「Northern Alliance」を含む例文一覧(17)

  • Among Sangoku Domei (tripartite alliance), the Koso Alliance between the Hojo clan, which had conflicts with Kagetora in the northern Kanto region, worked as a military alliance, and dispatched troops together.
    三国同盟のうち、北関東において景虎と抗争していた北条氏との甲相同盟は相互に出兵し軍事同盟として機能した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • We co-opted the independent minority tribes by pulling them into the Northern Alliance
    私たちは、独立した少数派部族を北部同盟に引き入れ、彼らを吸収した - 日本語WordNet
  • He participated in Ouetsu Reppan Domei (Northern Alliance or a Japanese military-political coalition) and continued fighting while moving from the North Kanto to Tohoku (the northeast of Japan).
    奥羽越列藩同盟に関与し、北関東から東北地方を転戦した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During Meiji Restoration, by the order of the head clan that participated in Ouetsu Reppan Domei (known as Northern Alliance), he battled with the Imperial Army.
    明治維新の際に奥羽越列藩同盟に参加した宗藩の命により、官軍と交戦した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kuni ikki refers to an alliance (uprising) made up of feudal lords with the aim of securing their rule in the period of Northern and Southern courts and Muromachi.
    国一揆(くにいっき)は南北朝時代(日本)、室町時代の領主による領主権の確保を目的とした連合形態(一揆)を言う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Tenbun era, invasions of Shinano by Shingen TAKEDA, Kai Province, and of Kita Kanto (Northern Kanto) by Ujiyasu HOJO, Sagami Province, were implemented full-scale against a backdrop of Ko So Sun Sangoku Domei (tripartite of Kai-Sagami- Suruga alliance), and due to these invasions by both parties which dispatched troops to each other under the Koso Alliance (an alliance between the Takeda clan in Kai Province and the Hojo clan in Sagami Province), Kagetora was forced to take a double front strategy.
    天文年間には甲相駿三国同盟を背景とした甲斐の武田信玄による信濃侵攻と相模の北条氏康による北関東侵攻が本格化しており、甲相同盟により相互に出兵した両者の侵攻により、景虎は二正面作戦を余儀なくされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After defeating shogunate remnants in the northern Kanto area, he was the new government's commander-in-chief in the 'Tohoku War' against the Northern Alliance (Ouetsu Reppan Domei) in Niigata and the Tohoku region.
    北関東で幕府残党勢力を鎮圧したのち、新政府軍の総司令官として東北地方、新潟で北部政府(奥羽越列藩同盟)と事実上の“南北戦争”である「東北戦争」を戦った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Incidentally, it is said that Kogi derived from Kogi-seitai-ron (parliamentary regime theory) that was then widely advocated without regard to anti-Shogunate group or Sabaku-ha (supporters of the Shogun), and Ouetsu-reppan alliance (alliance of strong domains in the northern part of Japan) also used the name of Kogisho (established at Shiraishi castle) for the assembly body of representatives of the domains who opposed to the Meiji Government at Boshin War.
    なお、公議とは当時討幕派・佐幕派問わずに広く唱えられた公議政体論に由来すると考えられており、明治政府と戊辰戦争で敵対した奥羽越列藩同盟の諸藩代表による議事機関にも公議所(白石城に設置)の名称が用いられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The following year, he returned to Kyoto as the alliance of the Shogunate and Northern Court recaptured the capital. On the way back to Kyoto, when he spent a night in Settsu Province, he liked the scenery and said to the vassals, "there is very fine scenery here, let's carry it back to Kyoto.
    翌年には幕府・北朝側が京都を奪還したため帰京しているが、帰途で摂津の国に泊まった際にその場所の景色が良い事が気に入り、「ここの景色は良いから、京都に持って帰ろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the surrender of Northern Alliance leader, Sendai Domain, the remaining shogunate forces, led by Takeaki ENOMOTO, also surrendered at Goryokaku fortress in Hakodate City, bringing an end to the Boshin War in 1869.
    北部政府の盟主、仙台藩らの降伏後、明治2年(1869年)、函館市五稜郭で幕府残党勢力の榎本軍も降伏し、戊辰戦争は終結した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On June 20, OMURA dismissed the former Shogunate from the task of patrolling the Edo-futyu, and attacked the Shogitai on July 4 right after the Sendai Domain-led Northern government (Ouetsu-reppan alliance) was established in the Tohoku Region and Echigo.
    大村は5月1日、旧幕府による江戸府中取締の任を解き、東北地方、越後で仙台藩主導による北部政府(奥羽越列藩同盟)が誕生した直後の5月15日(旧暦)(同7月4日)、彰義隊を攻撃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The fact that keyhole-shaped mounds combine tomb styles from different regions, such as Kinai, Kibi Province (Sanyo region) and Chikushi Province (Northern Kyushu), is believed to be evidence that these regional powers formed an alliance and became one unified power.
    前方後円墳には畿内から吉備国(山陽地方)、筑紫国(北部九州)など各地の墓制(→弥生時代の墓制)が採り入れられているため、これらの地域勢力が連合し統一的な政治勢力となったことの反映だとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Therefore, Sukemasa built an alliance with the Asakura clan in Echizen Province, and he fought back against Sadayori's offensive with the support from the Asakura clan, and gradually enhanced his dominance over the Kita Omi, the northern territory of Omi Province.
    このため亮政は、越前国の朝倉氏と同盟を結び、その支援のもとに定頼の攻勢を押し返して北近江の支配力を高めていくのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that the Takeda family switched their support to Kagekatsu UESUGI due to the following differences in the terms they were offered in exchange for their support: Kagetora UESUGI wanted the Takeda family to cede the northern Shinano area and the Kozuke Numata area to him in exchange for his entering into an alliance with them, but Kagekatsu offered to pay 20,000 ryo in gold to the Takeda family, who were in need of war funds (according to "Koyogunkan"), and turn over Numata-jo Castle in Kozuke Province to them if they entered into an alliance (virtually a vassalage) with him.
    武田家が上杉景勝支持に転じた理由として、上杉景虎が同盟するなら北信濃一帯及び上野沼田一帯の譲渡を求めたのに対し、景勝は武田家との同盟(事実上の臣従)と軍資金に困窮していた武田家に2万両とも云われる黄金を支払い(『甲陽軍鑑』による)、上野国沼田城を譲るという条件面での差があったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Together with ENOMOTO Toshizo participated in military meetings of Ouetsu Reppan Domei (Northern Alliance) and was recommended to become General of Domei Army; however, Ouetsu Reppan Domei soon collapsed, and after the clans forming the Domei Army surrended one after another to the army of the new government, Toshizo decided to fight until the end, so long as there is a place where he can fight.
    榎本とともに奥羽越列藩同盟の軍議に参加し、同盟軍総督に推薦されたが、まもなく奥羽越列藩同盟が崩壊、同盟藩が次々と新政府軍に屈服した後は、戦う地がある限りどこまでも戦うことを決意。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In other words, the clash between them was inevitable for the following reasons, according to this view: For Shingen with the tripartite alliance among Kai Province, Sagami Province and Suruga Province as a major premise, it was inevitable to confront Kenshin who was an enemy of the Gohojo clan (later, Shingen stormed Suruga Province, breaking the tripartite alliance, but was isolated and was placed in a serious military situation), and even for Kenshin, not only the Takanashi family but also the Echigo Province constituting his base might have been placed in a dangerous state if he allowed Shingen to take the northern Shinano area easily.
    すなわち、甲相駿三国同盟が戦略の大前提であった信玄にとって、後北条氏の敵対者であった謙信との対決は必然であり(後に三国同盟を破棄して駿河国へ乱入した信玄は孤立して厳しい戦略状況に陥っている)、謙信にとっても信玄の北信濃領有を易々と許せば、高梨家のみならず本国の越後国自体が危機に陥りかねないことから、両者の衝突は必然であったとするものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, from features observed in pottery from the Makimuku sites, it is believed that by the end of the Yayoi Period at the latest, regional political powers from the Tokai region down through Hokuriku, Kinki, Asan Setouchi, Kibi, Izumo to northern Kyushu participated in the central polity located in the Makimuku sites, forming a loose political alliance that is thought to have been the foundation of the Yamato Kingdom.
    しかし、纏向遺跡に搬入された土器特徴から、考古学的にはおそくとも弥生時代末期までには、纏向遺跡の地を支配する勢力を中心に東海地方から北陸・近畿・阿讃瀬戸内・吉備・出雲ならびに北部九州までの各地の政治勢力がなんらかの形で参加したヤマト王権の原型ともいえる緩やかな政治連合が形成されていたことになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
