
  • 武市半平太「土佐一国にはあだたぬ奴」(馬脱藩後)、「肝もとより雄大、奇機おのずから湧出し、飛潜だれか識るあらん、ひとえに名に恥じず」(獄中で)
    Hanpeita TAKECHI said that "He is not a type of person who does excellent jobs only within the Tosa clan" (after Ryoma fled from the Tosa clan) and also "Ryoma is brave, grand, innovative, and unique, just true to his name "dragon." (in prison)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、この天逆鉾、古来から誰も詳しく調べるなどとしようとした者は(多分、恐れ多くて)いなかったのだが、幕末の志士坂本馬が高千穂峰を訪れた際、大にも引き抜いて見せたというエピソードがある。
    Although no one had attempted to closely study this Amanosakahoko (perhaps because of a sense of awe) since the ancient times, there is an anecdote that Ryoma SAKAMOTO, one of the patriots in the closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, was bold enough to pull it out when he visited Mt. Takachiho-no-mine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
