
  • Principles and spirituality
    理念・精神性 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • the spirituality of Shi'i Islam
    シーア派イスラム教の精神性 - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • As seen from this, the pureness of the world depends on spirituality.
    このように、世間の清浄であることは心による。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There's still no spirituality that nurtures self-sufficiency in Japan.
    自律を育む精神文化が日本にはまだ無い - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ
  • I enjoy the culture of Kumano because of its mixture of spirituality and nature.
    私は,精神性と自然が調和した熊野の文化を満喫しています。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Compared to other martial arts, spirituality is valued, and it's believed that the spiritual state can be seen in the techniques.
    他武道に比べ精神性が重視され、精神的な境地が技に現れるとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kaishu KATSU admired his skills and spirituality, and praised him on par with Takamori SAIGO.
    この技量と気質には勝海舟が惚れこみ、西郷隆盛と並べて賞賛した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is after the Edo period when its spirituality was emphasized, and significance as a utility article was big in those days.
    ことさら精神性を重視されるようになるのもまた江戸時代以降であり、当時は実用品としての意義が大きかったこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • By using an extremely small room from six to four and half, and two jo, the tea ceremony, the spirituality of which was enhanced, came to be held.
    六畳から四畳半さらには二畳と、極小空間を使うことで、精神的に高められた茶の湯を行なうようになっていく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kechimyaku Sojo is often mystified by saying, for example, 'various elements that cannot be captured as objects (such as the attitude for faith, spirituality and accumulation of pious acts, etc.) are inherited by golden paper or through oral transmission.'
    「物体として捉える事が出来ない種々の要素(信仰態度や霊性、累積された功徳など)が、金紙や口伝によって相続される」などと、神秘化して考えられる場合が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Among the disciples of Morihei, there were many grand masters of aikido who were influenced by Tenpu NAKAMURA, who was the first to introduce yoga to Japan, handing down the spirituality-oriented spirit of aikido to the next generation.
    盛平の弟子の中には藤平光一を初めとして、ヨーガを日本に持ち込んだ中村天風の影響を受けた合気道師範も多く、合気道の精神性重視という気風を次代に継承している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The misuse of the term to mean 'the unique spirit traditionally going back to Japanese ancient times,' 'superior Japanese spirituality unequaled in any other country,' and 'a pure mind to render good service to the Japanese nation' became rather mainstream
    そして、「日本古来から伝統的に伝わる固有の精神」「万邦無比の優れた日本の精神性」「日本国家のために尽くす清い心」といった誤用がむしろ主流となっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Wakon yosai (Japanese spirit with Western learning) means adopting Western arts while valuing Japanese traditional spirituality, and harmonizing as well as developing them.
    和魂洋才(わこんようさい)とは、日本古来の精神世界を大切にしつつ西洋の技術を受け入れ、両者を調和させ発展させていくという意味の言葉である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The former includes "Kanmon Yogi Sho" of 41 volumes, "Kangyosho Tahitsusho" (the records of Shoku's lecture about "Kanmuryoju-kyosho" (the records of Shoku's lecture about Kanmuryoju-kyosho (or Kangyosho, Commentary on the Meditation Sutra) written by Kankyo) of 14 volumes, "Kangyosho Taii" (overview of Kanmuryoju-kyosho (or Kangyosho, Commentary on the Meditation Sutra)) of 1 volume, "Kanmon-gi Soan" (draft about the teachings of Kanmon (contemplating dharmas as void)) of 2 volumes, "Sanbu-kyo Rongiki" (summary of debating about Sanbu-kyo (three main sutras)) of 1 volume, "Sanengi" (teachings about sanen (the Three Types of Karmic Relation with Amida Buddha)) of 1 volume, "Josanryoken-gi" (literally, teachings about the mind in one's concentration and non-concentration) of 1 volume, "Godansho" (Buddhist scriptures about tariki nenbutsu (the spirituality of the other power of Buddhist invocation)) of 1 volume, "Anjinsho Furyaku Anjinsho" (literally, the scripture and the summary about obtaining peace of mind through faith or ascetic practice), "Zenne Shonin Gohogo" (the Buddhist sermon of Zenne Shonin (or Shoku)) of 1 volume, "Shiraki Nenbutsu Hogo" (the Buddhist sermon of Shiraki Nenbutsu (tariki nenbutsu (the spirituality of the other power of Buddhist invocation)) without distraction) of 1 volume, "Jutsujo" (records of dialogue between Shoku and Rensho) of 1 volume, "Chinkanyojin" of 1 volume and "Nyoingosho" of 2 volumes, and so on.
    前者には『観門要義鈔』41巻、『観経疏他筆鈔』14巻、『観経疏大意』1巻、『観門義草案』2巻、『三部経論義記』1巻、『三縁義』1巻、『定散料簡義』1巻、『五段鈔』1巻、『安心鈔附略安心鈔』1巻、『善慧上人御法語』1巻、『白木念仏法語』1巻、『述誠』1巻、『鎮勧用心』1巻、『女院御書』2巻などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kyudo attracted the attention of foreigners through books such as "Zen in the Art of Archery," by Eugen Herrigel, in which the focus on spirituality was introduced, and even though it isn't an Olympic sport it's enjoyed especially in Europe and the United States with sports associations established there.
    弓道は『弓と禅』(オイゲン・ヘリゲル著)などの著作で精神性を重んじる面が取り上げられたことなどから外国人の関心を惹き、オリンピック種目でないにもかかわらず欧米各国中心に競技団体が設立され愛好されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • While shamisen developed as a kind of ordinary people's musical instrument because shamisen music linked with the red-light district, Soh music was regarded as 'music of high spirituality' by samurai families because many pieces were created based on dynastic style literature, and it was praised as an essential achievement for the daughters of samurai families (amateur).
    また三味線音楽が遊里との結びつきも持っていて、どちらかといえば三味線が庶民の楽器として普及したのに対し、箏曲は王朝文学に取材したものが多いなど高雅な精神性を持ち、このため武家では「高尚な音楽」として、箏は武家の娘のたしなみ(アマチュア)としてもてはやされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the other hand, in regions where the Sangaku-shinko faith exists, people placing too much confidence in modern gear, facing serious danger as a result of reckless acts, or conversely attacking nature due to excessive self-defense, by for instance, bringing in a large amount of goods and leaving the garbage behind, seen here and there, draws a fresh look at the spirituality of the Sangaku-shinko faith, which was cultivated for the purpose of coexisting with nature.
    その一方で、これら山岳信仰のある地域で、しばしば近代的な装備を過信した者が、無謀な行動の結果、重大な危険に直面したり、逆に大量の物資を持ち込んでそのゴミを放置するといった、過剰な自己防衛に基づく自然への攻撃を行ってしまうケースも散見され、近年では改めて自然と共存するために培われた山岳信仰が、その精神性において見直されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
