「Lack of Coordination」を含む例文一覧(8)

  • Lack of coordination
    連携不足 - 経済産業省
  • a lack of coordination of movements
    協調が欠けた動き - 日本語WordNet
  • a progressive disease of the central nervous system marked by increasing lack of coordination and advancing to paralysis and death within a year of the appearance of symptoms
    中枢神経の進行性疾患で、運動機能の協調が退化し麻痺状態に陥り、発症後1年以内で死亡する - 日本語WordNet
  • - Central nervous system depression including narcotic effects in humans such as drowsiness, narcosis, reduced alertness, loss of reflexes, lack of coordination, and vertigo.
    -眠気、昏睡、敏捷性の減少、反射の消失、協調の欠如および目眩といった人における麻酔作用を含む中枢神経系の抑圧を含む。 - 経済産業省
  • - Narcotic effects observed in animal studies including lethargy, lack of coordination righting reflex, narcosis, and ataxia.
    -動物試験において観察される麻酔作用は、不活発、協調正向反射の欠如、昏睡、運動失調を含む。 - 経済産業省
  • Major member states such as the UK, Germany, and France have adopted a stance of tightening controls on the acceptance of immigrant workers in recent years, and the Spanish policy highlights the lack of coordination over immigration policy within the EU.
    英国、ドイツ、フランス等主要加盟国は、近年において移民労働者の受入れをむしろ抑制するスタンスを採っており、EU内部の足並みの乱れが露呈している。 - 経済産業省
  • (2) When the articles of incorporation lack provisions concerning the person to whom the residual assets are to belong, or the person to whom the residual assets are to belong according to the provisions in the articles of incorporation is nonexistent, the liquidator may, upon the approval of the Minister of Justice, transfer such properties to a person who operates shelter aid services under the approval of Article 45 or to a juridical person for offenders rehabilitation which operates temporary aid services or coordination and promotion services on the notification under Article 47-2.
    2 定款に残余財産の帰属すべき者に関する規定がないとき、又は定款に定める残余財産の帰属すべき者が存在しないときは、清算人は、法務大臣の認可を得て、その財産を第四十五条の認可を受けて継続保護事業を営む者又は第四十七条の二の届出をして一時保護事業若しくは連絡助成事業を営む更生保護法人に譲渡することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • However, between the three ministers who held a meeting today, the policy toward SMEs tends to lack coordination. In Tokyo, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Edano and Minister of Economic and Fiscal Policy Furukawa and I worked together to adopt the policy package. In Japan's 47 prefectures, there are liaison councils on support for rehabilitation of SMEs and there are commerce and industry departments in prefectural and municipal governments, and these organizations will also be involved, so the policy for SMEs is wide-ranging and involves various organizations.
    今、東京ではきちんと、枝野(経産)大臣と古川(経済財政政策担当)大臣と私と、スクラムを組んでこういう政策パッケージもとらせていただいたのですが、(地方でも)47都道府県に中小企業再生支援協議会があり、またこれに県庁や市町村の商工部というのがございますし、その辺もまた絡んできますから、非常になかなか中小企業政策というのは多岐に渡って、いわゆる多方面の色々関係があるのです。 - 金融庁
