
  • a city in Japan called Chita
    知多市という市 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • He came from Chita County, Owari Province.
    尾張国知多郡の人。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • a cotton fabric called Chita cotton
    知多木綿という綿織物 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • He lived in Otaka, Chita County, Owari Province.
    尾張知多郡大高に住んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The 13th chief priest of Myoraku-ji Temple (Chita City)
    妙楽寺(知多市)13代住持。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • - Moved from Hossho-ji Temple in Ama County (Aichi Prefecture) to Myoraku-ji Temple in Komimura, Chita County (Shinchi, Chita City).
    -海部郡(愛知県)法性寺より、知多郡古見村妙楽寺(知多市新知)に転住。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • - Retired to Fukusho-ji Temple (Shinchi, Chita City).
    ー福生寺(知多市新知)に退隠する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • - Associate Shikoku sacred places was named new Shikoku sacred places of Chita.
    -知多新四国霊場と称する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yoshitomo was killed at Chita while he was fleeing to Togoku.
    義朝は東国に逃れる途中に知多で殺された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was a son of HATA no Michitake who was a feudal lord of Chita-gun in Owari Province.
    尾張国知多郡の領主の秦道武(はた・の・みちたけ)の子。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After that he was granted a territory in the Chita District and resided in Okusa Castle.
    その後、知多郡に所領を与えられて大草城に居城した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shugo (military governor) for Tango Province and a half of Ise Province, Chita District, Owari Province and Atsumi District, Mikawa Province.
    丹後国・伊勢国半国守護、尾張国知多郡・三河国渥美郡。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (He was also a Bungunshugo [a provincial constable of a specially given province in gun unit] of Kaito district, Owari province and Chita county.)
    (尾張国海東郡・知多郡の分郡守護でもあった。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Cormorants are caught on Shinojima Beach at the Chita Peninsula in Owari Province in winter on the way migrating south.
    鵜は冬、南方に渡りする途中を尾張国知多半島篠島海岸で捕獲した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was also posted to Bungun shugoshoku (Military governor of a partial district) of Chita and Kaito districts, Owari no kuni (Owari Province) around the same time.
    また、尾張国知多郡・海東郡の分郡守護職も同時期に手に入れている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After he left Gufu-jo Castle, he became a monk in Josen-bo Temple in Kamikano and was later sent to Chita, Owari Province.
    城を出た秀信は、上加納の浄泉坊で出家して、尾張知多へと送られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Along with Hanzo OKATO and Yasube TAKEDA, he founded Chita Shikoku 88 sacred places.
    岡戸半蔵、武田安兵衛とともに、知多四国八十八ヶ所霊場を開創した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Odai was born into a wealthy family as the daughter Tadamasa MIZUNO and his wife Keyoin at her father's Ogawa-jo Castle in Chita District, Owari Province (Ogawa, Higashiura-cho, Chita County, Aichi Prefecture).
    於大は尾張国知多郡の豪族水野忠政とその夫人華陽院の間に、父・忠政の居城緒川城(愛知県知多郡東浦町緒川)で生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was from the middle of the 15th century when Sadamori MIZUNO set his base in Ogawa, Chita County, Owari Province (Ogawa, Higashiura-cho, Chita County) that the Mizuno clan began expanding their power.
    戦国期において水野氏が勢力を伸ばすのは、15世紀中頃、水野貞守が尾張知多郡小河(知多郡東浦町緒川)に拠点を置いたのに始まる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ebi-senbei (shrimp senbei), which is a local specialty of the Chita peninsula in Aichi Prefecture, is one of the examples of senbei made from starch such as that of potato.
    馬鈴薯などのでん粉を用いるものとしては、愛知県の知多半島の名物となっている海老煎餅などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There was a grave of MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo (father of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo) in a villa in Noma, Chita district, Owari Province, but, with nobody to look after it, it had been utterly neglected.
    この尾張国知多郡野間の荘には源義朝(源頼朝の父)の墓があったが、誰も顧みる者も無く荒れるに任せていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Around the end of the Meiji period, Aijiro TEZUKA, the author of the History of Awa Province had doubts about this story and asked the government office of Chita district to investigate it.
    明治の末頃、阿波史の著者手束愛次郎も疑問をもち、当時の知多郡役所に調査を依頼した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that loyal subjects of the Miura clan, who settled in Oaza-Ikuji, Higashiura-cho, Chita district, Aichi Prefecture and became peasants, enshrined their lord Saku-hime as a Konohana-sakuya-hime.
    愛知県知多郡東浦町大字生路に土着・百姓となった三浦氏の忠臣らは、主君・佐久姫を木花佐久耶姫として祀ったとう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1547, Odai remarried Toshikatsu HISAMATSU, the lord of Agoya-jo Castle (Agui-machi) in Chita-gun according to the wish of Nobumoto.
    於大は1547年には信元の意向で知多郡阿古居城(阿久比町)の城主・久松俊勝に再嫁する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A number of Yamajawan kilns were produced through such process; Tokoname-yaki Ware in Chita Peninsula and Atsumi-yaki Ware in Atsumi Peninsula were generated in the first half of the 12th century.
    そうして多数つくられた山茶碗窯のなかから、12世紀前半、知多半島の常滑焼と渥美半島の渥美焼があらわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is believed that after the arrest, Dogyo was beheaded in Hakata, or that he was absolved and founded Hokai-ji Temple in Chita City, Aichi Prefecture.
    逮捕後、道行は博多で斬首されたとも、赦免されて愛知県知多市の法海寺を開いたともいわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Out of fiefs for Norichika, Yoshinao inherited Tango Province, a half of Ise Province, Chita District, Owari Province (but, only Kaito District, Owari Province was excluded) and also acquired Atsumi District, Mikawa Province, and Obama, Wakasa Province, which was the former territory for shugo.
    義直は教親の領国のうち、丹後・伊勢半国・尾張知多郡を受け継ぎ(尾張海東郡のみ外される)、三河国渥美郡、同じく旧守護国若狭国小浜も知行地として手に入れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Toshisada became the shugodai of four counties of Owari (Aichi Counry, Chita County, Kaito County and Kaisei County; the 'Oda Yamatonokami family' was originally the shugodai of Nakajima County, Kaito County and a part of Yamada County) ("Daijo-in Jisha Zatsuji-ki").
    尾張下四郡(愛知郡、知多郡、海東郡、海西郡の四軍のこと、最初「織田大和守家」は中島郡と海東郡の二郡及び山田郡(尾張国)の一部のみ)の守護代となる(『大乗院寺社雜事記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In order to save the Otaka-jo Castle in the Chita County (present Otaka, Midori Ward, Nagoya City), which had been trapped by the presence of the Oda side, he ordered Ieyasu TOKUGAWA and other commanders to take control of the forts of the Oda side located in the vicinity of Otaka.
    織田方に身動きを封じられた同国知多郡大高城(名古屋市緑区(名古屋市)大高)を救うべく、大高周辺の織田方諸砦を徳川家康などに落とさせる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nobutaka was sent to Omido-ji Temple (Nomadaibo, where MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo had been assassinated in the late Heian period) in Noma, Chita-gun, Owari Province (Mihama-cho, Aichi Prefecture [Aichi Prefecture]), where he committed suicide.
    信孝は尾張国知多郡野間(愛知県美浜町(愛知県))の大御堂寺(野間大坊、平安時代末に源義朝が暗殺された場所)に送られ、自害した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although the reliability of the information is not ensured, he is described in the "Kojiki" as an ancestor of the clans of Ana no omi, Ichihii no omi, Osaka no omi, Oyake no omi, Ono uji, Kakimoto no omi, Kasuga uji, Awata no omi, Taki no omi, Haguri no omi, Chita no omi, Musa no omi, Tsunoyama no omi, Ise no itaka no kimi, Ichishi no kimi and Chikatsuafumi no kuni no miyatsuko.
    事績は伝わらないが、『古事記』には、阿那臣・壱比韋臣・大坂臣・大宅臣(おおやけのおみ)・小野氏・柿本臣・春日氏・粟田臣・多紀臣・羽栗臣・知多臣・牟邪臣(むさのおみ)・都怒山臣・伊勢飯高君・壱師君・近江国国造(ちかつあふみ)の祖とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He had served the Ashikaga shogunate since the period of the fourth shogun Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA; he served at Samurai-dokoro (the Board of Retainers), and was assigned as shugo of Yamashiro Province in 1418 and in 1434, and became a dominant shugo daimyo of four provinces, Mikawa, Wakasa, Tango and Yamashiro (besides those posts he was appointed bungun-shugo [provincial constable of specially given province] of Kaito County and Chita County of Owari Province).
    4代将軍足利義持時代から仕え、侍所を務め、1418年、1434年には山城国の守護にも任じられ、三河国・若狭国・丹後国、そして山城の4カ国(他に尾張国海東郡・知多郡分郡守護)を兼ねる有力守護大名となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1909, he was head-hunted to transfer from a steel mill in Handa-cho, Chita County, Aichi Prefecture (currently Handa City) to 'Meika Lumber mill' in Nakagawate Village, Higashichikuma County, Nagano Prefecture (currently Azumino City), and there he was presumably engaged in the experimental production of a bomb to assassinate Meiji Emperor.
    1909年、愛知県知多郡半田町(現・半田市)の鉄工所から長野県東筑摩郡中川手村(現・安曇野市)の「明科製材所」にヘッドハントされて移り、当地で明治天皇を暗殺するためとして爆弾を試作したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The particularly renowned kurokuwa among ordinary citizens was a unit of 'kurokuwa,' a group of civil engineers in Chita County, Owari Province which was one of the production areas of kurokuwa (tool) and which held waju (settlement surrounded by dike) area in the downstream of Kiso-gawa River and Nagara-gawa River in the neighborhood, and such kurokuwa worked away from home to participate in the land development for civil engineering, flood prevention works and cultivation of new rice fields in various places.
    特に民間においては、(道具の)黒鍬の産地の1つで近くに木曽川・長良川下流の輪中地帯を抱えていた尾張国知多郡の土工集団の「黒鍬」組は著名であり、各地に出稼ぎをして土木・治水工事・新田開発のための土地整備に参加した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Many of the existing manzai in each place across Japan have found successors and been revived, but Mikawa-manzai (Anjo City, Nishio City and so on in Aichi Prefecture) and Echizen-manzai (Echizen city in Fukui Prefecture), whose time of formation is said to have been old, were designated as the nation's significant intangible folklore cultural assets in 1995, and so was Owari-manzai (Chita City in Aichi Prefecture) in 1996.
    現在ある、各地の萬歳には継承者を捜し出して復興させたものが多いが、成立時期が古いとされる三河萬歳(愛知県安城市・西尾市など)と越前萬歳(福井県越前市)が1995年(平成7年)に、尾張萬歳(愛知県知多市)が1996年(平成8年)にそれぞれ国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, 'Oda Danjonojo family' which Nobunaga came from was the Oda Yamato no Kami family who was assigned to the Shugodai (deputy of Shugo, provincial constable) of the south four counties (Kaito, Kaisei, Aichi and Chita Counties) by the Shiba clan who was shugo daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors, that became daimyo, which were Japanese feudal lords) in the Owari Province, that is, the branch family of Kiyosu Oda family and the lord of Furuwatari-jo Castle as same as its senior vassal, i.e., one of the three magistrates of Kiyosu.
    なお、信長の生まれた「織田弾正忠家」は、尾張国の守護大名・斯波氏の被官、下四郡(海東郡・海西郡・愛知郡・知多郡)の守護代に補任された織田大和守家、即ち清洲織田家の分家にして同家重臣たる清洲三奉行・古渡城主の家柄であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
