
  • His posthumous name was Kazuhito.
    諱を量仁(かずひと)という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His posthumous name was initially Kazuhito, later named Katahito.
    諱を和仁(かずひと)といい後に周仁(かたひと)と名乗った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Accordingly, Imperial Prince Kuniyoshi was formally installed as the Imperial Prince, succeeded by Imperial Prince Kazuhito after the demise of Kuniyoshi.
    そして邦良親王、その急逝後は量仁親王が立太子した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Imperial Prince Kuniyoshi would be the next Crown Prince, succeeded by Imperial Prince Kazuhito (Emperor Kogon), the son of Gofushimi.
    次の皇太子は邦良親王とし、その次を後伏見皇子の量仁親王(光厳天皇)とすること。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hosei's pitching ace, Futagami Kazuhito, came on in relief in the sixth inning of the finals.
    法政大のエース,二(ふた)神(がみ)一(かず)人(ひと)投手は,決勝では6回にリリーフ登板した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • On Oct. 18, Tanaka Kazuhito, 24, got another medal for Japan.
    10月18日には,田中和(かず)仁(ひと)選手(24)がもう1つのメダルを日本にもたらした。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • After the Emperor abdicated to let his grandson, Prince Kazuhito (later called Emperor Go-yozei) attain enthronement in 1586, he retired to Sento Gosho (Sento Imperial Palace).
    天正14年(1586年)、孫の和仁(かずひと)親王(後陽成天皇)に譲位して仙洞御所に隠退した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However Imperial Prince Kuniyoshi (Kuninaga) died of an illness in that year, Imperial Prince Kazuhito was decided, in haste, to become the Crown Prince.
    ところがこの年に邦良親王が病死したため、急遽量仁親王の繰り上げ立太子が実現したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He died of illness while he was the official investiture of the Crown Prince and was waiting to succeed to the throne, his son, Imperial Prince Kazuhito (Emperor Goyozei) was adopted by Emperor Ogimachi and succeeded to the throne.
    立太子から譲位する間際に病没し、その遺子である和仁親王(後陽成天皇)を正親町天皇は猶子として、譲位した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Fushimi accepted the abdication of Hanazono, but wanted Gofushimi's first son Kazuhito (aged 5) as the next Crown Prince.
    伏見は花園の譲位は受け入れたが、皇太子には後伏見の第1皇子量仁(5歳)を立てることを求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As an exchange condition, Gouda promised Gofushimi that Kazuhito would become the next Crown Prince after Kuniyoshi.
    交換条件として、後宇多は邦良の次の皇太子には量仁を立てることを後伏見に約束している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since he also had a mild personality, Hanazono accepted his position and in fact spent much of his energy in nurturing Kazuhito.
    その温厚な人柄もあって、花園は自らの置かれた立場を従順に受け入れ、むしろ量仁の養育に力を注いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The bakufu controlled Kyoto and immediately deposed Godaigo in absentia and Crown Prince Kazuhito (aged 19, Emperor Kogon) ascended the throne.
    京都を制圧した幕府は、本人不在のまますぐに後醍醐を廃位し、皇太子量仁(19歳、光厳天皇)を践祚させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even though Japan won many medals, Sakae Kazuhito, the head coach of the women's national team, showed no inclination to relax.
    日本が多くのメダルを獲得したにもかかわらず,女子代表の栄(さかえ)和(かず)人(ひと)監督は気を緩める気配を見せない。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Sakae Kazuhito has been my coach since I entered Chukyo Women's University.
    栄(さかえ)和(かず)人(ひと)監督には,私が中京女子大学に入学してからずっと指導していただいています。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • But with the encouragement of Sakae Kazuhito, the coach of the women's national team, Obara pulled herself together.
    しかし,女子代表チームの栄(さかえ)和(かず)人(ひと)監督の激励を受け,小原選手は自分を取り戻した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • The position of Crown Prince was fought over by Kazuhito, the direct heir of the Jimyoin line, Kunimi, who was the younger brother with the same mother of Tsuneaki and Kuniyoshi Shinno who lost their chances to become Crown Prince after Gonijo died, and Godaigo's first son, Imperial Prince Takayoshi, and in the end, Kazuhito (aged 14) was designated Crown Prince by the bakufu's ruling.
    持明院統の嫡子量仁のほか、後二条の死後に立太子の機会を逸した恒明、邦良の同母弟邦省親王、後醍醐の第1皇子尊良親王らが次の皇太子の座を争い、最終的には幕府の裁定で量仁(14歳)が皇太子に指名された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Thereafter, Kogimonin had Imperial Prince Kazuhito (future Emperor Kogon born in 1313) and Imperial Prince Yutahito (future Emperor Komyo born in 1321) by the Retired Emperor Gofushimi.
    広義門院はその後、後伏見上皇との間に量仁親王(のちの光厳天皇、正和2年(1313年)出生)と豊仁親王(のちの光明天皇、元亨1年(1321年)出生)をもうけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the reign of Emperor Hanazono, Emperor Godaigo on the Daikaku-ji Imperial line ascended the throne, however, he was overthrown (the Genko War) when his plan to overthrow the Bakufu was identified in 1331, and then Imperial Prince Kazuhito ascended the throne as Emperor Kogon.
    花園天皇の後に大覚寺統の後醍醐天皇が即位したが、後醍醐天皇は元弘元年/元徳3年(1331年)に倒幕計画の発覚により退位させられ(元弘の乱)、量仁親王が光厳天皇として即位した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After that, he successively held the positions like Tosa no Gon no Kami (Provisional Governor of Tosa Province), Sangi (Councilor), and Gon Chunagaon, and in 1332, he was promoted to Junii (Junior Second Rank), and became Togu no Daibu (Master of the Crown Prince's Quarters) for Crown Prince Kazuhito Shinno (Imperial Prince, and later Emperor Kogon of the Northern Court).
    その後、土佐権守・参議・権中納言を歴任し、元弘2年/正慶元年(1332年)には従二位となり、皇太子量仁親王(のち北朝の光厳天皇)の春宮大夫となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hanazono of the Jimyoin line was also in a similar "interim" position, but through the wishes of Fushimi, Hanazono was considered as his older brother Gofushimi's son and called the 'heir' of the Jimyoin line and Gofushimi's son Kazuhito was made Hanazono's son, and Hanazono was fitted into the direct descendant line to save face.
    持明院統における花園も同様に“中継ぎ”の立場にあったが、伏見の意向で、花園は兄後伏見の猶子として持明院統の「嫡嗣」と呼ばれ、さらに後伏見の子息量仁が花園の猶子とされて、花園を持明院統の嫡流に組み込む、いわば“顔を立てる”配慮がなされていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Around rokuhara tandai, the residence used when seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") came to central Kyoto was constructed, and members of the Imperial Family from the Jimyoin line such as, Retired Emperor Hanazono and Imperial Prince Kazuhito, established their temporary residences in Hinoki-kawaya, a place for the shogun to stay, inside an area north of Rokuhara tandai during the Genko Incident ("Zokushigusho," "Masukagami" (a historical story), etc.)
    なお、六波羅探題周辺には、征夷大将軍上洛の際の御所が設置されており、元弘の変の際に花園上皇や量仁親王ら持明院統の皇族が六波羅探題北方の内部にあった将軍滞在用の桧皮屋に仮の御所を置いている(『続史愚抄』・『増鏡』など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was decided, by the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), to share the Imperial succession between the Jimyo-in Imperial line and the Daikaku-ji Imperial line every ten years, however, there was an exceptional settlement to succeed to the throne after Emperor Gonijo died suddenly after being in power for seven years, described as follows; Emperor Gonijo (Daikaku-ji Imperial line)=>Emperor Hanazono (Jimyo-in Imperial line)=>Emperor Godaigo (Daikaku-ji Imperial line)=>Imperial Prince Kuniyoshi (Kuninaga) (Daikaku-ji Imperial line, legitimate son of Emperor Gonijo)=>Imperial Prince Kazuhito. (Jimyo-in Imperial line)
    当時、鎌倉幕府の裁定によって、持明院統と大覚寺統は10年ごとに天皇を交代させる決まりになっていたが、大覚寺統の後二条天皇が在位7年での急死後に例外的に後二条(大覚寺統)→花園(持明院統)→後醍醐(大覚寺統)→邦良親王(大覚寺統・後二条嫡男)→量仁親王(持明院統)という例外的な皇位継承順位が定められていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
