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  • However, he was defeated by a punitive force led by Commander-in-Chief ONO no Azumahito and finally captured in Matsuura-gun District, Hizen Province and executed in Karatsu of the same province (called the Rebellion of FUJIWARA no Hirotsugu).
    しかし大野東人を大将軍とする追討軍に敗走し、最後は肥前国松浦郡で捕らえられ、同国唐津にて処刑された(藤原広嗣の乱)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Kashiwazaki City, he belonged to the Chijin-tai (resistance group composed of the Kuwana Domain's retainers) led by Hidehachi MATSUURA and when they were forced to fight from the besieged castle in the Aizu War, he left there to escort Sadaaki MATSUDAIRA, the lord of the Kuwana domain to the Sendai Domain, with Shirobe TANIGUCHI who was also a feudal retainer of the Kuwana Domain.
    柏崎市で松浦秀八率いる致人隊に所属し、会津戦争で籠城戦が始まると同藩士谷口四郎兵衛と共に藩主・松平定敬を護衛して仙台藩へ落ちる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shigenobu MATSUURA (hoin), the castellan of Hirado-jo Castle, Harunobu ARIMA, the castellan of Hinoe-jo Castle, Yoshiaki OMURA, the castellan of Kushima-jo Castle and Sumiharu GOTO, the castellan of Goto-jo Castle were in charge of building the castle.
    その築城の担当は、平戸城主松浦鎮信(法印)、日野江城主有馬晴信、玖島城主大村喜前、五島城主五島純玄であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1598, the Goto troops were guarding the Suncheon Waeseong (Suncheon Japanese Castle) on the coast of Kwangyang Bay, 10 kilometers southeast of Suncheon, with Yukinaga KONISHI, Shigenobu MATSUURA, Harunobu ARIMA and Yoshiaki OMURA.
    慶長3年(1598年)五島勢は、小西行長、松浦鎮信、有馬晴信、大村喜前とともに順天の東南10kmの光陽湾岸に築かれた順天倭城を守っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, although having been attacked there by the detached 2nd brigade led by Major Matsuura, they managed to get rid of the attack, passed Murasho on August 26, and passed Suki and entered Kobayashi on August 28.
    しかしながら、ここで別働第2旅団松浦少佐の攻撃を受けるも、何とかこれを免れ、26日には村所、28日には須木を通過し、小林に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hachiman Gudoki' (another title of "Hachiman Gudokun" and contained in "Fukutekihen") reads, "on the same day of sixteenth and seventeenth, many men and women were captured near Noko-no-shima Island in Hirado and Taka-shima Island. The Matsuura Party was defeated."
    「八幡愚童記」(伏敵編」所収)には、《同十六日、十七日平戸能古、鷹島辺(あたり)の男女多く捕(とらわ)らる。松浦党敗北す。》とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the reign of Sejong (the fourth king of the Joseon Dynasty), there was a notion of "Tenka" under which Jurchen, Japan, Tsushima, Iki, Matsuura and Ryukyu were deemed as tributary nations, and shiten was also conducted.
    世宗(朝鮮王)時代には女真・日本・対馬・壱岐・松浦・琉球などを自国に朝貢する対象と主観する「天下」概念も存在し、祀天もおこなわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Among buke, the So family, the lord family of the Tsushima Domain was ranked as Hakushaku because the family had been in charge of diplomacy with Joseon Dynasty (Korea); the Matsuura family, the lord family of the Hirado Domain was also ranked as Hakushaku for the additional amount of rice crops of its branch families, which should not have been included originally.
    また、武家のうち対馬藩主宗家は李氏朝鮮外交の担当者であることが考慮され、平戸藩主松浦氏は本来は算入されない分家の所領も計算に入れた上で伯爵とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
    4 松浦寿幸、元橋一之、早川和伸(2008)「東アジアへの対外直接投資が国内の自国企業の生産性に与える影響 ―電機機械産業の企業ミクロデータを用いた実証分析―」。 - 経済産業省
  • A few examples of this are Korokke, (an entertainer) who gained popularity and increased the popularity of Kenichi MIKAWA by imitating MIKAWA and wearing similar makeup; Tayu KOUME has appeared with voluptuous makeup on, making use of her stage experience; Gori@Garage Sale has put on atsugesho and disguised himself as a woman to appear a Gorie MATSUURA, and so on.
    コロッケ(タレント)が上記の美川憲一の真似で美川に似た化粧で出演して人気を博し、美川の人気も回復、小梅太夫も舞台経験を生かした妖艶な舞台化粧で出演する、ゴリ@ガレッジセールが厚化粧女装して松浦ゴリエとして出演する、等のケースがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1864, Kobe Navy Training Center was founded, but some researchers point out that Ryoma might not have been able to enroll in the Center partly because master less samurai was not entitled to enroll ("Verification: The Legend of Ryoma" by Rei MATSUURA).
    1864年(文久4年改元して元治元年)、神戸海軍操練所が創設されたしかし浪人は入所資格を認められなかったこともあり、龍馬は入所できなかったのではないかと指摘している研究者もいる(松浦玲『検証・龍馬伝説』など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Ryoma lost support from KATSU, Ryoma asked Kichinosuke SAIGO (Takamori SAIGO) for help on referral from KATSU, and Ryoma was harbored at Satsuma clan's house in Osaka, on which some point out that Satsuma clan helped Ryoma because they thought that Ryoma would be of vital use to navigation skills ("Verification: The Legend of Ryoma" by Rei MATSUURA).
    勝の庇護を失った龍馬であるが、勝の紹介で西郷吉之助(西郷隆盛)を頼って大阪の薩摩藩邸に保護されるこれには、薩摩藩側が龍馬らの航海技術に利用価値を感じた点も大きいと指摘されている(松浦玲『検証・龍馬伝説』など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, when the Matsuura Party switched sides to the Seiwa-Genji clan (the Minamoto clan originated from Emperor Seiwa) in the Battle of Dannoura, Hisanao followed and later became one of the Chinzei vassals of Kamakura bakufu for his distinguished war service in the battle and appointed by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo as jito (manager and lord of manor) of Mizuma County of Chikugo Province.
    しかし、壇ノ浦の戦いにおいて松浦党が清和源氏方に与したのと同じく久直も源家方に立ち、その手柄により鎌倉幕府の鎮西御家人になり、源頼朝から筑後国三潴郡の地頭に任じられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In this battle, although Taketoshi side had the advantage with the military force, since it was just a motley army and the Matsuura clan and other clans defected, they went through a huge defeat, and Korenao ASO and Takehisa KAMACHI of the ruling party died in this battle and Taketoshi KIKUCHI himself escaped for his life to his province.
    この戦いでは兵力的には武敏側が優勢であったが、所詮は寄せ集めに過ぎなかったため、肥前の松浦氏などが離反したために大敗を喫し、与党の阿蘇惟直、蒲池武久は戦死し、菊池武敏自身は命からがら本国に逃れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Volume 5 'Mongol Invasion' of "Nichiren Chugasan" (Illustrated Biography of Nichiren) reads 'in Futajima, men were killed or captured. Women were gathered at one place and hung on the ships' sides with their hands laced through, and all captives suffered harm. In Hizen Province, several hundred people of the Matsuura Party were killed or captured. The people of this province, whether men or women, suffered the same fate as the people in Iki and Tsushima.'
    『日蓮註画讃巻第五「蒙古來」篇』に「二島百姓等男はあるいは殺あるいは虜、女は一所に集め、手を徹、舷に結付虜の者は一人も害さざるなし。肥前国松浦党数百人伐虜さる。この国の百姓男女等、壱岐・対馬の如し。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is often thought that large stores steal customers away from small and mid-sized stores when they move into communities, but the research* of Professor Matsuura demonstrates that in fact "the negative effect on small and mid-sized stores of large stores entering the market is quite limited in scope."
    ともすれば、大型店の市街地への進出は中小商店から顧客を奪うようなことを想起されやすいが、松浦氏らの研究(※)から、「大型店の参入が中小商店に与える負の影響は極めて限定的である」という事実が検証されている。 - 経済産業省
  • Furthermore, these came down to musicians in Kyoto, refined by them and 'Kyoto-style tegotomono' (a form of Japanese chamber music) was spawned and the following numerous famous works were composed: "Uji meguri" (uji tour), "Shiki no Nagame" (Viewing the Four Seasons), "Sue-no-chigiri" and so on by kengyo MATSUURA and "Yaegoromo" (An Eight-Fold Garment), "Shin Aoyagi" (new green willow) and so on by koto ISHIKAWA and "Nagara-no-haru," "Iso Chidori" (beach plover), "Yugao" (Evening Face), "Cha ondo" (Tea Song) and so on by kengyo KIKUOKA and "Sakuragawa" (Sakura river), "Nanakomachi" (Seven Komachi) and so on by kengyo MITSUZAKI.
    さらにこれが京都の音楽家たちに受け継がれ、洗練されて「京流手事物」が生まれ、松浦検校の『宇治巡り』、『四季の眺』、『末の契』など、石川勾当の『八重衣』、『新青柳』など、菊岡検校の『長等の春』、『磯千鳥』、『夕顔』、『茶音頭』など、光崎検校の『桜川』、『七小町』など、数多くの名曲が作られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1863, Ryoma exerted himself into establishing Kobe Navy Training Center that KATSU promoted and Ryoma became president of the trainees of Kobe Navy School opened earlier than the Training Center, but some historians including Rei MATSUURA who is eminent as the researcher of Kaishu KATSU are skeptical about the theory of Ryoma being president of the trainees.
    1863年(文久3年)、勝が進める神戸海軍操練所の設立に尽力し、操練所よりも先に開設された神戸海軍塾の塾頭をつとめるただし、勝海舟の研究者として著名な歴史家の松浦玲をはじめとして何人かの歴史家は、龍馬が塾頭を務めたという説には懐疑的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The document called 'Edict expelling Jesuit missionaries' usually indicates the Document of Five Articles dated June 19 (hereafter 'Expelling edict') incorporated in the "Documents of the Matsuura Family," but note that occasionally a Memorandum of Eleven Articles dated June 18 in "Goshuin Shishoku Kokaku" (a collection of copied documents concerning Iicenses and practices of onshi, ushers at the Ise Shrine) discovered in the Jingu Library of Ise Jingu Shrine in 1933 (hereafter 'Memorandum') is also included.
    通常、「バテレン追放令」と呼ばれる文書はこの『松浦家文書』に収められた6月19日付の五か条の文書(以下便宜的に「追放令」と記す)を指すが、昭和8年に伊勢神宮の神宮文庫から発見された『御朱印師職古格』の中の6月18日付の11か条の覚書(以下便宜的に「覚書」と記す)のことも含めることがあるので注意が必要である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Another example of military Genji compared to Seiwa-Genji is 'Toru-ryu Saga-Genji' who originated from MINAMOTO no Toru of the Saga-Genji, and those who represented the clan as the warriors of Saga-Genji include Settu Province-based Watanabe clan and its branch Matsuura clan, and also those among Uda-Genji who were based in Omi Province were called Omi-Genji (Sasaki-Genji) and grew up to be the powerful samurai group known as the Sasaki clan.
    清和源氏以外に武家となった源氏としては、嵯峨源氏の源融を祖とする「融流嵯峨源氏」があり、嵯峨源氏の武家として系譜を伝えた代表は、摂津国を基盤とした渡辺氏とその分流の松浦氏であり、また宇多源氏の中で武家として近江国を基盤とした系統は近江源氏(佐佐木源氏)と称し、佐々木氏として有力武士団に成長していく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Large-Scale Retail Store Act, abolished in 2000, had various provisions intended to ensure that relatively small-scale retailers had adequate business opportunities. According to research by Professor Matsuura of Keio University, "the effect on small and mid-sized stores of large stores entering the market is quite limited in scope."
    2000 年に廃止された大店法は、中小商店等の比較的小規模な小売店の事業機会を適正に確保できるように配慮するための調整を図ることを意図されたものであったが、慶應義塾大学専任講師の松浦氏らの研究では、「大型店の参入が中小商店に与える影響は極めて限定的である」ことが指摘されている。 - 経済産業省
  • Matsuura and others (2008) studied the influence from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by the Japanese electric machine industry to the domestic productivity of those companies, which executed the investment. In the study, investments were categorized in horizontal FDI and vertical FDI. It indicated that horizontal FDI did not have much influence on domestic companies' productivity while vertical FDI had significant positive influence on domestic productivity level as well as its growth rate.
    我が国の電機機械産業における対外直接投資が、進出企業の国内における生産性に与える影響を分析した松浦他(2008)では、直接投資を水平的直接投資と垂直的直接投資に分類し、水平的直接投資は国内企業の生産性に大きな影響を与えていない一方、垂直的直接投資は、国内の生産性の水準に対しても、その成長率に対しても有意に正の影響を与えていることが示されている。 - 経済産業省
  • Influence of entries by large-scale stores on the performance of medium-and small-sized retail stores (Toshiyuki Matsuura (Keio University) & Saki Sugano (University of Tokyo), Discussion Paper, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry, IAA, October 2009) Analyzes the influence of entries and withdrawals of large-scale retail stores on the sales, the number of employees, and the productivity of medium-and small-sized retail stores in central districts of cities, covering the times around the abolishment of the Act on the Measures by Large-Scale Retail Stores for Preservation of Living Environment (1997 to 2004)
    大規模店参入が中小小売業のパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響(2009年 10月独立行政法人経済産業研究所ディスカッションペーパー松浦寿幸 (慶應義塾大学)、菅野早紀 (東京大学))大店法廃止前後(19972004年)を対象に、大規模小売店の参入・撤退が、中心市街地における中小小売店の売上高・従業者数、生産性に及ぼす影響に関する分析。 - 経済産業省
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