
  • a recluse
    隠遁者 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • a recluse
    遁世者 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • I was a recluse.
    僕は引き篭もりでした。 - Weblio Email例文集
  • He is an unsociable man―a solitary―a recluse―a hermit.
    交際嫌いだ - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • a Christian recluse
    キリスト教徒の世捨て人 - 日本語WordNet
  • A life of TAO Yuan Ming as a recluse was regarded as the first Chuin example.
    陶淵明の隠逸生活が最初の中隠とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At a later date he became a recluse at Keiju-in, a mountainside sub temple of Tenryu-ji Temple.
    のちに天龍寺の塔頭慶寿院を開山しこれに止住した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This can be regarded as a style of recluse of 'Shiin' (市隠).
    これを「市隠」として隠逸のひとつのスタイルとすることもできる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Grieving for her death, Moroie secluded himself in a mountain village, so he was rumored to become a recluse.
    師家は悲しんでしばらく山里に隠遁したところ、「世捨て人となった」と噂された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The next year he pushed through his retirement, headed for Kyoto and, near Shokoku-ji temple he built `Suichikudo` (lit. Hall of Dreaming Bamboo) where he commenced life as a recluse.
    翌年強引に退去し京に出て相国寺の近くに睡竹堂をつくり隠棲し始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The existence of these two types of recluses demonstrates an essential change in the views about recluse over times.
    両者の間には隠逸に対する本質的な考え方の変移がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Tang and Sung periods when public matters and private matters were distinguished, a style of recluse 'Chuin' (中隠) appeared.
    唐宋になり公私の区別が使い分けられるようになると、「中隠」という隠逸スタイルが現れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Not only so, but he had withdrawn himself almost altogether from social life and become a recluse.
    それだけでなくほとんどの社会的生活から身を引いて、世捨て人のようになった。 - Ambrose Bierce『死の診断』
  • It was a rather gloomy dwelling for one who was neither a recluse nor a student,
    どっちかというと不気味な住まいだったな、世捨て人でも学者でもない人間にとっては。 - Ambrose Bierce『死の診断』
  • He was a tireless, savage, uncompromising fighter, always a recluse."
    そのタフネスぶり、強引さ、まさに妥協のない闘士だった。それでいて世捨て人の風格があってね。」 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』
  • In addition, although the idea of recluses itself greatly changed depending on periods, it can be roughly classified into the period of Confucianist recluse before the Six Dynasties and the period of rivalry between the recluse of Confucianists and the one of Taoists after that.
    またこの隠逸そのものの考え方も時代的変遷が著しいが、大まかに六朝以前を儒家的隠逸、以降を儒家的隠逸と道家的隠逸のせめぎ合いというように分けることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, the recluse of Taoists can be said as a mean to seek or reach the truth rather than for ethical good, and recluse itself became their goal.
    一方、道家的隠逸であるが、倫理(善)のためでなく真理の探求や体得の手段としての隠逸、あるいは隠逸そのものが目的化したといえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that Kenzan had a reflective personality, and he was fond of reading as well as a recluse, in contrast to his brother Korin, who was a playboy and a showoff..
    乾山の性格は、遊び人で派手好きだった兄・光琳と対照的に内省的で、書物を愛し隠遁を好んだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the same time, Bunjin characters became diversified to include versatility and wide interests, amateurism, anti-secularity, independency, curing and a tendency of recluse.
    と同時に、多芸多趣味・アマチュアリズム・反俗性・孤高性・養生・隠逸志向などの多様な文人属性が数えられるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The recluse of Confucianists are characterized by being based on the ethic of Confucianism and using recluses as means to realize their goals.
    儒家的隠逸とは儒教的な倫理を基盤とし、隠逸そのものは目的を達成するための手段としているところに特徴がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In "the Analects of Confucius" which is said to be a bible of Confucianists, there is a description that 'If there is a way in the world, you should appear, and if there is no way, you should become a recluse'
    儒家のバイブルといえる『論語』に「天下道有れば即ち見(あら)われ、道無ければ即ち隠る」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There are many descriptions about recluse like this in "the Analects of Confucius," as well as "the Book of Mencius."
    『論語』にはこのような隠逸についての記述が多数確認でき、また『孟子』にも同様の記述が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Therefore, the recluse of Shijin who could not realize his goal was considered equal to his governing a nation and providing relief to people and an appropriate ethical behavior.
    であるからこそ、志を得ざる士人(文人)が隠逸することは経世済民するに等しく、倫理にかなう行為(善)なのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, it can be also said that some Bunjin aspired for recluse in order to keep time for indulging themselves in literature and arts.
    また文人が文学や芸術に耽溺するための物理的な時間を得るために隠逸を志向したという側面もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Against the background, a thought of the times was created that the seven wise men such as Ruan Ji and Keiko were considered ideal persons and recluse itself became an ideal way of life.
    そうした中、阮籍や嵆康に代表される竹林の七賢をひとつの理想形とし、隠逸そのものを理念とする思潮が生まれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is a way to become a recluse of spirit remaining in an official rank, which seems to include contradiction.
    官位に就いていながら精神は隠逸するという方法なのだが、内部矛盾を孕んでいるかのようでもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Next he studied under Tameyo NIJO, and went on a walking tour of several different provinces in honor of his hero Saigyo, leading the lifestyle of a recluse by, among other things, building a thatched hut on the historic site where Saigyo had lived at Sorin-ji Temple in the Higashiyama area of Kyoto.
    二条為世に師事し、西行を慕って諸国を行脚、京都東山双林寺の西行の旧跡に草庵を構えるなど隠遁者の生活を送った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It describes that when one is in the situation in which he can not realize this goal, for example, he has no way even if he takes an official position or he can not take an official position even if he has a way, he should become a recluse of his own will.
    もしこの目的が達成できない状況にあるとき、たとえば官位に就いてもその道がないとき、または道はあっても官位に就けないときは自らの意思で隠逸すべきであると説かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hakui, whom Confucius praised as 'an old wise man,' was Shijin who became a recluse, retired from an official position of his own ill, sticking to his principles, and finally starved to death as a result of eating only warabi (a wild vegetable, bracken).
    孔子が「古の賢人」と讚えた伯夷は志を貫き、自ら官を退き隠逸し、薇(わらび・ぜんまい)を食べながらついには餓死した士人であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, Kutugen, who was called the patriarch of Bunjin, left a representative work "Riso," which was a long poem in which he mentioned that he became a recluse sticking to his principles in order to protest a nation.
    また文人の祖といわれる屈原はその代表作である『離騒』を遺しているが、これは国を守るために志を貫き隠逸したことを詠じた長編詩である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • perhaps, in his heart, he preferred to speak with Poole upon the doorstep and surrounded by the air and sounds of the open city, rather than to be admitted into that house of voluntary bondage, and to sit and speak with its inscrutable recluse.
    たぶん、心のなかでは、好き好んでひきこもっている家の中に通されて、謎に満ちた世捨て人と座り込んで話をするより、開放的な街の雰囲気の玄関のところでプールと話をするほうが気楽だったのかもしれない。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『ジキルとハイド』


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