
  • "Villains!"
    「このゲスどもめ!」 - Edgar Allan Poe『暴露させる心臓』
  • the leader of a group of villains
    悪徒の首領 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • The worst villains have the easiest consciences.
    悪いやつほどよく眠る. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • At that time, the hero couldn't whop the villains.
    その時主人公は悪者を打ち負かすことができなかった。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • the act of many villains committing crimes in a professional manner
    大勢の悪人がわがもの顔にふるまうこと - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • SERIZAWA and Mito Group were nothing but utter villains.
    芹沢と水戸派は極悪人そのもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Other men of Mito Group were shown simply as yakuza-like villains.
    その他の水戸派は単なる悪漢のヤクザ的な配役。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is made up of heroes and villains.
    ヒーローと悪者とで成り立っているのだ。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • and the miscreants [villains] saw their chance.
    悪党どもは、すわチャンスとばかりに - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』
  • He, Soun HOJO and Dosan SAITO comprise Japan's three greatest villains.
    北条早雲・斎藤道三と並んで日本三大梟雄とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • What were these villains after but money?
    あの悪党どもが探し回っているのが金じゃないなら何なんだい? - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
  • However, Tsuneshige and Jiro had been bribed by the villains and, when the pair went into the estate (unaccompanied by their soldiers) following some entertainment provided by the villains, the pair left the estate and reported to the Rokuhara authorities that the villains had escaped.
    しかし悪党から賄賂を受けていた両人は手勢も連れず荘内に入り、むしろ悪党らに饗応されただけで退去し、六波羅へは悪党はすでに逐電済みであると報告しただけに終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On December 8, 1335 (old calendar), Ryogen was attacked and killed at Shichiri-toge Pass in Iga Province by villains.
    建武2年(1335年)12月8日(旧暦)、了源、伊賀の七里峠にて賊に襲撃され、入滅。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Mito Komon series, since there are no domain lords as villains, real domain names are used.
    水戸黄門シリーズは藩主まで悪人になることはないため実在の藩が登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Osayo has been abducted by villains and turned into Izayoi Osayo, a follower of the female robber Jigokuba Otani.
    おさよは悪人に連れ去られ、女盗賊の地獄婆お谷の子分十六夜おさよとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Taheiji has some villains attack Yohei, and then pretending to support him, injures Yohei's leg with a hatchet.
    太平次は悪人に与兵衛を襲わせ、応援するふりでわざと鉈で与兵衛の足を傷つける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On December 25, 1180, following an order from Kiyomori instructing him to 'Track down and dispose of villains,' Shigehira marched toward Nanto through Uji City.
    同年12月25日、「悪徒を追討せよ」との清盛の命により、重衡は宇治市を経て南都へ向かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • From the beginning of the 14th century, villains became active in Kuroda estate which was part of the lands belonging to Todai-ji Temple in Nabari-gun County in Iga Province
    14世紀初頭より、同国名張郡の東大寺領黒田荘で悪党が蜂起した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although the authorities in Rokuhara (Kyoto) tried to suppress the villains (at the request of Todai-ji Temple) the insurgency could not be suppressed..
    東大寺の依頼を受けた六波羅探題が鎮圧にあたるも果たせなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is believed that those who were called villains during this period may have included some of these disobedient myoshu farmers.
    当時、悪党と呼ばれた者の中には、こうした名主も含まれていたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, in the fictional world (period dramas), they appear as a 'stock character,' like a czar of villains.
    しかし、フィクションの世界(時代劇)においては悪党の総元締め的な「ストックキャラクター」として登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This drama is rare because other men of Mito Group were portrayed not just as just villains but with individual details and personalities.
    その他の水戸派の面々も、ただの悪人ではない個性的な人物像で丁寧に描かれた珍しいドラマである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • All his films had a simple story with clear-cut heroes and villains, making them popular even with children.
    どの作品も善玉・悪玉がはっきりとしたわかりやすい筋書きで、活動写真の人気は子供にも浸透することとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Rokuhara Tandai was not convinced by this outcome and in July of the same year the order was once again issued to destroy the houses of the villains and arrest them.
    六波羅探題はこの結果に納得せず、同年7月再び両人に悪党の住居破壊および捕縛を命ずる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Jiho and the others did not follow this order (on the pretext they were ill), but they eventually (August) visited the Kuroda estate and reported back that the villains had evaded capture yet again.
    しかし、持法らは病と称して命令を聞かず、8月になって黒田荘に出向くが、再び逐電済みと報告した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is considered that during the Kamakura period, Yasutoki HOJO appointed Jibugyo together with Hobugyonin (person who monitors and polices villains and street traders), a low-level position.
    鎌倉幕府の地奉行は、下部の役職である保奉行人とともに北条泰時によって整備されたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kaizoku shu, as well as Akuto on land (villains during medieval times), banded together and were engaged in looting activities or guarding ship navigation in exchange for money.
    海賊衆は陸の悪党と同様に徒党を組んでの略奪行為や金銭を代償に取った船舶航行の警護を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Many scripts called maruhonmono (Kabuki dramas of joruri (puppet-play) origin), which are ningyo joruri (traditional Japanese puppet theater) arranged for Kabuki, and other scripts such as Goemon ISHIKAWA that deal with family feuds in which villains seek to take over the entire country, play important roles.
    丸本物とよばれる人形浄瑠璃の歌舞伎化したものや、石川五右衛門など天下を狙う悪人が大活躍するお家騒動物などの脚本が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is a story created out of necessity to cover up the fact that the Soga clan, who was taunted as 'the worst villains in the realm,' was a blood relative of the royal family.
    「天下の大悪人」とののしられた蘇我氏が王家の血筋にかかわりを持っていたことを隠匿するために必要にかられ創られた物語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • One of the reasons that those roles are not acted by onnagata actors, who are famous for their beauty, is that it is difficult to convince audience that they are villains, which will make it difficult to produce a drama.
    美貌を売り物にする女形役者がこうした役をつとめると、ふてぶてしい極悪人であることを観客に納得させることが容易ではなく、舞台演出が困難になってしまうことが配慮されていることもそのひとつの理由である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There are also genuine villains who knows the identity of the foe and tries to kill him thinking 'If I get him now…' fairly infrequently (such as a wicked roju [senior councilor] appeared in "Abarenbo Shogun").
    また、ごくまれにだが、相手の正体を知った上で「ここで消してしまえば...」と口封じに走る生粋の悪党もいる(暴れん坊将軍に登場した悪老中など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nanboku (then called Hyozo KATSU) wrote it, based on the original Yomihon (a kind of novel) of "Ehon Gappo ga Tsuji," with villains called Daigakunosuke SAEDA and Tateba no Taheiji as main characters, who commit all crimes.
    南北(当時は勝俵蔵)は読本『絵本合邦辻』を原作として、左枝大学之助と立場の太平次という極悪人を主人公に据え、悪事の限りを尽くさせている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is extremely difficult to play Daigakunosuke and Taheiji, villains with strong character, and after Koshiro the eighth, only two actors, Koshiro MATSUMOTO the ninth and Nizaemon KATAOKA the fifteenth, have played the roles.
    大学之助と太平次という強烈な個性の悪人を演じるのは至難の技で、八代目幸四郎以後は松本幸四郎(9代目)と片岡仁左衛門(15代目)の二人しか演じていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sabu happened to see Isonojo getting caught by villains Koppa no Gon and Nama no Hachi forced to pay a palanquin fee, and saved Isonojo and made him go to a nearbye teahouse.
    三婦はたまたま通りかかった磯之丞が駕籠代のことで、悪党のこっぱの権となまの八に絡まれているのを救い、磯之丞を近所の茶屋に行かせる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1327 the authorities in Rokuhara (Kyoto) issued a strict decree that commanded the police commanders in Iga Province (Tsuneshige TAIRA and Jiho HATTORI), to arrest a gang of villains which included Kakushun and Dogan.
    六波羅探題は嘉暦2年(1327年)伊賀守護代平常茂と服部持法に覚舜・道願ら悪党の捕縛を命ずる「厳密之沙汰」を下した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the forces against Shirakawa were strong, beginning with the traditional aristocracy such as his half-brother, Imperial Prince Sukehito, and the line of regents and advisers, along with the pressure from the growing religious groups that had organized the Tato farmer class into Jinin (temple followers) and Yoriudo (villains).
    しかも、白河に対抗する勢力として、異母弟・輔仁親王や摂関家を始めとする伝統的貴族が存在し、田堵農民層を神人・寄人に組織して巨大化した寺社勢力の圧力も熾烈だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is assumed that there are nine grades of gokuraku ojo (dying peacefully to be born in the Pure Land) from very religious people to accomplished villains as listed below: starting with 'jobon josho' (Upper grade: upper birth), 'jobon chusho' (Upper grade: middle birth), 'jobon gesho' (Upper grade: lower birth), 'chubon josho' (Middle grade: upper birth), 'chubon chusho' (Middle grade: middle birth), 'chubon gesho' (Middle grade: lower birth), 'gebon josho' (Lower grade: upper birth), 'gebon chusho' (Lower grade: middle birth) and 'gebon gesho' (Lower grade: lower birth).
    極楽往生のしかたには、信仰の篤い者から極悪人まで9通りの段階があるとされ、「上品上生」(じょうぼんじょうしょう)から始まって「上品中生」「上品下生」「中品上生」「中品中生」「中品下生」「下品上生」「下品中生」「下品下生」に至る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even until the Kamakura period, shooting arrows on horseback as typified in Yabusame (horseback archery) was the main style; from the late Kamakura period to the Muromachi period, this trend was accelerated due to the emergence of villains and armed peasants, and the battle style of mounted warriors shifted to the use of cutting weapons such as a long sword or a Japanese halberd.
    鎌倉時代まではそれでも流鏑馬に代表される様に騎射が主流であったが、鎌倉時代後期から室町時代になると悪党・野伏などの出現によりこの傾向は更に加速され、騎馬武者の戦闘は斬撃武器である長巻や薙刀を用いる様になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On December 13, 1867, Kondo welcomed Ito to house of his mistress where he got him drunk before he was assassinated (Abura-no-koji Incident) on the way home in front of the gate of Honko-ji Temple on Abura-no-koji Street by several Shinsengumi members including Kuwajiro OISHI, and it is said that he died while crying 'you villains.'
    慶応3年11月18日、近藤は妾宅にて伊東を歓待して酔わせ、帰途にあった油小路の本光寺門前にて同隊士の大石鍬次郎ら数名により暗殺され(油小路事件)、「奸賊ばら」と叫んで絶命したと伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As the activity of villains increased and the trend of vassals revolting against their lords became more commonplace during the period of Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), the traditional way in which warfare was conducted began to make the transition from a one-to-one combat to a group battle strategy, and the utilization of ashigaru even spread to the suppression of local and provincial uprisings.
    南北朝時代(日本)に悪党の活動が活発化し下克上の風潮が流行すると、伝統的な戦闘形態は個人戦から集団戦へと変化し始め、足軽の活躍の場は土一揆・国一揆にも広まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, the status also had the aspect of serving as a career stepping stone such as when capable individuals who were appointed from among ordinary citizens were temporarily be enrolled with the domain as ashigaru before their subsequent promotion, and what were once gangs of villains during the middle ages took on the identity of low-level public servants.
    加えて、有能な人材を民間から登用する際、一時的に足軽として藩に在籍させ、その後昇進させる等の、ステップとしての一面もあり、中世の無頼の輩は、近世では下級公務員的性格へと変化していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Black and navy was used for the make-up of 'Kugeare' (wild kuge (noble)), who was the villain (FUJIWARA no Sihei of "Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami") that schemed to overthrow the government, female that turned into ogre with jealousy ('hannya-guma' (makeup like hannya, female demon) (Shirabyoshi (a women who play Shirabyoshi (Japanese traditional dance)) Hanako of "Musume Dojoji" (Young Woman) whose real name was Kiyohime (Princess Kiyo)), female monster 'kijo-kuma' (makeup like a female ogre) (female ogre that gathered autumn leaves or ogre that disguised itself as the female of Modori-bashi bridge, 'borei-guma' (ghost make-up) that expressed the grudge of crazed evil spirit (TAIRA no Tomomori of Funa Benkei) that roughness equaled that of crimson colored Kumadori, but used on villains who were cruel or used spiritual power.
    黒・藍色系統では、「公家荒」と呼ばれる国家転覆を狙う大悪人(菅原伝授手習鑑の藤原時平)の隈や、嫉妬の鬼と化した女性の「般若隈」(道成寺の白拍子花子、その本性は清姫)、女妖怪に使う「鬼女隈」(紅葉狩の鬼女紅葉や戻橋の女に化けた鬼など)、荒れ狂う悪霊の怨念を表した「亡霊隈」(船弁慶の平知盛)など猛々しさは紅色の隈取に匹敵するが、冷酷であったり妖力を使う悪役のものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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