
  • a Chinese character radical called 'hako-gamae'
    匚構えという,漢字の部首 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • Hako: Buddhist altar fittings to pile incense.
    匲(はこ):香を盛るための仏具。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Irie group: Hako IRIE (1887 - 1948), the walls No. 6 and No. 8.
    入江班-入江波光(1887-1948)6、8号壁 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Taimai Raden Hakkaku no Hako (a box decorated with seashell inlay)
    たい瑁螺鈿八角箱(たいまいらでんはっかくのはこ、「たい」は王扁に「毒」) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Bon (tray), Hako (box) and related articles: Equipment used to store necessary items used for procedures, and used for various kinds of miscellaneous work
    盆・箱、関連品:点前の必需品を納めたり、さまざまな雑用に利用される道具。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hako koji method is a technique in which the procedures of "3. Mori" and after that in futa koji method are simplified and it is used for sake quality centering on futsushu.
    箱麹法(はここうじほう)は、蓋麹法から「3.盛り」以降を簡略化する手法で、普通酒を中心とした酒質に用いられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hako-zushi (pressed sushi) which is representative of Osakazushi, battera, a kind of Oshi-zushi using toppings marinated in vinegar, Bara-zushi (gomoku zushi - vinegared rice mixed with various vegetable, fish and other ingredients), Maki-zushi are also included.
    大阪寿司の代表的な箱寿司(押し寿司)、酢締めの押し寿司バッテラ、ばら寿司(五目寿司)、巻き寿司等も含まれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The finished shapes of sharidama include tawara-gata (barrel shape), hako-gata (box shape), funa-gata (boat shape), jigami-gata (fan shape) and most sushi chefs adopt funa-gata today.
    仕上がりの形状を、俵型、箱型、船型、地紙型とよび、現代では船型につける職人がほとんど。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The ending, called 'hako tataki' (hitting the box), expresses Mitsuhide's decision to rebel, so much for being a loyal retainer, by taking the box afresh (or hitting the box).
    幕切れの「箱叩き」では、光秀がもうこれまでと謀反の心を、箱を持ち直す(または箱を叩く)ことで表す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Natsuhiko KYOGOKU introduces the details of Dr. Fukurai's senrigan (second sight) experiment, in his novel "Moryo no Hako."
    京極夏彦の小説『魍魎の匣』の作中においても福来博士の千里眼実験に関して、事の経緯を紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Hako" is considered as a round box made with bamboo and hakohe, who was Zakko (special technicians), produced wooden product and bamboo product.
    「筥」は竹でつくられた円い箱であると考えられ、雑戸である筥戸が木器・竹器類の生産にあたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although two of those four, Hirokata ARAI and Hako IRIE, were not very famous painters of that period, they were assigned the important roles by the recommendation of Seiichi TAKI, an art historian.
    4名のうち、荒井寛方(あらいひろかた)と入江波光(いりえはこう)の2名は当時においてもさほど高名な画家ではなかったが、美術史家瀧精一の推挙で大役を任されたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hakokoji (box koji) is a simplified version of the futa-koji method and uses a larger version of the koji-bako, and is called 'hako' (box) in the language of sake brewery workers.
    蓋麹法より、もっと簡略化された日本酒箱麹法(はここうじほう)では麹蓋をそのまま大きくしたような麹箱(こうじばこ)、蔵人言葉では単に「箱」(はこ)を用いる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For shape, there are 輪車(環状)根付, Sashi netsuke (long, slender netsuke carved in three dimensions or with relief carving), Manju netsuke (round, flat netsuke), Hako netsuke (box-type netsuke), Katabori netsuke (figural, three-dimensional sculpture), Ryusa netsuke (manju-shaped netsuke with openwork design), Kagamibuta netsuke (mirror-lid netsuke), etc.
    形状として、輪車(環状)根付・差根付(さしねつけ)・饅頭根付・箱根付・形彫根付・柳左根付・鏡蓋根付などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There were circular loopholes, rhombic loopholes, loopholes shaped like a shogi piece, shinogi hazama (triangular loophole), hako hazama (box-shaped loophole), and so on according to the shape of windows, as well as ishisama (stone loophole used to fire a gun through the castle wall) that was cut in the top of a stone wall under a fence.
    その窓の形により丸狭間・菱形狭間・将棋駒形狭間・鎬狭間・箱狭間などと呼ばれ、塀の下の石垣の最上部に切込みを入れるようにあけられた石狭間もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The simplified hako-koji method called toko-koji (floor koji) does not use a box but spreads the steamed rice on top of a huge counter placed in a koji culture room, where koji spores are spread on it, and it is cooled down while still on the counter as in the futa-koji method for making nihonshu.
    箱麹法より、さらに簡略化された日本酒床麹法(とここうじほう)では、箱状の道具は用いず、麹室に設けられた大きな台のうえに蒸し米を広げ、そこへ麹菌を振りかけると、その台に乗せたまま日本酒蓋麹法からあとの熱を冷ます工程をおこなう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
