
  • He was also popularly known as Itsuki.
    通称斎宮(いつき)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Itsuki dofu in Itsuki-mura, Kuma-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture
    熊本県球磨郡五木村の五木豆腐 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hiroshi Itsuki has slits for eyes.
    五木ひろしは糸目の男。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Itsuki-mura, Kuma County, Kumamoto Prefecture
    熊本県球磨郡五木村 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His familiar names were Itsuki OSHIMA and Itsuki KONDO.
    俗称を大嶋逸記(いつき)、近藤斎宮(いつき)と称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There is a traditional lullaby called the "Itsuki no komoriuta" song, which sung in Kuma Gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.
    熊本県球磨郡で歌われた五木の子守歌に - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The 'Itsuki no komoriuta' song laments this sorrow.
    この悲哀を歌ったのが「五木の子守歌」である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (Three shrines deified together) : Itsuki Inari Shrine, Tenman Shrine, and Jinushi Shrine
    (三社合祀):斎稲荷社・天満社・地主社 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The provinces of the Yuki and the Suki are called Itsuki no kuni.
    悠紀・主基の国を斎国(いつきのくに)という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Note 1: 'Both Doji ITSUKI and Sanai OKA withdrew from Matsukawa.
    ・註1:「齋道二、岡左内モ、松川ニ於テ小返ス。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • NHK Televised Epic Drama "Kasuga no Tsubone" (1989, Mitsuhide: Hiroshi ITSUKI).
    NHK大河ドラマ『春日局(NHK大河ドラマ)』(1989年、光秀:五木ひろし) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sakurakunsei dofu (tofu smoked over cherry chips), which is made in a similar manner, has been passed down in Itsuki-mura, Kumamoto Prefecture.
    熊本県五木村にも同様にして製造する桜燻製豆腐が伝わっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the 1970s, Hiroshi ITSUKI, Aki YASHIRO, Masako MORI, Sayuri ISHIKAWA, and Takashi HOSOKAWA appeared.
    1970年代に入ると五木ひろし、八代亜紀、森昌子、石川さゆり、細川たかしなどが登場。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that "Seishun no mon" dissatisfied the author Hiroyuki ITSUKI because of its directional issues.
    演出上の問題から、『青春の門』は原作者五木寛之の不満を招いたといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ichikishima' refers to 'Itsuki shima' (the island of worship), so 'Ichikishimahime' means 'female (goddess) of the island of worship'.
    神名の「イチキシマ」は「斎き島」のことで、「イチキシマヒメ」は神に斎く島の女性(女神)という意味になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • About today's packed-lunch, the menus prepared by Itsuki and Tanaka are low in beta-carotene-rich vegetables again aren't they?
    今日のお弁当もだけど、五木さんと田中さんの作るメニューは緑黄色野菜が少ないんじゃない? - Tatoeba例文
  • It's today's packed-lunch as well, but aren't menus prepared by you and Itsuki low in beta-carotene-rich vegetables?
    今日のお弁当もだけど、五木さんと田中さんの作るメニューは緑黄色野菜が少ないんじゃない? - Tanaka Corpus
  • According to a myth in Izawanomiya, rice in Japan was brought by Amaterasu from divine rice field in the itsuki in the plain of high heaven.
    伊雑宮における神話では、稲はアマテラスが、高天原の斎の神田にある稲穂を持ち込んだとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Saio or Itsuki no miko (the Priestess) was an unmarried princess of the blood or female relative of the Emperor who served as a shrine maiden at the Ise-jingu Shrine and the Kamo-jinja Shrine.
    斎王(さいおう、いつきのみこ)は、伊勢神宮または賀茂神社に巫女として奉仕した未婚の内親王または女王(皇族)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The procession that took place at this time was known as 'Saio Gunko' and is recreated by the 'Itsuki-no-Miya Parade' that is held in October of each year.
    その時の行列を「斎王群行」といい、現在では毎年10月の例祭において「斎宮行列」としてその様子を再現している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His father was Itsuki FUJINO, the leader of the 'Ishin Kinno Yamagunitai' militia, and his mother was Yanakichi TAKEMOTO (Yana MAKINO), who was a female gidayu (chanted narrative in Japanese plays) reciter.
    父は、明治維新時の民兵組織「維新勤皇山国隊」の隊長だった藤野齋、母は女義太夫師の竹本弥奈吉(牧野やな)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that during this period, he called himself Itsuki KONDO, lived on Koromonotana Shimodachiuri, or Marutamachi Aburanokoji, earned his living by giving lectures and private lessons.
    この頃、近藤齋宮と称しており衣棚下立売や丸太町油小路に住み、売講や個人教授などをして生計を立てていたらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some say there is a parallelism between Shinto and Taoism in some of the terms used for Ise Jingu Shrine, which worships Amaterasu Omikami—such as okami (great god), Jingu, itsuki no miya, itsuki no yakata, murasaki no mizo, kiyoginu, mitegura and usukinu—and in the idea behind dividing its shrine into Kotai jingu and Toyouke daijingu.
    また、天照大神を祀る伊勢神宮の大神、神宮、斎宮(いつきのみや)、斎館(いつきのやかた)、紫御衣(むらさきのみぞ)、明衣(きよぎぬ)、幣帛(みてぐら)、五色薄絁(うすきぬ)などの用語や、神宮を皇大神宮と豊受大神宮とに分ける観念なども道教と一致しているという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, the sects are exclusive and secretive, so the whole picture of the localized rituals is still covered in a veil, but Hiroyuki ITSUKI says that some of the secretive rituals and others have begun to be made public little by little in recent days.
    さらに排他的秘密主義のために、その儀式は土俗化しており全貌はいまだに明らかではないが、五木寛之によると、最近では少しずつその秘密儀式の一部などを公開する動きも出ているという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the era of the Emperor Reizei, as the first daughter of the naidaijin (minister of the center) (To no chujo), Kokiden no nyogo, was defeated by Itsuki no miya nyogo (later Akiyoshi chugu) in the competition to become the empress, and so he pinned his hope on his second daughter, Kumoi no kari and hoped to make her become the crown princess.
    冷泉帝の御世、長女の弘徽殿女御が斎宮女御(後の秋好中宮)との立后争いに敗れたことから、内大臣(頭中将)は次女雲居の雁に希望を託して東宮妃にと望む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also, in late August, Nukihoshi (Imperial envoy sent to gather ears of rice) chosen by Bokujo were sent to Itsuki no kuni and they chose Saiden (rice fields to cultivate rice plants for deities), Saijo zoshikinin (lower-level functionaries in the provincial government) and Sakatsuko (girls brew sake presented to gods) by using Bokujo in those provinces.
    また、8月下旬には、抜穂使を卜定して斎国に遣わし、抜穂使はその国で斎田と斎場雑色人、造酒童女らを卜定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Tenson hongi (the original record of the heavenly grandchild), volume five, he was said to be the son of MONONOBE no Okoshi and a brother of MONONOBE no Oichinomikari no Muraji, and given the title of Omuraji, then Itsuki of a shrine in the reign of Emperor Ikenobe no Namitsuki (Emperor Yomei).
    第五卷天孫本紀では物部尾輿の子で物部大市御狩連の弟、弓削大連とも、池邊雙槻宮天皇(用明天皇)の時に大連となり神宮の斎となったとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Masamune fled without looking back because Doji ITSUKI first attacked to slash Masamune and split up Masamune's jinbaori (sleeveless campaign jacket worn over armor) of yellowish crimson in the battle.
    この乱戦の中で齋野道二が真っ先かけて政宗に切り掛かり、政宗の猩々緋の陣羽織を切り裂いたため、政宗は跡を見ずに逃げ去っていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Around Matsukawa (Fukushima Prefecture), the troops of Kageyori YASHIRO and Tsunamoto MONIWA clashed with Sanai OKA and Doji ITSUKI (*1), and every prominent commander on the Uesugi side such as Kansuke YASUDA and Denemon KITAGAWA (北川伝右衛門) died on the battlefield.
    松川(福島県)付近では、岡左内、齋道二(註1)等と屋代景頼、茂庭綱元の部隊が激突したが、安田勘助、北川伝右衛門など、上杉方の名のある武者が軒並み討ち死にした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Ikeda clan, a Hatamoto in Ibara, Itsuki County (present Ibara-cho, Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture), belonged to the same clan as that of the Ikeda clan in the Tottori clan and in the Okayama clan, and was a descendant of Nagayoshi IKEDA, who was a younger biological brother of Terumasa IKEDA and the first lord of the Bitchu-Matsuyama clan.
    後月郡井原(現・岡山県井原市井原町)の旗本池田氏は、鳥取藩や岡山藩の池田氏と同族であり、池田輝政の実弟の初代備中松山藩主池田長幸の子孫である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to folklore, the Taira clan, which was defeated in Jisho-Juei no ran (Jisho-Juei War), settled in Gokanosho (Yatsushiro-City), and the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) sent samurai warriors such as Kajiwara clan and Dohi clan to the next village, Itsuki Mura, to live there as a means of keeping tabs on the activities of the Taira clan.
    伝承によれば、治承寿永の戦いに敗れた平氏一族が五家荘(八代市)に定着したので、鎌倉幕府は梶原氏や土肥氏など東国の武士を送って隣の五木村に住まわせ、平氏の動向を監視させたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Successive Chief of Home Affairs and its forerunners such as Director of the Home Affairs Bureau (民政長官) included Takashi MIZUNO, Shizuo SONE, Shinpei GOTO, Tatsumi IO, Kumaji OSHIMA, Shunji MIYAO, Kakichi UCHIDA, Hiroshi SHIMOMURA, Sagataro KAKU, Fumio GOTO, Kakichi KAWARADA, Jiro HITOMI, Morio TAKAHASHI, Shin KINOSHITA, Hiroyoshi HIRATSUKA, Jiro MORIOKA, Itsuki SAITO and Ichiro NARITA.
    台湾総務長官は、前身である民政長官などを含め水野遵、曽根静夫、後藤新平、祝辰巳、大島久満次、宮尾舜治、内田嘉吉、下村宏、賀来佐賀太郎、後藤文夫、河原田稼吉、人見次郎、高橋守雄、木下信、平塚広義、森岡二郎、斎藤樹、成田一郎が就任している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hachiro KASUGA, Michiya MIHASHI, Haruo MINAMI, Hideo MURATA and other male singers who had both individualities and abilities and laid the foundations for new enka genre, and Hibari MISORA who was known as the queen of enka (also known as the 'queen of popular song world') have already passed away, and highly accomplished singers who followed, such as Saburo KITAJIMA, Hiroshi ITSUKI and Shinichi MORI, cannot show their abilities to the full.
    個性と実力を兼ね備え、演歌という新ジャンルの土台を築いた、春日八郎・三橋美智也・三波春夫・村田英雄らの男性歌手や、演歌の女王と称された美空ひばり(「歌謡界の女王」とも呼ばれる)等がすでに亡くなっており、その後に続いた北島三郎や五木ひろし、森進一などの大御所歌手も実力を発揮し切れていない状況である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • With many hits, including 'Namida no Misao' (Tearful Fidelity), 'Meoto Kagami' (Couple Mirrors), 'Onna no Michi' (Woman's Way), 'Onna no Negai' (Woman's Wish), 'Oyaji no Umi' (Father's Ocean), 'Yokohama Tasogare' (Yokohama Twilight Time), 'Kizudarake no Jinsei' (Life with Bruises), 'Kuchinashi no Hana' (Flower of Gardenia), 'Furusato (Hiroshi ITSUKI)' (Hometown), 'Kassai (Naomi CHIAKI)' (Applause), 'Sensei' (Teacher), 'Kokoro Nokori' (Regret), 'Yosaku' (Yosaku [a popular Japanese name for woodcutters]), 'Funauta' (Sailor's Song), 'Mukashi no Namae de Deteimasu' (Coming out in the Name of Old Days), 'Kita no Yado kara' (From an Inn in the North Country), 'Tsugaru Kaikyo Fuyu-geshiki' (Winterscape of the Tsugaru Straits), 'Omoide Zake' (Sake of Memories), 'Kitaguni no Haru' (Spring in the North Country), and 'Yume Oi Zake' (Dream-chasing Sake), enka music developed steadily, competing with folk, new music, and idol songs.
    「なみだの操」「夫婦鏡」「女のみち」「女のねがい」「おやじの海」「よこはま・たそがれ」「傷だらけの人生」「くちなしの花」「ふるさと(五木ひろし)」「喝采(ちあきなおみ)」「せんせい」「心のこり」「与作」「舟唄」「昔の名前で出ています」「北の宿から」「津軽海峡・冬景色」「おもいで酒」「北国の春」「夢追い酒」など多くのヒット曲が生まれ、フォーク、ニューミュージック、アイドル歌謡などと競い合いながら安定した発展を見せていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
