
  • Ebara Station and Toyooka Station commenced operations.
    江原駅、豊岡駅が開業。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 〈供述書など〉 I confirm that the above is a true record of my statement 《made at Ebara Police Station on December 5th, 1994》.
    右のとおり相違ありません. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • "31 Komaki Route" Fukuchiyama eki-mae Station - Ebara - Okuebara - Komaki
    【31・小牧線】福知山駅前-榎原-奥榎原-小牧 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 704, he changed the house of his birth into Ebara-ji Temple, which he made his residence.
    704年に生家を家原寺としてそこに居住した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • September 23: The Shukunami signal station was established in the Yoka - Ebara section.
    9月23日-八鹿~江原間に宿南信号場開設。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ebara Station: Izushi Railway ceased operation on May 1, 1944 and was abolished on July 20, 1970.
    江原駅:出石鉄道-1944年5月1日休止、1970年7月20日廃止 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (Reference: 'Nihon no Jidaishi (History of Ages of Japan) No.11 The age of revolts' edited by Masaharu EBARA, published by Yoshikawakobunkan in 2003)
    (参考:榎原雅治編「日本の時代史11一揆の時代」吉川弘文館、2003年) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Minami no Tenno-sai Festival (Kappa-matsuri Festival): Ebara-jinja Reitai-sai Festival, Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo Prefecture
    南の天王祭(かっぱ祭り)東京都品川区北品川荏原神社例大祭 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is Sadamasa OGIGAYATSU's castle and is supposed to be located near Irasagozaka, Ebara County, Musashi Province.
    扇谷定正の本城で、武蔵国荏原郡伊皿子坂付近に位置するとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Soun was born in the Bitchu Ebara area, owned by Morisada, and is thought to have been raised there as a young boy.
    早雲は盛定の所領、備中荏原荘で生まれ、若年時はここに居住したと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was a descendant of Muneharu NASU, a younger brother of NASU no Yoichi, while he owned Ebara no sho (manor) in Bicchu Province and other territories.
    那須与一の弟、那須宗晴の末裔で備中国荏原庄などを領していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Shigetaka's days, he built Setagaya-jo Castle and settled in Setagaya, Ebara County, Musashi Province (Setagaya Ward, Tokyo Metropolis).
    成高の代に武蔵国荏原郡世田谷(東京都世田谷区)に世田谷城を構え、同地に土着。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, there is Yoichi's Gorin-Kuyoto (memorial tower with Gorin) in the mountains of Bichu-Ebara-no-sho manor (the present-day Nishi-ebara, Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture), one of the manors Yoichi received around the country for rewards appreciating his feat of shooting a folding fan.
    また扇の的を射た功名で全国に得た荘園のうち1つの備中荏原庄(現在の岡山県井原市西江原)の山中にも与市の五輪供養塔が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The house where Gyoki was born has turned into Ebara-ji Temple, which is famous for many people's praying for success in entrance examinations because the temple's Honzon (principal image of Buddha) is Monju Bosatsu (Manjusri), who is believed to embody wisdom.
    生家跡は知恵の文殊菩薩を本尊とすることから合格祈願で有名な家原寺となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Gyogi hailed from Ebara, Kawachi Province (present-day Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture), and is said to have built many temples, mainly in Kawachi where he was born.
    行基は河内国家原(現・大阪府堺市)の出身で、出身地の河内を中心に多くの寺を建てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Ebara, there remain prohibition laws signed by Moritoki TAIRA dated 1471 (The Kao Code signature is different to ones found later).
    荏原荘には文明(日本)3年(1471年)付けの「平盛時」の署名の禁制が残されている(ただし、花押が後のものとは異なる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the years of Shigekuni in the Oho era, his clan reigned an area covering from Ebara-gun, Musashi Province, to Shibuya-sho Manor, Takakura-gun, Sagami Province, and used the title shoji (administrator of a manor) of the Shibuya clan.
    重国の代の応保年間、武蔵国荏原郡から相模国高座郡渋谷荘までを領して渋谷氏荘司と称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Soroku Ebara (born March 10, 1842; died May 19, 1922) was a former retainer of the shogun who subsequently became a Japanese statesman and educator, as well as a Christian.
    江原素六(えばらそろく、天保13年1月29日(旧暦)(1842年3月10日)-大正11年(1922年)5月19日)は、旧幕臣、日本の政治家、教育者、キリスト者。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He built a house with his own studio called Shonen Sanso (Boy's Mountain Lodge)/Sankirai So (Smilax China Lodge), in Matsubara, Matsuzawa Village, Ebara County, Tokyo Prefecture (present day Matsubara, Setagaya Ward, Tokyo Prefecture).
    アトリエ兼自宅・少年山荘(山帰来荘)を東京府荏原郡松沢村松原(現・東京都世田谷区松原)に建設。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kyoto Station - Nijo Station - Kameoka Station - Sonobe Station - (Goma Station) - Ayabe Station - Fukuchiyama Station - Wadayama Station - Yoka Station - Ebara Station - Toyooka Station (Hyogo Prefecture) - Kinosakionsen Station
    京都駅-二条駅-亀岡駅-園部駅-(胡麻駅)-綾部駅-福知山駅-和田山駅-八鹿駅-江原駅-豊岡駅(兵庫県)-城崎温泉駅 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since the Fujii Theory was published in the 1950s, the most popular theory states that Soun was born in the village of Ebara (modern day Ihara City) into a branch of the Ise clan residing in the Province of Bitchu, and the study of other documents has basically determined that he was a feudal lord owning half of Bitchu Ebara (worth 300 kan, a unit of rice weight used before the koku system).
    1950年代に発表された藤井論文以降、伊勢氏のうちで備中国に居住した支流で、備中国荏原庄(現井原市)で生まれたという説が有力となり、その後の資料検証によって備中荏原荘の半分を領する領主(300貫といわれる)であることがほぼ確定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, in the grounds of Eisho-ji Temple which was founded in Bichu-Ebara as their family temple, there are Sodegami-jinja Shrine (袖神神社) dedicated to a sleeve that was torn off while fighting the Battle of Yashima, and the site of Kosuge Castle, which is considered the NASU clan's headquarters, as well as other shrines they founded.
    また備中荏原の菩提寺として開基した永祥寺の境内には、屋島での合戦時に破り捨てた片袖を祭った袖神神社や、那須一族の居城とされる小菅城址や創建した神社も存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Omori's descendants had become the lord of Seri-jo Castle generation by generation; however they were defeated by the Hiraoka clan in Ebara, and built the shrine on February 18, 1480 when the castle fell.
    大森の子孫代々千里城主たりしが、荏原の平岡氏に攻められ、文明十一年十二月二十九日落城の時此神社を創建すと云ふ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The populations of the three counties Toshima-gun (Musashi Province), Ebara-gun and Katsushika-gun for May 1798 (Kansei 10) and May 1840 (Tenpo 11) are as indicated in the chart.
    寛政十年五月(1798年)と天保十一年五月(1840年)に関しては三郡(豊島郡(武蔵国)、荏原郡、葛飾郡)に占める江戸の人口が知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The area called Edo was originally part of the Heian Period village Sakurada-go in Ebara County (southwest of the Edo Castle), but it later became referred to as Edo-go of Toshima County (Musashi Province).
    江戸の地名で呼ばれる地域は、元々は平安時代に存在した荏原郡桜田郷(江戸城の西南)の一部であったが、やがて豊島郡(武蔵国)江戸郷と呼ばれるようになっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In "Kusa Moeru" (Burning Grass) (NHK Historical Drama) (1979, Kagetoki KAJIWARA by Shinji EBARA and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune by Tomiyuki KUNIHIRO) and "Yoshitsune" (NHK Historical Drama) (2005, Kagetoki KAJIWARA by Akira NAKAO and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune by Hideaki TAKIZAWA), Kagetoki was portrayed as a loyal, efficient and bureaucratic samurai although Kagetoki had conflicts with Yoshitsune.
    大河ドラマ『草燃える』(1979年、梶原景時役:江原真二郎、源義経役:国広富之)、『義経(NHK大河ドラマ)』(2005年、梶原景時役:中尾彬、源義経役:滝沢秀明)では、景時は義経と対立するものの、頼朝への忠誠心の篤い優れて官僚的な武士として扱われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shin-Osaka Station - Osaka Station - Amagasaki Station (JR West) - Takarazuka Station - Sanda Station (Hyogo Prefecture) - (Shin-Sanda Station) - (Aino Station) - Sasayamaguchi Station - (Tanikawa Station) - Kaibara Station (Hyogo Prefecture) - (Iso Station - Kuroi Station (Hyogo Prefecture) - Ichijima Station) - Fukuchiyama Station - Wadayama Station - Yoka Station - Ebara Station - Toyooka Station (Hyogo Prefecture) - Kinosakionsen Station
    新大阪駅-大阪駅-尼崎駅(JR西日本)-宝塚駅-三田駅(兵庫県)-(新三田駅)-(相野駅)-篠山口駅-(谷川駅)-柏原駅(兵庫県)-(石生駅-黒井駅(兵庫県)-市島駅)-福知山駅-和田山駅-八鹿駅-江原駅-豊岡駅(兵庫県)-城崎温泉駅 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The initial secretaries of the club consisted of 25 members in total, including three from imperial nomination (Yoshito OKUDA, Keijiro OKANO, Kanemichi ANRAKU), three from the top tax bracket (Tomoemon SATO, Shobee MORITA, Kihee YAMASHITA), and such as the following: Binichi ISHIWATARI, Teiichi SUGITA, Rentaro MIZUNO, Soroku EBARA, Koki MATSUOKA, Yoshifumi MUROTA, Yasutake MATSUOKA, Yoshiaya MUROTA.
    結成時の幹事は勅選議員(奥田義人・岡野敬次郎・安楽兼道)・多額納税議員(佐藤友右衛門・森田庄兵衛・山下喜兵衛)ともに3名ずつ選出され、他に石渡敏一・杉田定一・水野錬太郎・江原素六・松岡康毅・室田義文らを合わせて25名が参加していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ansho-ji Temple (in Kyoto City), Jofuku-ji Temple (in Ikeda City), Ebara-ji Temple (in Sakai City), Yata-dera Temple (in Yamatokoriyama City), Daian-ji Temple (in Nara City), Taima-dera Temple (in Taima-cho, Nara Prefecture), Ofusa Kannon (in Kashihara City), Jison-in Temple (in Kudoyama-cho, Wakayama Prefecture), Koryu-ji Temple (in Kobe City), Mondoyakujin Toko-ji Temple (in Nishinomiya City), Enman-ji Temple (in Nishinomiya City), Senko-ji Temple (in Sumoto City), Ruri-ji Temple (in Sayo-cho), Onsen-ji Temple (in Toyooka City)
    安祥寺(京都市)(京都市山科区),常福寺(池田市),家原寺(堺市),矢田寺(大和郡山市),大安寺(奈良市),当麻寺(奈良県當麻町),おふさ観音(橿原市),慈尊院(和歌山県九度山町),興隆寺(神戸市),門戸厄神東光寺(西宮市),円満寺(西宮市)(西宮市),千光寺(洲本市),瑠璃寺(佐用町)(佐用町),温泉寺(豊岡市)(豊岡市) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Battle of Yashima in 1185, his achievement was so great that, with a single arrow, he dropped a folding fan as an aim hoisted onto the Taira clan's gunsen (battleship); consequently, he was rewarded with manors in five Provinces, including Tanba Province and Shinano Province from MINAMOTO no Yoritomo (Goka-no-sho manor in Tanba Province, Togu-no-sho manor in Wakasa Province, Ota-no-sho manor in Musashi Province, Sasage-no-sho manor in Shinano Province and Ebara-no-sho manor in Shitsuki County in Bichu Province)
    元暦2年(1185年)の屋島の戦いでは、平氏方の軍船に掲げられた扇子の的を射落とすなど功績を挙げ、源頼朝より丹波国・信濃国など五カ国に荘園を賜った(丹後国五賀荘・若狭国東宮荘・武蔵国太田荘・信濃国角豆荘・備中国後月郡荏原荘)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
