Among the Chinese classics of Confucianism, the Four Confucian Classics, "The Shih Ching" (The Book of Songs), "I-Ching" (The Book of Changes), and so on were annotated to make shomono.
漢籍は経書では四書、『詩経』、『易経』などに多く抄物がつくられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
His pen name was Teiken which came from "I Ching" (the Book of Changes).
号は鼎軒で、『易経』に由来。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Meiji was named after the clause in IChing (The Book of Changes), 'Looking to south, the saint listens to the world and, facing towards light, he governs.'
『易経』の「聖人南面而聴天下、嚮明而治」より。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This number of sections and editions follows the number of '天地' in 'xicizhuan' of "I Ching" (The Book of Changes).
この部篇数は、『易経』「繋辞伝」にある天地の数に基づいている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He became a monk of the True Pure Land sect of Buddhism, studying IChing (The Book of Changes) and Confucianism along with the study of sectarian doctrines.
浄土真宗の僧侶となり宗学のほかに易経、儒学を修める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He had been transcribing Zhou Yi (I Ching (Book of Changes)) from 1508 to the following year.
永正5年(1508年)から翌年にかけては、『周易』(易経)の書写に着手している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Unshitsu went to Edo to study Ekiroso (I Ching, Laozi and Zhuangzi) and Confucianism, and in 1781, he was nominated for an academic position at Yushima Seido Temple (Confucian temple).
江戸に出て易老荘、儒学を学び、天明元年(1781年)湯島聖堂の学職に挙げられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The last portion 'イサキヨシ'denotes its Japanese reading and '易' may suggest that this reading goes back to "Zhouyi" (The Book of I-Ching, the first book ever written in Chinese).
「イサキヨシ」は和訓で、『周易』の訓にあることを示すものとみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 240, Ching has made this mirror. Here is my history. I used to live in Yangzhou of Wu in China as a mirror maker but now I am in exile living in the end of the land. May your life be long like a golden stone and may your flesh and blood be prosperous.'
□始元年陳是作鏡自有経述本自州師杜地命出寿如金石保子宜孫 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
But on the other hand, he may have been influenced by the "Bussotoki" (the Record of the Buddhist Founders) and Song-period philosophy (especially that of the 'Spring and Autumn Annals,' the 'Mencius,' and the 'I Ching') into intentionally emphasizing other virtues over Gomurakami's royal lineage.
だがその一方で、『仏祖統記』や宋学(特に「春秋」・「孟子」・「易経」)の影響を受け、血統の他に有徳を強調している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Yo Yu (Yang Xiong) emerged at the end of former Han, and wrote "Taigen" imitating " I Ching," and "Hogen" imitating "Taigen" and "The Analects of Confucius" for public recognition of Confucianism.
前漢末には揚雄が現れ、儒教顕彰のために『易経』を模した『太玄』や『論語』を模した『法言』を著作している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Additionally, such change in the view towards the sky led to the development of a new forming theory of the universe centered around "I Ching."
またこのような天観の変化によって『易経』を中心として新しい宇宙生成論が展開された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The posthumous title, 'Teimei (貞明),' was taken from one sentence of the source text, "Ekikyo (I Ching [Yi Jing] or The Book of Changes).": 'The path ways of the sun and the moon (or times of days and months) are firm adherence to one's principles (Tei, [貞]) and clear (mei, [明]).'
追号の「貞明」は、『易経』にある「日月の道は貞(ただ)しくして明らかなり」の一文を出典とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Additionally, they had similar tastes, for example Mitsukuni compiled "Dainihonshi" (Great History of Japan) and Tsunayoshi gave lectures on the "I Ching."
また、光圀が大日本史を編纂し、綱吉が自ら易経を講じるなど、類似した方向性を持っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The term 'Shinto' appears in "I Ching" (the Book of Changes) and "Jin shu" (History of the Jin Dynasty) in China and the term means 'Ayashiki michi ' (神しき道.)
「神道」という言葉は中国の『易経』や『晋書』の中にみえるが、これらは「神(あや)しき道」という意味である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Given the above, the term Shinto (Ayashiki michi) in "I Ching" and "Jin shu" is a derogatory term describing that Shinto was more advanced than Kido, but was of very low level.
すなわち、『易経』や『晋書』の中にみえる「神道」(「神(あや)しき道」)という語は、鬼道よりは進んでいるが、まだまだ劣っているという蔑称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The term "hyakusho" that indicates common people is often found in books that are considered to be edited in the Zhanguo Dynasty (China) into the current form, such as "Rongo Analects" and "Eki" (I ching).
民衆を意味する百姓は、『論語』・『易』など戦国時代_(中国)に現在の形に編集されたと推定される書物から、頻見される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The textbooks they used were books classified as Shibu-gogyo, such as "Shinsen Onmyosho," "Kotei kingi kyo," "Gogyo Taigi," "Zhou Yi" (I Ching (Book of Changes)) and "Nangi."
教科書としては、子部五行類の『新撰陰陽書』・『黄帝金匱経』・『五行大義』・『周易』・『難儀』などが用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 239, Ching has made this mirror. Here is my history. I used to live in Yangzhou of Wu in China as a mirror maker but now I am in exile living in the end of the land. (After this sentence it is hard to comprehend because of the partly corrupted characters) May your life be long like a golden stone and may your flesh and blood be prosperous.''
景初三年陳是作鏡自有経述本是京師杜□□出吏人□□□(位)□(至)三公母人?之保子宜孫寿如金石 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In these national policy of seikyoitchi (unity of religion and politics), the 'Konkomyo Saisho-o kyo' (translated into 10 volumes by Gijo, also known as IChing or Yi Jing, a Tang Dynasty Buddhist monk), a set of Buddhist scriptures to guard the nation, was valued.
こうした政教一致ともいうべき国家体制のなかで重視されたのが、国を護る経典である「金光明最勝王経」(10巻、唐僧の義浄訳)であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The learning which flourished in this period was Xuanxue (Neotaoism) based on the thought of Laozi and Zhuangzi and "I Ching" (Classic of Changes), and some wrote annotations for Ju-kyo Keisho from the Xuanxue side.
この時代に隆盛した学問は老荘思想と『易』に基づく玄学であるが、玄学の側からも儒教の経書に注を作るものが現れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Tsunayoshi often called Nobuatsu HAYASHI to discuss the Confucian Classics, gave lectures on The Four Books of Confucianism and the "I Ching" (The Book of Changes) to retainers in the government, and built Yushima Daiseido as the center of scholarship.
綱吉は林信篤をしばしば召しては経書の討論を行い、また四書や易経を幕臣に講義したほか、学問の中心地として湯島大聖堂を建立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
"I Ching" (The Book of Changes), "Shosho" (Classic of History), Shi Jing (the oldest pieces of Chinese literature), "Shurei" (Rites of Zhou), "Raiki" (Book of Rites), "The Zuo Zhuan" (The Chronicle of Zuo) (Shunjukoyoden, Shunjukokuryoden), "Rongo" (Analects of Confucius), "Moshi" (Mencius), "Mozi" (a book of Chinese thought), "Hanfeizi" (a book of Chinese thought), "Shan Hai Jing" (Classic of mountains and seas), "Sonshi" (Chinese books about tactics).
『易経』、『尚書』、『詩経』、『周礼』、『礼記』、『春秋左氏伝』(春秋公羊伝・春秋穀梁伝)、『論語』、『孟子』、『墨子』、『韓非子』、『山海経』、『孫子』 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Shusin, a disciple of Sha Ryosa, brought together Shosu-eki (graphic and mathematical divination) such as "Kokyokukeiseisho" (Kogyoku future occurrence book) by ShoYo (Shao Yong) and "Tsusho" (almanac) by Shu Ton-i (Zhou Dunyi), and Giri-eki (ethics and philosophy divination) such as "Tei's annotation of I Ching" and Cho Sai's (Zhang Zai) "Seimo," and wrote "Kanjoekiden," to counter the art of divination led by Anseki O (Wang Anshi) and Su Shi.
謝良佐の弟子である朱震は邵雍の『皇極経世書』、周敦頤の『通書』といった象数易と『程氏易伝』や張載の『正蒙』といった義理易を総合して『漢上易伝』を著し、王安石や蘇軾の易学に対抗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Furthermore, for "I Ching," he wrote "Shueki-Hongi" (the real meaning of Zhouyi), which treated the classics as books on fortune-telling, and for "Shikyo," "Shishu-den" (Annotation of Shi Jing, which interpreted it based on natural human emotions, and not necessarily based on Rei-kyo, and for 'Classic of Li' (Classic of Rites), "Comprehensive Explanation of Classic of Yili and Annotation of Classic of Li," which treated "Girai (Yili)" as a classic and "Classic of Rites" as tradition.
さらに『易経』には経を占いの書として扱った『周易本義』、『詩経』には必ずしも礼教的解釈によらず人の自然な感情に基づく解釈をした『詩集伝』、「礼経」には『儀礼』を経とし『礼記』を伝とした『儀礼経伝通解』を著した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Additionally, the Rikkei (six documents) books from Zhou, "Shikyo" (Chinese Poetry book), "Shujing" (Book of History), "Girai" (Yili), "Gakkei," "I Ching" (The Book of Changes), and "Shunju" (Spring and Autumn Annals) were specified as Ju-kyo scriptures, and from their Ju-ka-style interpretation learning perspective, "Classic of Rites" and den, or commentaries and collected papers, such as "Ekiden," "Chunqiu Zuoshi Zhuan" (Master Zuo's Commentary to the Spring and Autumns), "Shunju Kuyo-den" (Annotation of Gongyang on Spring and Autumn Annals), and "Shunju Kokuryo-den" (Annotation of Guliang on Spring and Autumn Annals) were organized.
また『詩経』『書経』『儀礼』『楽経』『易経』『春秋』といった周の書物を六経として儒家の経典とし、その儒家的な解釈学の立場から『礼記』や『易伝』『春秋左氏伝』『春秋公羊伝』『春秋穀梁伝』といった注釈書や論文集である伝が整理された(完成は漢代)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス