
  • An ounce of mother wit is worth a pound of learning.
    一オンスの母の知恵は一ポンドの学識に匹敵する - 英語ことわざ教訓辞典
  • In the summer of 1993 while resting in Karuizawa, there was a surprising episode where a large-sized dog suddenly jumped just before the eyes of Princess Mako held in the arms of her mother (Princess Kiko), but she used her wit to get through the situation by saying to the surprised dog's owner 'Oh, the dog wants to be my friend.'
    平成5年(1993年)夏、軽井沢静養の折り大型犬が紀子妃に抱かれた眞子内親王の眼前まで飛び上がり、驚いた飼い主に対し紀子妃が「お友だちになりたいのね」と咄嗟にフォローしたことがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Between them, they had children including MINAMOTO no Akimoto, who held the title of Gon Chunagon, was the personal attendant of Emperor Goichijo and entered priesthood after the death of the emperor, MINAMOTO no Takakuni, who was a person of wit and had the title of Uji no dainagon (major councilor of Uji) trusted by FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, who had the title of Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), and the mother of Jojin Ajari, who was famous for Kashu (collection of family or personal waka, Japanese poems) that were reflections on her children.
    後一条天皇の近臣で帝の崩後に出家した権中納言源顕基、関白藤原頼通に信任された才人・宇治大納言源隆国、子を思う家集で有名な成尋阿闍梨母らを儲けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In another legend, he was born as a son of a blacksmith in Echigo Province, spent 16 months in his mother's womb, started walking and speaking like a five or six year old boy immediately after delivery, was as strong and intelligent as a 16 year old by the age of four and was detested by all the villagers, who nicknamed him 'onikko,' or 'oni-like child,' because of his abnormal wit and rough nature.
    一説では越後国の鍛冶屋の息子として産まれ、母の胎内で16ヶ月を過ごしており、産まれてすぐに歩くことができて5~6歳程度の言葉を話し、4歳の頃には16歳程度の知能と体力を身につけ、気性の荒さもさることながら、その異常な才覚により周囲から「鬼っ子」と疎まれていたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
