「Naval Forces」を含む例文一覧(32)

  • hostile naval and air forces
    敵の海軍および空軍 - 日本語WordNet
  • a school for naval forces, called Kuki Naval School
    九鬼流という,戦国時代の海軍の流派 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • military installation servicing naval forces
    海軍に情報提供を行っている軍事施設 - 日本語WordNet
  • the ground and air and naval forces of Israel
    イスラエルの陸軍、空軍、および海軍 - 日本語WordNet
  • June 6: The Naval Landing Forces began to be formed.
    6月6日 海軍陸戦隊編成開始。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Naval amphibious forces shell the Lushun Fortress.
    海軍陸戦隊が旅順要塞への砲撃を開始した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • the desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning point in the Pacific war- G.C.Marshall
    太平洋戦争の分岐点と記された、我々の海軍機動部隊の捨て身の勇敢さ−G.C.マーシャル - 日本語WordNet
  • an operation conducted primarily by naval forces in order to gain or extend or maintain control of the sea
    制海権の獲得、もしくは拡大、維持を目的とする、海軍が主として指揮をする作戦 - 日本語WordNet
  • Then they sent Naval Landing Forces and Marine Corps and Landing Forces of the Empire of Japan to set fire to the second gun battery.
    そのうえで、海軍陸戦隊と海兵隊大日本帝国陸海軍を上陸させて第2砲台を放火した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, toward the end of the war, air raids and naval gunfire by the Allied Forces became fierce in various parts of Japan, and many Kyudo dojo burned down.
    しかし、戦争末期には日本各地で連合国軍の空襲や艦砲射撃が苛烈を極め多くの弓道場が焼失。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Before the Battle of Dannoura, he also spent one month to dominate the maritime control by gaining over the support of local naval forces and to prepare military equipment.
    壇ノ浦の戦いの前にも、水軍を味方に引き入れて瀬戸内海の制海権を奪い、軍備を整えるのに1箇月を要している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He led the naval forces that were defeated by resistance from Saiga-shu (gun troop in Saiga) in the attack on Saika in Kii Province in 1585.
    しかし水軍を率いて参戦した天正13年(1585年)の紀伊雑賀攻めでは、雑賀衆の抵抗を受けて敗退したと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Under the worsening situation created by the attacks by American naval forces on Ganghwa Island (the Shinmiyangyo or the US Joseon Expedition), the Joseons hardened their attitude.
    同時期の米軍艦による江華島砲撃事件(辛未洋擾)ともあいまってますます朝鮮の態度を硬化させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Coupled with the attacks by the U. S. naval forces on Ganghwa Island (the Shinmiyangyo or the U. S. Korean Expedition), it hardened Korea's attitude.
    同年のアメリカ軍艦による江華島砲撃事件(辛未洋擾)ともあいまって朝鮮側は態度を硬化した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On May 2, 1185, a naval battle between the Taira clan and Kanto government forces was fought (the Battle of Dannoura).
    元暦2年(1185年)3月24日、関門海峡の壇ノ浦で平氏軍と関東政権軍の間で海戦が行われた(壇ノ浦の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Knowing that Yoshihiro SHIMAZU's rescue forces were approaching, the Ming and Korean navy lifted their naval blockade of Suncheon and intercepted them.
    島津義弘の救援軍が近づくのを知ると明・朝鮮水軍は順天の海上封鎖を解いて迎撃を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Russia-side: Premised on their capability to maintain naval superiority on the Yellow Sea, Russia assumed that the Japanese would land their forces on the southern Korean Peninsula.
    ロシア側黄海の制海権確保の前提に基づき、日本側の上陸を朝鮮半島南部と想定。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was reported that at least 2 people were killed by a bayonet in Kure City while Naval Landing Forces were called out and facing the people,
    呉市では、海軍陸戦隊が出動し、民衆と対峙するなか、銃剣で刺されたことによる死者が少なくとも2名でたことが報告されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was also praised for his actions during the rescue of Kiyomasa KATO, served with the naval forces when the Japanese invasion began, and fought with the land forces in the battle to take Namwon Castle in August.
    また、加藤清正の救援などでも武功を挙げ、日本軍の侵攻作戦が始まると水軍として進撃するが、8月の南原城攻略作戦では陸上兵力として使用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the July after the Yongin Battle, he hastily joined forces with Yoshiaki KATO and Yoshitaka KUKI to take on the naval forces of Yi Sun-sin but Yasuharu WAKISAKA, eager for glory, went out alone and, at the Battle of Hansan Island, was thoroughly defeated by Yi Sun-sin.
    龍仁戦闘の直後の翌7月には李舜臣による水軍の活動を抑えるために加藤嘉明、九鬼嘉隆と共に急遽連合水軍として編成されるが、功を逸って単独で抜け駆けした脇坂安治は閑山島海戦で李舜臣に大敗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the following year, 1869, due to the Kaiyo running aground and sinking, shortage of funds, frequent desertions of soldiers, closing of the gun batteries in Benten Daiba (Cape Benten Battery) led by scouts from the new government forces, and losing all warships in the Naval Battle of Hakodate Bay, the inferior position of the Enomoto forces had become indisputable and ENOMOTO surrendered.
    翌明治2年(1869年)、開陽座礁沈没、戦費の枯渇、相次ぐ自軍兵士の逃亡、新政府軍斥候による弁天台場砲台閉鎖、箱館湾海戦による全艦喪失など劣勢は決定的となり、榎本は降伏した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kiyomori raised taxes from the wealthy class in Kyoto to feed the troops and at the same time, moved the naval forces around Ise, and was energetic about attacking the anti-Taira clan forces, but died suddenly from a febrile disease in February of that year (a leap year), which was a large blow for the Taira clan administration.
    清盛はこれにより京の富裕層から兵粮を徴収すると同時に、伊勢周辺の水軍に動員をかけて、反平氏勢力の追討に意欲を燃やしていたが、同年閏2月に熱病で急死し、平氏政権は大きな打撃を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Having wiped out the Korean navy at The naval Battle of Chilcheollyang, the Japanese forces attacked and conquered the cities of Chonju of Jeolla Province, fought against the Ming force at Shokusan (the Battle of Shokusan: both forces recorded they had won.), and also attacked Chikusan, Anjo-city of Gyeonggi Province (Eight Provinces of Korea).
    日本軍は、漆川梁海戦で朝鮮水軍を壊滅させると進撃を開始し、たちまち全羅道の道都全州を占領、忠清道の稷山で明軍と交戦(稷山の戦い:双方とも自軍の勝利と記録)した後、京畿道(朝鮮八道)の安城市・竹山まで進撃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Battle of Yashima, he took one month to carefully prepare the attack by securing the food and battle ships, counting on the support of the local naval forces, as well as, having close communications with the anti Taira family powers in Shikoku.
    屋島の戦いでは、水軍を味方に付けて兵糧・兵船を確保し、四国の反平家勢力と連絡を取り合うなど、1箇月かけて周到に準備している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later, Yoshitsune defeated the Taira family in about two months by gaining over the support of local naval forces in the western territory, while Noriyori's army formed by the influential lower-ranking vassals (gokenin) in the Kanto region had not been able to defeat the Taira family after a half year.
    その後、関東の有力御家人で編成された範頼軍が半年かかっても平家を倒せない中、義経は西国の水軍を味方に引き入れることで約2箇月で平家を滅ぼした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Battle of Itsukushima in 1555, which was a breakthrough for the success of the Mori clan, the Kobayakawa navy lead by Takakage defeated the Ouchi navy lead by Harukata SUE and established a naval blockade, thus contributing greatly to the victory of the Mori forces.
    隆景の率いた小早川水軍は、毛利氏が一躍世に出た弘治(日本)元年(1555年)の厳島の戦いにおいて、陶晴賢率いる大内水軍を破って海上を封鎖し、毛利軍の勝利に大いに貢献している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yoshitsune, fresh off his victory at the battle of Okushima in March, 1185, spent a month resupplying and readying his army, and won over warriors possessing significant naval forces like Tsunenobu KANO and Masatoshi FUNATO as allies, establishing his control over the Seto Inland Sea.
    文治元年(1185年)2月、屋島の戦いに勝利した義経は、1箇月かけて軍備を整えつつ河野通信や船所正利など水軍勢力を味方に引き入れ、瀬戸内海の制海権を握っていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nitta's army was unable to raise a navy, so established its headquarters in Nihonmatsu (between Wadamisaki and Egenoyama) and also deployed the forces of Yoshisuke WAKIYA and Ujiaki ODACHI in Wadamisaki in preparation for the naval landing.
    水軍を用意できなかった新田軍は、本陣を二本松(和田岬と会下山の中間)に置き、和田岬にも脇屋義助・大館氏明などの軍勢を配置して水軍の上陸に備えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When graduates of the Army War College and Naval Academy (Japan) assumed important posts, these forces of domain clique within the military shrank gradually because the performance of their school days was valued.
    これらの軍隊内の藩閥勢力は、要職者に陸軍大学校や海軍兵学校(日本)卒業者が就任するようになると学校時代の成績が重要視されるようになったため、徐々に減少していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Navy Memorial Museum was established on May 27, 1964 to educate Self-Difence Forces personnel, utilizing part of the large auditorium of Maizuru District Headquarters (the large auditorium of the former Naval Engineering College).
    海軍記念館は、自衛隊員の教育に資することを目的として1964年(昭和39年)5月27日に舞鶴地方総監部大講堂(旧海軍機関学校大講堂)の一部を利用して設置された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Afterwards, Emperor Gomurakami made the Shoinden (main shrine building) of the Tsumori clan, who were hereditary chief priests of the Sumiyoshi-taisha Grand Shrine in Settsu Province, his Angu (Sumiyoshi Angu), or temporary lodging especially for an Imperial visit, for about ten years and established a contact route with Shikokua and Kyushu because he held control of the naval forces in the Seto Inland Sea, who worshiped the Sumiyoshi Gods, leading to activities of the Southern Court in various places, but the betrayal of the Yamana clan and Ouchi clan to the Northern Court and the surrender of Masanori KUSUNOKI in 1363 led to its decline and it started to show a shift towards a peaceful stance by returning the three retired emperors.
    その後、後村上天皇が摂津国の住吉大社宮司の津守氏の正印殿を約10年間、行宮(住吉行宮)とし、住吉大神を奉じる瀬戸内海の水軍を傘下にして、四国、九州との連絡網を確立し、南朝は各地で活動するが、1363年には山名氏や大内氏の北朝への帰順、楠木正儀の投降などで衰退し、拉致した三上皇を返還するなど講和的態度も示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, whether or not an active Self-Defense Official concurrently serves as a Secretary of State for Defense, it is understood that appointment of a career military man or a Self-Defense official to a Secretary of State for Defense itself is not illegal (For instance, Yasuhiro NAKASONE (lieutenant colonel) who graduated from the Naval Paymasters' School, Raizo MATSUNO (major), Ganri YAMASHITA (lieutenant), and Gen NAKATANI who was in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (First Lieutenant) were appointed to Chief Secretary of State for Defense).
    しかし、現役の自衛官が防衛大臣を兼ねることはともかく、かつて職業軍人であった者や自衛官であった者が、防衛大臣に就任すること自体は憲法違反にあたらないと解されている(例えば、旧海軍経理学校出身の中曽根康弘(中佐)、松野頼三(少佐)、山下元利(中尉)らや陸上自衛隊自衛官(二等陸尉)であった中谷元が防衛庁長官に就任している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
