「Covered in ashes」を含む例文一覧(4)

  • Covered in ashes
    灰まみれ - Weblio Email例文集
  • The sludge 3 in water is covered 2 with the coal ash particles obtained by granulating coal ashes.
    石炭灰を粒状化した石炭灰粒をもって水底の泥土3上を覆砂2すること。 - 特許庁
  • The Kinkaku structure, from which the temple gets its nickname 'Kinkaku-ji Temple,' is a three-storey building covered in gold leaf and is formally referred to as the 'Shariden Hall' (requilary hall) that houses Buddha's ashes (originally, only the top two stories were covered with gold leaf.
    通称「金閣寺」の由来となった金閣は、漆地に金箔を押した三層の建物で正式には舎利殿と称する(金箔を貼るのは二・三層のみ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He carefully scrutinized with his lens the talc shield which covered the top of the chimney and scraped off some ashes which adhered to its upper surface, putting some of them into an envelope, which he placed in his pocketbook.
    虫眼鏡を使って排煙部を覆っている滑石製の外装を丹念に調べ、その表面にこびりついている灰のようなものを擦り落として、手帳の間から取り出した封筒の中に一部を納めた。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『悪魔の足』
