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  • 楊守敬より啓発を受けた日下部鳴、巌谷一六の六朝書道、また、徐三庚に影響された西川春洞、さらに中林梧竹らの活躍によって、明治末から大正にかけての漢字書道界は華やかな動きを示している。
    From the end of Meiji to the Taisho period, Meikaku KUSAKABE and Ichiroku IWAYA, both enlightened by Yang Shoujing, actively supported calligraphy of the six dynasties, and Gochiku NAKABAYASHI in addition to Shundo NISHIKAWA, who was affected by Xu Sangeng, was also active, making movements in the Chinese calligraphic world in this flamboyant era.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都に戻った阪東の新興キネマ合流第1作は、「阪東妻三郎プロダクション」の名はひっこめて、白井信太郎総指揮、伊藤大輔(映画監督)監督、録音マキノ雅弘(京都音映)による阪東初のトーキー作品『新納千代』であった。
    The first movie in which Bando appeared after he returned to Kyoto and joined Shinko Kinema, hiding his production name, "Bando Tsumasaburo Productions," was "Niiro Tsuruchiyo" (Tsuruchiyo NIIRO), created by the executive producer Shintaro SHIRAI, directed by Daisuke ITO, and recorded by Masahiro MAKINO (the founder of the Kyoto branch office of Onei).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古典の画図においては鳥山石燕の画集『今昔画図続百鬼』に描かれており、解説文には中国の古書『清尊録』からの引用で、姿はのようで、体色が黒く、眼光は灯火のようで、羽を震わせて甲高く鳴くとある。
    Its was depicted in a diagram within classics such as the art book by Sekien TORIYAMA, "Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki" (Continued Illustrations of the Many Demons Past and Present), in a note quoted from a Chinese classic "Seisonroku," and its appearance was like that of a crane, having black body color, and its glittering eyes were like flame, and it sang in a high pitch note while shaking its wings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 6、7月ころ、書院番、御小姓番、大番、ならびに見、曲木、諏訪部、浦部4箇所の厩付の諸士および田安、一橋、清水の三卿付の諸士らが、数名ないし十数名出動し、隅田川すじでおこなわれた。
    Suiba was held around June or July at the Sumida-gawa river with the participation of several dozens of samurai; namely, the shoinban (castle guard), the okoshoban (official guard in the Tokugawa Shogunate), the oban (a group of guards in the Edo shogunate), samurai working at one of four stables (in Tsurumi, Magaki, Suwabe or Urabe), and samurai working for one of the three families related to the shogun (the Tayasu, the Hitotsubashi or the Shimizu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 現行の段のほか、平太の子公暁が実朝の隠し子であることを知った板額が、わが子市若を身代わりに立てる三段目「市若身替り」と、が岡別当阿闍利のコミカルな演技で、滑稽な場を「チャリ場」と呼ぶきっかけとなった四段目などが知られる。
    In addition to the presently performed act, the known acts include the third act 'Ichiwaka Migawari' (Ichiwaka becoming a stand-in) in which Hangaku who has learned that Heita's son, Kugyo, is a Sanetomo's illegitimate child makes her child, Ichiwaka, a scapegoat, and the fourth act which has caused a fancy scene to be called 'Chari-Ba' (comical scene) due to the comical performance by Ajari, the Betto (Administrator) of Tsurugaoka Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉幕府執権の北条泰時は順徳天皇の皇子である忠成王の即位に難色を示し、一時は軍事介入を仄めかしながら、岡八幡宮の神意であるとして同じく後鳥羽天皇の孫にあたる邦仁王を推した。
    Disapproving of Prince Tadanari's enthronement because he was the prince of Emperor Juntoku, Yasutoki HOJO, the shogunal regent of the Kamakura bakufu, while insinuating military intervention at times, recommended as the successor, Prince Kunihito, the grandchild of Emperor Gotoba, claiming it was the divine will of Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 妻には頼朝の媒酌による正室の河越重頼の娘(郷御前)、岡八幡宮の舞で有名な愛妾の白拍子・静御前、平家滅亡後に平時忠が保身の為に差し出したとされる時忠の娘がある。
    He officially married with the daughter of Shigeyori KAWAGOE (Sato Gozen) through Yoritomo's good offices, and also had concubines, one is a beloved Japanese traditional dancer, Shizuka Gozen, who is famous for her dance at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine, and the other is the daughter of Tokitada, and she was said to have been forwarded to him by her father, Tokitada, who wanted to secure his own neck after the extinction of the Taira family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 度重なる要請に折れた静は岡八幡宮で白拍子の舞いを披露し、頼朝の目の前で「吉野山峯の白雪ふみ分て 入りにし人の跡ぞ恋しき」「しづやしづしずのをたまきをくり返し 昔を今になすよしもがな」と義経を慕う歌を詠った。
    Giving in to persistent requests, Shizuka performed the Shirabyoushi dance at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine, and recited a poem that spoke of her love for Yoshitsune: 'Missing the one so loved who went into the deep snows of Mt. Yoshino' and 'Hoping to exchange the present for the past when my loved one ruled.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶長5年(1600年)の関ヶ原の戦いにおいては豊臣恩顧の大名として西軍に与し、7月には大坂鰻谷町橋を守備し、のちに但馬国や丹波の諸大名・1万5000の軍勢を率いて細川幽斎が守る田辺城(丹後国)(舞城)を攻撃し、これを開城するに至っている。
    In the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, he sided with the West force as a favor to Toyotomi and guarded the Unagidani Town Bridge, Osaka in July, and later led a force of 15,000, a combined force of Tajima and Tanba troops, and attacked Tanabe-jo Castle (also called Maizuru-jo Castle) in Tango Province, and Yusai HOSOKAWA, who was on guard, surrendered the castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都、大坂での布教活動を経て、関ヶ原の戦いの後には次男の高知が領した丹後国泉源寺村(京都府舞市)に移り住み、高知の庇護の下此御堂という建物を中心に布教活動を行い、更なる信仰を深めたという。
    She performed missionary works in Kyoto and Osaka, moved to Sengenji Village, Tango Province (Maizuru City, Kyoto Prefecture) ruled by her second son Takatomo after the Battle of Sekigahara, performed missionary works centered around the building called Komido patronized by Takatomo, and further pursued her religion.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 9年、永田雅一が設立した第一映画社に参加し、山田五十鈴出演で泉鏡花原作の「折お千」、名脚本家依田義賢とはじめて組んだ「浪華悲歌」、京都の祇園を舞台にした傑作「祇園の姉妹」などを発表して名声を高めた。
    In 1934, Mizoguchi joined Daiichi Eiga-sha (a production company) established by Masaichi NAGATA, and made his name by releasing movies such as 'Orizuru Osen' (The Downfall of Osen), which, based on Kyoka IZUMI's novel, featured Isuzu YAMADA, 'Naniwa ereji' (Naniwa Elegy), which was produced together with a talented screenwriter Yoshikata YODA for the first time, and 'Gion no shimai' (Sisters of the Gion), a masterpiece set in Gion, Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元弘3年(1333年)、後醍醐天皇の挙兵に呼応して、上野国の御家人新田義貞の率いる新田軍が鎌倉に侵攻すると、幕府軍の大将として見の戦い、鎌倉へ敗退した後には巨福呂坂を防備する。
    In 1333, when an army led by Yoshisada NITTA, who was a gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) of Kozuke Province, invaded Kamakura in response to the rise of the Emperor Godaigo, Sadayuki led the Battle of Tsurumi as a general of the army of the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and after retreating to Kamakura, he defended at Kobukuro-zaka Slope.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子に牧野忠鎮(長男)、石川総親(次男)、牧野忠雅(四男)、牧野康命(六男)、娘(太田資言正室)、娘(大河内松平信順正室)、娘(西尾忠宝正室のち水野忠実(牧藩主)継室)、娘(青山幸寛正室)。
    His children were Tadatsune MAKINO (first son), Fusachika ISHIKAWA (second son), Tadamasa MAKINO (fourth son), Yasunori MAKINO (sixth son), and daughters (the legal wife of Suketoki OTA, the legal wife of Nobuyori OKOCHIMATSUDAIRA, the legal wife of Tadatomi NISHIO who later became the second wife of Tadamitsu MIZUNO, the lord of the Tsurumaki Domain, and the legal wife of Yukihiro AOYAMA).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 建保7年(1219年、のち承久に改元)正月27日、3代征夷大将軍源実朝が、右大臣拝賀のため、岡八幡宮へ御参した際(この日、実朝は暗殺される)の『吾妻鏡』の記事中に「修理権大夫惟義朝臣」の名が見える。
    In "Azuma Kagami "(The Mirror of the East), there is an article touching on February 20, 1219, when the third Seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") MINAMOTO no Sanetomo visited Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine in order to congratulate the assumption of Udaijin (the Minister of the Right) (on this day, Sanetomo was assassinated), and in this article Koreyoshi's name appeared as 'Shuri gon no daibu Tadayoshi no Asomi' (Tadayoshi of Asomi [second highest of the eight hereditary titles], Provisional master in the Office of Palace Repairs).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、松を産んだときに高野山・持明院へ父母の肖像画をおさめ、秀頼を産んだときに父母ら血縁の菩提を弔うために、養源院(養源院とは浅井長政の院号であり、開基は一族の成伯)を建立した。
    When she gave birth to Tsurumatsu, she contributed a portrait of her parents to Jimyo-in Temple at Koya-san Mountain, and when Hideyori was born she erected Yogen-in Temple (Yogen-in was Ingo [a title given to a Buddhist] for Nagamasa AZAI, and Kaiki (founder) was Seihaku, a monk from the Toyotomi family) to mourn for the bodies of her parents and other relatives.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その進路未定の状況を見かねた同窓生の小池正直は、陸軍省医務局次長の石黒忠悳に鴎外を採用するよう長文の熱い推薦状を出しており、また小池と同じく陸軍軍医になっていた親友の賀古所(かこ・つると)は、鴎外に陸軍省入りを勧めていた。
    A fellow pupil, Masanao KOIKE, who was concerned about Ogai being unable to progress to the next step, submitted a long, enthusiastic recommendation letter to Tadanori ISHIGURO, the vice-chief of the Medical Bureau of the Department of War requesting him to employ Ogai, and his closest friend Tsuruto KOGA (who had become a Army Surgeon like Masanao) also encouraged him to join the Department of War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同じく信長の小姓として有名な森成利(蘭丸)や堀秀政にも衆道を務めていたとの説が存在するものの、実際に衆道の有無を記した資料は殆ど存在しないため、この『亜相公御夜話』に記されたの汁のエピソードはとても珍しいものとされている。
    Although there is an opinion that Naritoshi (Ranmaru) MORI and Hidemasa HORI who were famous as Nobunaga's page as well as Toshiie played a role of his homosexual partner, there is almost no material that recorded whether the homosexual relationship existed or not actually, so it is considered that the episode about the crane soup written in this "Ashoko On-yobanashi" is very unusual.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし同校では成績は優秀で卒業後、山形県岡の病院勤務が決まっていたが安場が愛知県令をつとめることになり、それについていくことにして愛知県の愛知県医学校(現・名古屋大学医学部)で医者となる。
    Yet his school record was excellent at this school, and he got a position in a hospital in Tsuruoka City of Yamagata Prefecture, but as Yasuba became the Governor of Aichi Prefecture, he decided to follow him and became a doctor at Aichi Municipal Medical School (current the medical department of Nagoya University) in Aichi Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 備中兵乱後、一定の功績が毛利氏より認められて備中成羽(首)城主の地位は安堵されたが、備中松山・三村本家の叛乱を諫止できなかった咎を問われ、所領は原封の半分以下といわれる約8千石にまで減封された。
    After the Disturbance of Bicchu, the Mori clan recognized his achievements in some extent and allowed him to remain in the position of lord of Nariwa-jo Castle (Kakushu-jo Castle), but decreased his territory to about 8,000 koku, which was less than half of his original territory, for his failure to prevent the rebellion of the Mimura head family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亮政は正室との間に生まれた千代(久政の異母姉)の婿として、田屋明政(田屋氏は浅井氏庶家)に家督を譲ることを望んでいたともいわれるが、亮政が若いころに側室との間に生まれた久政が家督を継ぐこととなった。
    It is said that Sukemasa expected Akimasa TAYA (the Taya is a branch family of the Azai) to succeed to the head position as the husband of Tsuruchiyo, his daughter with his lawful wife (an older paternal half-sister of Hisamasa), but Hisamasa, who was born of a concubine when Sukemasa was young, finally took over as head of the family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、吉良氏が古くからの婚姻関係によって扇谷上杉氏の血を引いており、二男四女(長男上杉綱憲、次男吉良三郎、長女姫、次女振姫、三女阿久利姫、四女菊姫)に恵まれた(ただし次男・三郎と次女・振姫は夭折)。
    The Kira clan was related to the Ogigayatsu-Uesugi clan by old marriage connections, and he had two sons and four daughters (the eldest son Tsunanori UESUGI, the second son Saburo KIRA, the eldest daughter Tsuruhime, the second daughter Furihime, the third daughter Akurihime, and the fourth daughter Kikuhime) (however, the second son Saburo and the second daughter Furihime died young).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 熊倉の戦いを会津軍大勝利に導いた後、一ノ堰の大激戦の最中に陣将萱野権兵衛の命により軍事奉行樋口源助とともにヶ城に入城し、藩主松平容保に米沢藩からの降伏勧告を伝える。
    After leading Aizu Army to a great victory in the Battle of Kumakura, in the midst of the fierce battle of Ichinoseki, he entered into the Tsuruga castle with the military administrator Gensuke HIGUCHI on orders of the commander of the camp Gonbei KAYANO to report to the lord of the domain Katamori MATSUDAIRA about summons to surrender from Yonezawa Domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらに現在の嵯峨野線に当てはまる区間(京都~園部間)がまだ非電化だった頃は、当時あった特急・急行とは別に綾部でスイッチバックし、京都と東舞とを直結する普通列車が運転されていたこともあった。
    In addition, before the electrification of the section between Kyoto Station and Sonobe Station on what is now the Sagano Line, there were direct local trains between Kyoto Station and Higashi-Maizuru Station which switched back at Ayabe Station in addition to limited expresses and expresses.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお特別急行列車および特急に接続する普通列車(特急リレー号)は、舞市に国や府の出張官庁、また企業の支店・営業所などが集中している事からビジネス利用が多いが、それ以外の普通列車は通学等の利用が多い。
    In addition, because central and prefectural government agencies, as well as companies' branches and offices, are located in Maizuru City, the limited expresses, as well as the local 'Relay Trains' that connect with them, are mainly used by business commuters, while the other local trains are mainly used for commuting to school.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 普通列車は、基本的に線内のみの運行(ほぼ毎時1本程度)で、北近畿タンゴ鉄道MF100・200形気動車(福知山運転支区所属)が使用されているが、一部に宮津線に直通する列車も設定されていており、その場合は北近畿タンゴ鉄道KTR700・800形気動車(西舞運転区所属)も使用されている。
    Local train services (almost one per hour) basically only run on the Miyafuku Line and use KTR Diesel Cars Series MF100 & 200 (belonging to Fukuchiyama Railway Branch Yard) but some trains, using KTR Diesel Cars Series KTR700 & 800 (belonging to Nishi-Maizuru Railway Yard), directly connect with the KTR Miyazu Line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これにより、京都・大阪から宮津・天橋立へ向かう直通ルートが出来たことで北近畿の鉄道事情が大きく改善された(従来は、たとえば京都→天橋立の移動は、綾部駅と西舞駅で二度のスイッチバックを伴うことなり、時間的・心理的な遠さが存在した)。
    This line directly connected Kyoto and Osaka Stations with Miyazu and Amanohashidate Stations, thereby greatly improving rail access to Kitakinki region; in the past, for example, trains had to switchback both at Ayabe Station and Nishi-Maizuru Station when going from Kyoto Station to Amanohashidate Station, so the Kitakinki region had seemed far away both timewise and psychologically.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京都駅~東舞間を特別急行列車「まいづる(列車)」が1日上り5本、下り6本運転、特急「タンゴディスカバリー」が1日2往復の計7.5往復運転されており、いずれも当駅が終着駅となっている(ただし「まいづる」は休祝日には小浜駅まで延長される)。
    Between Kyoto Station and Higashi-Maizuru Station, there are 5 up trains and 6 down trains of the Limited Express 'Maizuru' and 2 round trips of the Limited Express 'Tango Discovery'; a total of 7.5 round trips of Limited Express trains are operated a day, all of which stop at this station as their terminal station (the Limited Express 'Maizuru' however, continues up to Obama Station on holidays).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのため、現行のそれの前に1960年より1986年まで大阪駅~城崎駅(現:城崎温泉駅)間を福知山線・山陰本線・舞線・北近畿タンゴ鉄道宮津線経由で運行する準急列車・急行列車「丹波」(たんば)が運行されていた。
    Accordingly, before the new Tanba train started operations a semi-express train and express train, each called Tanba, were operated during the period of 1960 to 1986 between Osaka Station and Kinosaki Station (presently Kinosakionsen Station) via the Fukuchiyama Line, Sanin Main Line, Maizuru Line and Miyazu Line of the Kitakinki Tango Railway Corporation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし1996年(平成8年)3月に山陰本線の園部駅~綾部駅間が電化され、京都駅~城崎温泉駅間が全線電化されると特急「あさしお」と急行「丹後」は廃止され、東舞直通列車は一時的に全廃された。
    However, in March 1996, when the section between Sonobe Station and Ayabe Station on the Sanin Main Line was electrified and the entire line between Kyoto Station and Kinosakionsen Station was also electrified, the operation of the Limited Express 'Asashio' and Express 'Tango' was discontinued and the direct trains bound for Higashi-Maizuru Station were totally suspended.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、京都府内には京都交通(京都交通(舞)と、京都交通(亀岡)=現在の京阪京都交通=の同名別会社がある)、京都バスという京都の冠がついた民間のバス会社が存在するが、これらはいずれも京都市営バスとは別のバスである。
    In Kyoto Prefecture, there are privately operated bus companies with company names in which Kyoto is included, such as Kyoto Kotsu (one based in Maizuru City and another in Kameoka City (present Keihan Kyoto Kotsu)) and Kyoto Bus, but these aren't related at all to the Kyoto City government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 港が1951年(昭和27年)に重要港湾に指定、また1995年(平成7年)には日本海側港湾では初めてFAZ(輸入促進地域)の指定を受けるなど、中華人民共和国や大韓民国、ロシアなど定期コンテナ航路を有する国際貿易港を持つ交流・物流都市としての性格を持つ。
    Since Maizuru Port was designated as an Important Port in 1951 and also designated the first among the Japan Sea coast ports as FAZ (Foreign Access Zone), it has thus taken on the characteristic of a logistics/trade city functioning as an international trade port with periodical container carrier routes between the People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治時代に入ると日露戦争を控え、京阪神と日本有数の軍港である舞港とをつなぐ交通網の普及が急がれた理由から、福知山はその中継地点として軍用鉄道の福知山線の整備がなされた。
    During the Meiji period, the Fukuchiyama Line, which was used as a military railroad, was improved by setting Fukuchiyama as a connecting point; this was carried out due to the fact that expanding the transportation network connecting Keihanshin (Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe area) and Maizuru Port, which was one of the major military ports in Japan, was seen as an urgent issue in preparation for the Russo-Japanese War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 福知山線や山陰本線は、国内有数の軍港である舞港と京阪神をつなぐ鉄道として軍事的理由によって整備促進されたという側面もあり、その中継地点である福知山は軍事都市としても栄えたといえる。
    Because the Fukuchiyama Line and the Sanin Main Line were developed and promoted for military reasons as railroads connecting Maizuru Port, one of the best military port in Japan, to Keihanshin, Fukuchiyama, a connecting point of these Lines, also flourished as a military city.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 現在は大きく2つの港に分れており、東港が海上自衛隊舞地方総監部が鎮座する軍港、西港が中華人民共和国・大韓民国・ロシアなどへの定期航路をもつ国際貿易港として発展している。
    It is largely divided into two ports--East Port and West Port; East Port is a navy port where the Maritime Self-Defense Force Maizuru District Headquarters is located; West Port has been developed as an international trade port having regular services heading to and from countries such as the People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, and Russian Federation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方で、北部(福知山市、舞市、宮津市など)は北近畿とも呼ばれ、旧但馬国(現在の兵庫県北部)や旧若狭国(現在の福井県嶺南地方)との交流が深く、京都市との交流は旧但馬国や嶺南(旧若狭国)に比べると浅い。
    On the other hand, the northern area (including Fukuchiyama City, Maizuru City and Miyazu City), which is sometimes called the Kita Kinki region, is closely related to former Tajima Province (the present northern area of Hyogo Prefecture) and former Wakasa Province (the present Reinan area of Fukui Prefecture), but is not so closely related to Kyoto City, compared with the areas of the two former provinces described above.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また福井県道・京都府道772号は福井県側に峠を越えてすぐ、京都府道・福井県道21号舞野原港高浜線と重複し、福井県内で福井県道・京都府道772号の単独区間を走れる数少ないスポットともなっている。
    Since Fukui Prefectural Road and Kyoto Prefectural Road 772 becomes Kyoto Prefectural Road and Fukui Prefectural Road 21 Maizuru-Noharako-Takahama Line right at the foot of Fukui Prefecture side of the pass, Fukui Prefectural Road and Kyoto Prefectural Road 772 is quite short in Fukui Prefecture (only the section on the pass).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 井原西『日本永代蔵』(祈る印の神の折敷)は、嫌われ者の貧乏神を祭った男が、七草の夜に亭主の枕元にゆるぎ出た貧乏神から「お膳の前に座って食べたのは初めてだ」と大感激されて、そのお礼に金持ちにしてもらったという話である。
    "Nihon Eitaigura" (Inoru shirushi no kami no oshiki) by Saikaku IHARA is a tale of a man who enshrined the disliked Binbo-gami, who was extremely moved, appearing by the master's bedside on the night of the seven herbs saying 'This is the first time I ate sitting at a table,' and as a sign of gratitude, made the man wealthy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 次いで佐竹家臣として出羽角館城に1万6000石を与えられたものの、盛重の死後、息子が相次いで病死、最後の当主蘆名千丸も3歳で事故死したために家系は断絶して蘆名氏は名実ともに滅亡した。
    Morishige was granted Kakunodate Castle in Dewa and 16 thousand koku as a retainer of the Satake clan; though, after his death, his sons died one after another and the last head of the clan Sentsurumaru ASHINA died in an accident at the age of three, who was the last of the line, leaving the Ashina clan in ruin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宗家である宮津藩の京極氏はほどなく改易され、丹後田辺藩(舞藩)の京極家も但馬国豊岡藩へ転封となったため丹後一国を領した京極高知の所領も、結果的にはこの峰山藩の1万3,000石だけが丹後に残るだけとなってしまった。
    Soon kaieki (change of rank) was made to the Kyogoku clan, the head family in the Miyazu domain, and the Kyogoku family in the Tanabe (Maizuru) domain of the Tango province was also transferred to the Toyooka domain of Tajima province, and thereby only this 13,000 goku in the Mineyama domain remained in Tango among the territories of Takatomo KYOGOKU who possessed the entire Tango province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 農業生産力の発展を基盤として、経済的な繁栄が見られたのが元禄であり、この時代には文学や絵画の面でも、井原西の浮世草子、松尾芭蕉の俳諧、近松門左衛門の浄瑠璃、菱川師宣の浮世絵などが誕生していく。
    The Genroku era enjoyed economic prosperity based on the development of agricultural productivity, and in the field of literature and painting famous masterpieces such as Ukiyozoshi (Literally, Books of the Floating World) by Saikaku IHARA, seven-syllable verse (haikai) by Basho MATSUO, Joruri (dramatic narrative chanted to a samisen accompaniment) by Monzaemon CHIKAMATSU and ukiyoe paintings by Moronobu HISHIKAWA were created.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平安時代前期には、紀氏と並んで武人の故実を伝える家とされたが、武士の台頭とともに伴氏は歴史の表舞台から姿を消していく事となり、その後は伴忠国が岡八幡宮初代神主となって以降、その社職を継承しながら血筋を伝えていく事となる。
    In the early Heian period, the Tomo clan, like the Ki clan, was considered to be the clan that carried the ancient practices of warriors, but as the samurai gained power, the Tomo clan's political influence faded, and after TOMO no Tadakuni became the first Shinto priest of Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine, the bloodline was inherited, as the job was passed on through generations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 港は、戦中は旧海軍の軍事的拠点として使用されていたが、戦後は大陸に進駐していた軍人軍属や一般人の日本本土への引揚、および日本に在留していた中国・朝鮮人の送還のための指定港のひとつとなった。
    The Port of Kyoto-Maizuru functioned as a military base for the Imperial Navy, and after the war the port was designated as one of the ports of entry for repatriated soldiers and people from mainland China as well as the departure point for Chinese and Koreans who had been expatriates in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 建部山自体が標高315メートルと周囲の山よりもやや高く、同時に「田辺富士」「丹後富士」と呼ばれる優美な形をした山であり、加えて山頂から眺める舞湾などの景色が絶景であるため、地元民のハイキングスポットとなっている。
    Since Mt. Takebe where the castle was located, called 'Tanabe Fuji' or 'Tango Fuji' because of its elegant shape, is a bit higher than other mountains nearby, having a height of 315 meters above sea level, local people enjoy hiking there, taking in the great view of Maizuru Bay from the top.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1600年、関ヶ原の合戦の直前に石田三成方に殺害されるが、その子水野勝成と水野忠清は直臣として家康に仕え、勝成が備後国備後福山藩・下総国結城藩水野家の祖、忠清は駿河国沼津藩水野家および上総国牧藩水野家の祖となる。
    Tadashige was killed by Mitsunari ISHIDA's side just before the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600; yet his sons, Katsunari MIZUNO and Tadakiyo MIZUNO served Ieyasu as great vassals; Katsunari became the originator of the Mizuno family of the Bingo-Fukuyama Domain in Bingo Province and the Yuki Domain in Shimosa Province and while Tadakiyo became the originator of the Mizuno family of the Numazu Domain in Suruga Province and the Tsurumaki Domain in Kazusa Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 上野隆徳は、備前常山城主として臨済宗豊岳山久昌寺を再興しているが、上野氏の菩提寺であった報恩寺(倉敷市真備町)には、隆徳とその室で三村家親の息女・姫の当時からの位牌が、今も祭られている。
    While Takatoku UENO restored the Hogakusan Kyusho-ji Temple of the Rinzai sect as the lord of the Bizen Tsuneyama-jo Castle, the original ancestral tablets of Takatoku and his wife, Tsuruhime, a daughter of the MIMURA family, are still placed in Hoon-ji Temple, the Ueno clan's family temple (Mabi-cho Kurashiki City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この健康食品を1日のうち少なくとも1回飲食すると、白霊芝と鹿角霊芝をそれぞれ単独で飲食した場合に比べて、アレルギー疾患、特に花粉症に対して症状の緩和作用が相乗的に発揮されるので、花粉症を早期に緩和することができる。
    Since the relieving action on allergic disease, especially on hay fever, is synergistically demonstrated if eating and drinking the health food at least once a day, compared to the case of eating and drinking separately each Hakkaku-Reishi and Rokkaku-Reishi, hay fever can be relieved in an early period. - 特許庁
  • さてトロイア軍はしばらく戦を中断し、プリアモスは重い気持で、一番の宝、金の葉と房をつけた黄金の葡萄の木を持って来るよう命じ、や鷺や野性の白鳥の鳴き声がこだまするカイステル川の大きな湿地に住いする民の王エウリュピュロスの母のもとへと運ばせた。
    Now the Trojans had rest from war for a while, and Priam, with a heavy heart, bade men take his chief treasure, the great golden vine, with leaves and clusters of gold, and carry it to the mother of Eurypylus, the king of the people who dwell where the wide marshlands of the river Cayster clang with the cries of the cranes and herons and wild swans.  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』
  • これにより、従来からの京都交通(京都交通(亀岡))と日本交通(大阪)の子会社の京都交通(京都交通(舞))という、資本関係の全く異なる2つの京都交通というバス会社が存在することとなったが、京都交通(亀岡)が2005年(平成17年)7月1日に路線バス事業を京阪京都交通に譲渡しバス事業から撤退した為、2つの京都交通の状態は3か月で解消された。
    As the result, for the three months there had been two bus companies having the same name (Kyoto Kotsu) and different capital sources (Kyoto Kotsu in Kameoka City and Kyoto Kotsu in Maizuru City as a subsidiary of Nihon Kotsu), however, on July 1, 2005, Kyoto Kotsu (Kameoka City) gave up the bus services to Keihan-Kyoto Kotsu and withdrew completely from bus business.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 見大学蔵本古系図」など、古い時代の源氏物語系図の中には、「蛍兵部卿」(これは光源氏の弟で「蛍兵部卿宮」、「蛍宮」などとも呼ばれる現行の源氏物語の本文にも存在する人物である)の孫として、現在一般に流布している源氏物語の本文の中には見られない「巣守三位」なる人物とその事績が記載されているものがある。
    Among the genealogies of The Tale of Genji which was made in olden times such as the 'old genealogy owned by Tsurumi University,' some contain the descriptions concerning achievements of the person called 'Sumori Sanmi,' a grandchild of 'Hotaru Hyobukyo' (the younger brother of Hikaru Genji, and also called 'Hotaru Hyobukyo no Miya' or 'Hotaru no Miya,' who appears in the present text of The Tale of Genji), and his name cannot be seen in The Tale of Genji widely circulating today.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 滝を模し水が深山から流れ出し、大きな流れになってゆく様子を表現する手法や、石を立て、また石を組合せることによる石組表現、宗教的な意味を持たせた蓬莱山や蓬莱島、島、亀島などに見立てる手法が多く用いられる。
    Techniques are used to express water flowing down a mountain turning into a huge stream by imitating a water fall, and ishigumi (stone combinations) such as arranging stones and putting together rocks symbolizing religious significance like Horai-san mountain (a mountain island in China where a benevolent wizard who had a drug for achieving eternal youth was believed to reside) and Horai-to island (same as the Horai-san mountain, see above), tsuru-shima island (the island of the crane, which is a place to pray for a long life) and kame-shima island (the island of the tortoise, also a place to pray for a long life) are commonly used.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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