「Rural Society」を含む例文一覧(14)

  • Toward the middle of the 13th century, a far-reaching change started to occur within rural society in Japan.
    13世紀中期ごろになると、農村社会に大きな変動が生じ始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Normally, the disparity between cities, where industrialization progresses, and rural areas tends to level out through the movement of labor from rural communities to cities. China, however, based on the family registration system, is a two-tiered society of people residing in cities and people residing in rural communities.
    通常、工業化が進む都市と農村間の格差は、農村から都市への労働移動を通じて平準化される傾向にあるが、中国は、戸籍制度の下で都市住民と農村住民という二元構造社会となっている。 - 経済産業省
  • In this period, myoshu rights were already recognized as rights that could be inherited or sold, and as rural society became more and more homogenized the position and rights of myoshu were split into smaller elements.
    当時、名主職は相伝や譲与できる権利と認識されており、農村社会内部の均質化によって、名主の地位や権利は徐々に分割されていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Changes in Japanese society having been progressing since the middle thirteenth century, such as the development of the monetary economy, hierarchization of the peasant class and formation of rural communities, were further accelerated by the influence of Genko.
    貨幣経済の浸透や百姓階層の分化とそれに伴う村落社会の形成といった13世紀半ばから進行していた日本社会の変動は、元寇の影響によってますます加速の度合いを強めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The stagnation in the rural economy is a grave problem because not only does it instigate weakened consumption and hinder the realization of sustainable economic growth led by domestic demand in the future, but also it leads to destabilizing factors in society.
    農村部経済の停滞は、農村部の消費不振を招き、今後の内需主導による持続的な経済成長の実現を阻害するばかりでなく、社会の不安定要因にもつながり得るという意味で、深刻な問題である。 - 経済産業省
  • Under such a circumstance, the administration of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, which came to power in 2002, has tried to increase incomes mainly in rural areas with the aim of the realization of a "harmonious society."
    このような中で2002年に登場した胡錦涛・温家宝政権は、「和諧社会(調和のとれた社会)」の実現を目標に、農村をはじめとする所得の上昇に努めている。 - 経済産業省
  • China’s “economic reforms” have focused on economic growth, and are causing distortions in society such as a widening income gap between cities and rural areas (see Figure 1-2-3-21 and Figure 1-2-3-22).
    従来の「改革・開放」政策は、経済成長に重点を置いてきたところ、所得格差の拡大(都市と農村住民)といった歪みも生じさせている(第1-2-3-21 図、第1-2-3-22 図)。 - 経済産業省
  • The third issue is that, as most young people live in rural areas, they move into metropolitan areas for job opportunities, and society should also be responsible for supporting these migrants.
    3番目ですが、若い人たちの大半が地方に住んでおります。雇用機会を求めて都心部に移転をしております。これもまた社会にとってそういったような移住者を支える責任があります。 - 厚生労働省
  • However, enslavement due to human trafficking was widely spread in rural areas since management of agricultural village society was unstable at that time and peasant folk who were not able to manage farms and hon-byakusho (peasants) who were annoyed with lack of labor shared a mutual interest.
    だが、当時の農村社会の経営は不安定であり、農業経営の出来なくなった小農民と労働力不足に悩まされる本百姓層の利害の一致によりこうした人身売買による隷属化が農村部において横行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Based on the ideas of a "harmonious society" and "development with the fundamental interests of all Chinese people as the starting point and having everyone enjoy in the benefits," various efforts are underway in China including measures to aid rural areas, shrink the income gap and increase demand.
    「和諧社会(調和のとれた社会)」「以人為本(人民大衆の根本利益を出発点として発展を図り、この成果を全人民に享受させる)」という考え方の下、中国においては、各種農村対策をはじめとし、格差の縮小、内需拡大に向けた様々な取組が進められつつある。 - 経済産業省
  • Shopping Akita Prefecture Subsidies are granted to cover some expenses of the operators that start new support new services such as shopping support for the seniors in rural areas and providing service safety information on the seniors living alone (the project for the promotion of the service industry corresponding to the matured society).
    買い物支援新サービス秋田県農村部の高齢者の買い物支援や一人暮らしのお年寄りの安否情報の提供など、新サービスに参入する企業に経費補助(成熟型社会対応サービス産業推進事業)。 - 経済産業省
  • The disparities in China can be divided into the three main categories of (a) regional disparities (disparities between coastal areas and inland areas), (b) disparities between cities and rural communities, and (c) disparities within urban areas. The fruits of growth are concentrated in a portion of the layers of society, however, so they are not leading to an expansion in consumption overall.
    中国における格差は、主に、①地域間の格差(沿海部と内陸部間の格差)、②都市・農村間の格差、③都市部内の格差の3つに分けることができるが、社会の一部の層に成長の果実が集中しているため、全体としての消費拡大にはつながっていない。 - 経済産業省
  • The outline set out guidance policies for economic and social development in order to: (i) maintain stable and fast economic development (ii) accelerate the transformation of the economic growth system (iii) improve the nation’s capacity for independent creativity and innovation (iv) promote harmonized development between cities and rural areas, and across regions (v) strengthen the establishment of a harmonious society, and (vi) ensure the continued progress of economic reform.
    同要綱では、経済社会発展の指導原則として、①経済の安定した速い発展を保つ、②経済成長方式の転換を速める、③自主的な創造・革新能力を向上させる、④都市・農村間や地域間の調和のとれた発展を促進する、⑤調和のとれた社会の建設を強化する、⑥改革開放を絶えず進化させるといった点が掲げられている。 - 経済産業省
  • China has announced policy measures for industrial development and for stimulation of consumption, aimed at promoting industries, stabilizing society and expanding domestic demand. Such measures include large-scale economic policy measures at a scale of approximately 4 trillion RMB for the purpose of constructing housing for the low- to medium-income classes and the improvement of rural agricultural areas, such as projects costing 1.5 trillion RMB for accelerating the improvement of important infrastructures including railways, roads, airports and electricity facilities. The measures also include financial aid aimed at encouraging consumption of household electrical appliances, which will be granted for four years from February 2009. In November 2008, South Korea announced the provision of 14 trillion won in total (approximately ¥1.1 trillion) for the Comprehensive Policy Measures to Overcome the Ongoing Financial Crisis, and in January 2009, it announced the Green New Deal project, for which it will spend a total of 50 trillion won (approximately ¥4 trillion) by 2012.
    中国では、鉄道・道路・空港・電力等の重大インフラ整備の加速に1兆5千億元を実施するなど、中低所得者層向け住宅建設や、農村のインフラ整備などに、約4兆元の大規模な景気対策を打ち出したほか、2009年2月から4年間にわたり、家電消費促進のための財政補助を行うなど、産業振興、社会安定、内需拡大を目的として産業振興策や消費刺激策が打ち出されている。 - 経済産業省
