
  • Is this wine from Toscana good?
    トスカーナのこのワインは美味しいのですか - Weblio Email例文集
  • On November 3, 2006, the Shopping District Promotion Association established friendly relations with Mercato Centrale of Firenze City, Toscana Region, Italy (commonly known as San Lorenzo Market) in order to gain publicity, attract tourists, and deepen mutual understanding.
    2006年11月3日、同市場商店街振興組合はイタリアトスカーナ州フィレンツェ市公設の中央市場(itMercatoCentrale(Firenze)。通称サン・ロレンツォ市場)と知名度向上、観光客誘致、および相互理解を目的に友好提携を結んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, over time, powerful persons in many city states became signore, and also established small principalities by obtaining titles from the pope or from the Holy Roman Emperor (for example, the Medici family in Florence -> Grand duke of Toscana).
    しかし、やがて多くの都市国家で実力者が僭主(シニョーレ、signore)となり、さらにローマ教皇や神聖ローマ皇帝から爵位をもらって小公国を作るようになる(例:フィレンツェのメディチ家→トスカーナ大公)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since 1965, Firenze has had a sister city relationship with Kyoto City, and the event called 'Let's look for Firenze, Toscana at the Nishiki Market' (January, 2005 -) began in order to commemorate the 40th anniversary of their friendship, and was one achievement that the Nishiki Market has produced through their food-based cultural exchange with Firenze.
    1965年以来フィレンツェ市は京都市の姉妹都市で、四十周年を記念して始めた「錦市場でフィレンツェ・トスカーナを捜そう」(2005年1月-)などのイベントを通じ、錦市場がフィレンツェと食文化交流を続けてきた成果の一つである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
