
  • a faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus
    ウミヘビ座と烏座の近くの南半球のかすかな星座 - 日本語WordNet
  • Apollo's raven, yatagarasu (large, Japanese mythological crow) and Chinese kinu (crow) are all servants of sun gods, and similarities have been pointed out such as the birds being originally white in color, and constellation Corvus (crow) is depicted with 3 legs in some star charts (according to one view the pattern of the sun spots is said to be the origin of the three-legged crow).
    アポロンのカラスと八咫烏、中国の金烏は何れも太陽神の使い、元は白い、星図によっては烏座が3本足のものもあるなど類似性を指摘されている(3本足のカラスについては一説には太陽黒点の図形が起源ともいわれている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
