
  • 3/暦応年(1338年)、忠国は部将の村田如厳に命じ、給院(きいれいん)領主の和泉実忠(島津貞久の弟)を攻撃させる。
    In 1338, Tadakuni commanded 如厳 MURATA of a busho (commanding officer) to attack the load of Kiirein, Sanetada IZUMI (a younger brother of Sadahisa SHIMAZU).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、そのように高い信用性をもつと考えられた記事の中に、百済王の言葉として、自分は天皇の「民」と「封」建された領土とを治めている、自分たちの国は天皇に「調」を貢いで仕えまつる「官家(みやけ)」の国、来の天皇の「封」域を侵して「新羅の折れる」加羅諸国を天皇の命令で「本貫に還し属け」てほしいなど、自分は天皇の「蕃」(藩屏)をなす「臣」などこの種の表現があふれている。
    However, among those descriptions which were considered to be highly reliable, there are a lot of words of King of Baekje which show that he was a 'follower' who protected the emperor as follows; He governs 'the people' of the emperor and 'allotted' land, His country is a country of 'Miyake' which makes 'cho' (tributes) and serves the emperor and He hopes that the emperor will make Kaya countries which were originally 'allotted' land of the emperor but 'invaded' by Silla 'belong to the home place again' by an imperial order.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
