
  • お豊さんは麗らかな春の日を浴び、浜辺を散歩しました。
    Otoyo enjoyed the beautiful spring day and walked along the beach. - Tatoeba例文
  • 幕府瓦解後一旦京都へ戻った和宮だが、明治天皇や市谷砂土原に居住していた実麗らの勧奨もあり再び東京へ戻ることを決め、明治七年七月、東京に戻った和宮は麻布市兵衛町にある八戸藩南部遠江守信順の元屋敷に居住した。
    After the bakufu collapsed, Kazunomiya returned to Kyoto, however she decided to return to Tokyo after Emperor Meiji and Saneakira, who lived in Ichigaya Sadohara, encouraged her to come back, she lived in the former residence of Nobuyuki Totoumi no kami Nanbu of the Hachinohe Domain which is located in Hyoe-machi Town, Azabu City from July 1874.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
