかけてきた事から交渉担当の花房義質李氏朝鮮公使は方針を変更させ、馬建忠(在朝清軍の隊長李章の外交秘書)の仲介を経て上記の内容に落ち着いた。
    At first, Japan was demanding the cession of Geoje Island or Utsuryo Island, however, six days before the arrival of four warships and 1,500 soldiers led by Daitaicho (Battalion Chief) Masatake TERAUCHI, Qing had already subdued the rebellion and taken the initiative, and the United States of America had dispatched warships to put pressure on Japan, both of which led Yoshimoto HANABUSA, the Japanese Minister to Yi Dynasty Korea who was in charge of the negotiation, to change the original demands to the ones stipulated in the treaty, mediated by Jianzhong MA (a diplomatic secretary to Hung Chang LI, the captain of the army of Qing).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
