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  • This goddess is extraordinarily difficult to enshrine because it is supposed that any person is required, once this goddess is enshrined, to keep believing therein in exchange for his or her life until his or her last moment and also that should such a duty be neglected (in other words, should incantation to worship the deity be discontinued), such a person would immediately become ruined or meet with disaster.
    しかし、この尊天は祀るのが非常に難しく、一度祀ると自分の命と引きかえに最後までその信仰を受持することが必須とされ、もしその約束を破ると、その修法を止めた途端に没落する、あるいは災禍がもたらされるとも考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nichiren's pure worship of Hoke-kyo (Lotus Sutra) gradually changed as the wars continued during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) and other sects expanded their influence during the Muromachi period; he compromised with other sects and did not hesitate to receive charity from believers of other sects.
    日蓮の法華経に対する純粋な姿勢も、南北朝時代(日本)の戦乱や室町時代に入ると宗派が勢力を拡大していく過程の中で、他宗派との妥協や他宗派の信者からの施しを平気で受けるなど、次第に変質していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although all pilgrim stamp office of the 33 Temples of Saigoku worship the Kannon images, most of them treat as hibutsu; out of 33 temples, those that treat them otherwise are limited to the following: Minamihokke-ji Temple (Also known as Tsunosaka-dera Temple), the 6th pilgrim stamp office, Ryugai-ji Temple (Also known as Oka-dera Temple), the 7th, Hase-dera Temple, the 8th, and Yoshimine-dera Temple, the 20th.
    西国三十三箇所の札所寺院はすべて観音像を祀っているが、その大部分が秘仏であり、そうでないのは33か寺中、6番南法華寺(壺阪寺)、7番龍蓋寺(岡寺)、8番長谷寺、20番善峰寺の観音像のみとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later, as part of the flow of Mappo-shiso (the "end of the world" belief), it transitioned into Nenbutsu belief as Amida Jodo Shinko (Amida Buddha in the Pure Land worship) in which people wished to be saved and enter heaven by believing in Amitabha Nyorai
    その後末法思想の流れを受け、阿弥陀如来に帰依することで極楽浄土への救済を求める阿弥陀浄土信仰とも言える念仏思想を伴うものに形を変え、平安時代中期に空也、源信_(僧侶)らの民間布教によって爆発的に流行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The origins of Japanese Amitabha Jodo worship started when the last Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China, Ennin (794 – 864) of the Tendai Sect came back from Tang and brought Hosho school Nenbutsu of his training place, Mt. Wutai Shan, to Enryaku-ji Temple and built the Jogyo Zanmai-do Hall.
    日本の阿弥陀浄土信仰の起源は、最後の遣唐使でもある天台宗の円仁(794年-864年)が唐から帰朝し、修行元の五台山で行われていた法照流の念仏を延暦寺に伝え、常行三昧堂を建てたのが最初といえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Mappotomyoki" (Lamp for the Last Dharma-Age) attributed to Saicho (767 – 822), the first year of Mappo is 1052 in the late Heian period, when kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor) FUJIWARA no Yorimichi built the Amitabha-do (hoo-do) in Byodoin Temple at Uji, Kyoto which could be considered as an iconic symbol of Amida worship.
    最澄(767年-822年)に仮託される『末法灯明記』によれば、末法第一年に当たるとされたのは平安末期の1052年(永承7年)で、その年に関白・藤原頼道が京都宇治の平等院に阿弥陀信仰のシンボルとも言える阿弥陀堂(鳳凰堂)を建立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Jodo Shinshu Sect, devotional exercises every morning and evening, in which monto worship Amida Nyorai while putting the palms of the hands together, chanting nenbutsu and invocating the name of Buddha and thanking the holy priest Shinran, the founder of Jodo Shinshu Sect, as well as Seven masters of Jodo Shinshu Sect for their efforts in preaching the teachings of Buddha, are deemed as memorial services for the ancestors.
    浄土真宗における先祖の供養は、日常は朝夕に阿弥陀如来に対し合掌礼拝・称名念仏し、教えを説いてくだっさた宗祖親鸞聖人・七高僧などへの報恩謝徳の勤行をする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Early in the Heian period, En no Ozunu (also called En no Gyoja) mastered Juho (magic) of Kujaku Myoo by practicing mountain worship and responded, with Mt. Katsuragi in Nara as his base, to the religious needs of people who were uneasy about the development of the Ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the Ritsuryo code).
    平安時代初期、役小角(えんのおづぬ、役行者ともいう)が、山岳信仰を行い孔雀明王の呪法を体得し、奈良県の葛城山を中心に当時の律令制の進展に不安だった民衆の宗教的な欲求に応えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the next year, he was asked by Nakamaru okunodoshi, a sculptor master of Buddhist statues, to call up and infuse the spirit of the statue of Dainichi Daisho Fudo Myoo, a very precious statue with heijogan (literally, normal eyes) --gojibutsu of Tokimasa HOJO believed to be made by Unkei Itto-Sanrai (to worship three times with every stroke on sculpturing statues) and believed to be gojibutsu of Tokimasa HOJO.
    翌昭和10年に仏師の大家である仲丸奥堂師より運慶一刀三礼(いっとう・さんらい)の作で北条時政公の御持仏と口伝され、平常眼(へいじょうがん)という非常に珍しい大日大聖不動明王(だいにちだいしょう・ふどうみょうおう)像を勧請した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Nichiren sect, the honzon (principal object of worship) may be the Great Mandala (the Nichiren chant 'Nam-myoho-renge-kyo' surrounded by the names of Nyorai and Bosatsu), the Issonsisi (Shaka Nyorai and wakiji of four Bosatsu) or the Ittoryosonsisi (hoto (treasure pagoda) surrounded by the Shaka Nyorai, the Taho Nyorai and the four Bosatsu).
    日蓮宗において本尊とされるものに大曼荼羅(「南無妙法蓮華経」の題目の周囲に諸尊の名を文字で記したもの)、一尊四士(釈迦如来と脇侍の四菩薩)、一塔両尊四士(宝塔を中心に釈迦如来・多宝如来・四菩薩を表わす)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At Taima-dera Temple, which was constructed in the Nara period, the Buddha hall that enshrines the statue of Miroku Bosatsu, the main object of worship, is called 'Kondo' (a national treasure) while the Mandala hall in which the Taima Mandala is enshrined, having been constructed in 1161 during the period of cloister government, is called 'Hondo' (a national treasure).
    奈良時代に建てられた當麻寺(奈良県葛城市)でも創建当初の本尊仏である弥勒菩薩を安置する仏堂を「金堂」(国宝)と称するのに対し、院政期文化の永暦2年(1161年)に建造された、当麻曼荼羅のある曼荼羅を「本堂」(国宝)と呼称する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There is an opinion that the reason Shinran used Myogo Honzon, even though it was popular to worship icons as Honzon at that time, was that Shinran moved very often for propagation without holding temples and living in small thatched huts; thus it was impossible for him to have a wooden statue.
    親鸞の存命時は、一般に偶像を本尊としていたのに、名号本尊を用いた理由については、親鸞は教化のため移住を繰り返し、寺を持たずに、常に小さい草庵に住んでいた為、木像を持つことが不可能だったという考えがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition to this, when Kokufu Bunka (Japan's original national culture) became popular with the abolition of Kento-shi (Japanese envoy to the Tang Dynasty), a trend to worship Buddhism began to spread mainly in the aristocratic society, strongly interesting the teachers and the students of Daigakuryo to Esoteric Buddhism and the Jodo (Pure Land) sect, a sect which was emerging at the time, once they were away from their classes.
    それに加えて、遣唐使の廃止によって国風文化が台頭するようになると、貴族社会を中心に仏教崇敬の風潮が強まって大学寮の教官や学生の間でも授業を離れれば、密教や新興の浄土教などに深い関心を寄せるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For the entrance of architecture of temples, the swing lattice doors became to be used often, and in addition, according to "Tonomine Ryakki" (brief sketch of Tonomine) the five lattice doors were set in front of Naijin (inner sanctuary of a shrine or temple) of the lecture hall in narabido (two temples) style which was built in 972 and the three lattice doors were placed to separate Naijin from Gejin (outer place of worship for public people).
    寺院建築の正面には扉形式の格子戸が多用されるようになり、さらに『多武峰略記』によると、天禄三年に建立された双堂形式の講堂の内陣の正面に格子戸五間を建て込み、内陣と外陣の間仕切りに格子戸三具を建て込んでいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The original pattern of mikomai dance can be seen in the "Kojiki" (A Record of Ancient Matters) and "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) as a historical event of Ame no Uzume no mikoto (the goddess of dawn and revelry), who performed a dance in front of Ama no Iwayato (a rock cave where Amaterasu, deity of the Sun, had hidden), and women of the 'Sarume no kimi' (descendants of Ama no Uzume no mikoto) were reported to have been successively engaged in offering the Kagura dance to gods as court ladies of Jingikan (a department of worship in charge of clergy and Shinto rituals).
    『古事記』・『日本書紀』において天岩屋戸の前で舞ったとされる天鈿女命の故事にその原型が見られ、その子孫とされた「猨女君」の女性達は代々神祇官の女官として神楽を奉納したとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • One chigo appears in each Shinkosai and Kankosai; both chigo wear the same costume, and chigo tenkan (crown for child of festivity) with a woodcrafted pendant of a horse's head, or an object of worship housed in the Kuninaka-jinja Shrine, rides on a horse to lead the Nakagoza mikoshi which enshrines nigimitama (spirits of peace) of Susanoo no Mikoto (a deity of Japanese Mythology).
    神幸祭・還幸祭では1名ずつ登場、衣装は同じだが稚児天冠を被り、胸に国中神社の御神体である木彫りの馬の首(駒形)を胸に掛け、馬に乗って素戔嗚尊(すさのおのみこと)の和御魂(にぎみたま)が鎮まる中御座神輿(なかござみこし)の先導を務める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • She claimed that Koshi attempted to morally and religiously reorganize the ancient society, which was falling apart due to social disorder caused by collapse of public order based on the system of social status, by extracting the ancestor worship factor from shamanism and organizing it as Rei-kyo, and by embracing a philosophy of sympathy.
    そのシャーマニズムから祖先崇拝の要素を取り出して礼教化し、仁愛の理念をもって、当時、身分制秩序崩壊の社会混乱によって解体していた古代社会の道徳的・宗教的再編を試みたのが孔子であると主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The communal worship that tanzaku (long, narrow card) cards on which a wish is written are hung up on small bamboos provided on the right and left sides of the kaya grass hoop and the bamboos are thrown into a river on the Tanabata festival corresponds to the event in which kakizome (New Year's writing, resolution) is burnt in the Dondon-yaki (a Shinto blessing of objects that have been a part of a celebration but are now debris consuming by fire from the 14th to the 16th of the lunar New Year) to improve writing.
    また、茅の輪の左右に設置する笹竹に願い事を書いた短冊を振下げ、七夕に河川に流すといった俗信仰は、書初めをどんどん焼きで焚くと筆が上達するといった行事と対応している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although a pure sense of worship for religion was not realized, an environment of present-day Japanese spirit and culture was formed based on the Shinto religion from the ancient times while adding mixtures of various kinds of foreign religions including Buddhism, Esoteric Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, or 'Christianity' (also including a Christian culture in old times).
    純粋な宗教的価値観の具現化でないとしても、古来からの神道が礎となってその上に仏教・密教や儒教や道教、あるいは「キリスト教」(古くはキリシタン文化)をも含め、さまざまな外来の宗教を混在させながら、今日ある日本の精神や文化の土壌は形成された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • For various problems in the modern age, this kind of Japanese sense of worship for religion may be effective, and when regarding this as a methodology, one example is that an idea of 'satoyama bunka (traditional village culture) (Chinju-no-Mori) (Sacred Shrine Forest) has a possibility of suggesting problem solving.
    現代世界が抱える諸問題において、このような日本的な宗教的価値観が有効とされる場合もあり、これを方法論としてみた場合、たとえば「里山文化(鎮守の森)」の考え方は問題の解決を示唆する可能性もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A movement to actively accept products of western culture for strengthening Japan (thought of leaving Asia) and a movement to strengthen traditions for independence (nationalism) coexisted, and Japan sometimes leaned toward an extreme worship of the West or toward exclusion of foreign countries.
    日本を強国にするため積極的に西洋の文物を取り入れようとする動き(脱亜思想)と、独立のために伝統を強調しようとする動き(国粋主義)の両者が存在し、時には極端な西洋崇拝になったり、逆に外国を排斥するようになったりもした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There is so wide a variety of Engimono, including those to pray for huge harvest (of cereals), good catch and memorial service, prosperous business, safety of the family, a state of perfect health, peace and longevity, a harmonious marriage, fertility and family prosperity, ancestor worship, good luck and protection from evil, as well as those concerning 'hare to ke' (which means 'appare' [splendid] or a good mood, not fine weather).
    五穀豊穣、大漁追福、商売繁盛、家内安全、無病息災、安寧長寿、夫婦円満、子孫繁栄、祖先崇拝や招福祈願、厄除祈念や「ハレとケ{天気ではなく天晴れ(あっぱれ)や晴れ晴れとした気持ちの「晴れ」をさす}」に纏わる物など多岐に渡る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to the beliefs of ancient Japanese society, which followed what is known as "ancient Shinto," someone who conducted religious services ("matsuri" in Japanese) was essentially the same as someone who was engaged in politics (also "matsuri" in Japanese); this was a case of what is called saisei itchi (the unity of shrine, temple and state; in other words, theocracy), and this led to politics occasionally being called matsurigoto (a word that can be used to refer both to government and worship) in Japan.
    「政り」については、日本は古代からの信仰や社会である、いわゆる古神道おいて、祭祀を司る者(まつり)と政治を司る者(まつり)は、同じ意味であり、この二つの「まつり」が一致した祭政一致といわれるものであったため、政治のことを政(まつりごと)とも呼んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Additionally, based on the teachings of ancestor and nature worship, since it was believed that a life ended in bitter disappointment would turn into a wrathful spirit which might bring evils to this world, history shows that a mound was erected as an object to be honored in place of a person's soul (divine spirit) for the repose of his or her spirit.
    また祖霊信仰や自然崇拝から、無念を伴って亡くなった生命は荒御魂になり、禍をもたらすこともあると考えていたので、その御霊代(みたましろ・依り代)として塚を建立し慰霊して来た歴史がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is based on the explanatory note on the first part of the story of Susanoo's killing of the Yamata no Orochi (an eight-forked great serpent), which is described in the Chigi hongi (the original record of earthly deity worship) in the volume 4 of "The Sendai Kujihongi" (Ancient Japanese History) (although it is said to be false an apocryphal book that was submitted when lecturing on the Chronicles of Japan) that is quoted from the article on Soshimari described in book 10 of volume 20 of the "Wamyo ruijusho" (Japan's oldest dictionary of Chinese characters edited in the Heian period).
    『和名類聚抄』二十巻本第10卷にある蘇志摩利の記述を引用した『先代旧事本紀』(日本紀講筵の際提出された偽書とされる)巻第四地祇本紀の素戔烏尊によるヤマタノオロチ退治の前段の分注記事による。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The calligraphy of Kukai and that of ONO no Tofu are exquisite, if asked whether they are exquisite or not, and are like being written by god, if asked whether they are like being written by god or not, but when viewing their works minutely, it is found that they were only imitators of calligraphy in Tang and did not worship what they understood as the origin of calligraphy in the Tang period.
    「空海・小野道風の書、妙は則ち妙なり、神は則ち神也、然れども之れを細観し来る時は唯唐書の盲従者たるに過ぎずして、唐代の書を遡源的に解釈して之れを崇拝したるものにあらざるが如し。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This was because the play was written at that time with a little consideration of following according to a historical evidence, and Terakoya and families into education used to worship the Tenjin statues, and guests during the Edo Period had a strong connection with Tenjin.
    これは当時の作劇において時代考証に対する意識が薄かったことと、寺子屋や教育に熱心な家庭では天神の像を祀る習俗があり、江戸時代の観客にとっては天神とのつながりが深い場所であったことによる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because the temple used to be off limits to women, the Nyonindo (women's temple) was placed at the bottom of the path; starting there, the Yakushido (a National Treasure, and still as it was in the Heian period), the Haiden (worship hall, National Treasure) for Daigo-ji's guardian deity Seiryu-gongen, the Junteido and the Godaido are lined up on the steep mountain.
    上り口にはかつて女人結界があったことから、女人堂がおかれ、そこから険しい山あいに、平安時代のままに残る国宝の薬師堂、醍醐寺の鎮守神である清瀧権現(せいりゅうごんげん)拝殿(国宝)、准胝堂、五大堂などが立ち並ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Nihon Shoki," in the year 603, after Prince Shotoku asked his servants 'I have this sacred Buddhist statue, but who is here to worship it?' naturalized citizen HATA no Kawakatsu of a powerful local family received the statue and constructed 'Hoko-ji Temple.'
    『書紀』によれば、推古天皇11年(603年)聖徳太子が「私のところに尊い仏像があるが、誰かこれを拝みたてまつる者はいるか」と諸臣に問うたところ、帰化人系の豪族秦河勝(はたのかわかつ)が、この仏像を譲り受け、「蜂岡寺」を建てたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A well known story tells that in 1201, at the beginning of the Kamakura period, 29-year-old Mt. Hiei temple priest Shinran descended Mt. Hiei each night to worship in the hexagonal main hall for 100 days when, on dawn of the 95th day, he received in a dream a 4-verse gatha poem by Prince Shotoku and became devoted to the exclusive nenbutsu (senju nenbutsu) teaching of Pure Land Sect founder Honen.
    鎌倉時代初期の1201年(建仁元年)、比叡山の堂僧であった29歳の親鸞が、毎夜叡山を下り、この六角堂に百日間参籠し、95日目の暁の夢中に聖徳太子の四句の偈文を得て、浄土宗の祖法然の専修念仏門に帰依した話は有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kuze Komagata chigo are children who ride on horseback as they lead the Nakagoza mikoshi (portable shrine) enshrining Susanoo no mikoto and carry around their necks the object of worship of Kunaka-jinja Shrine, a horse head carved out of wood (komagata), in the Shinko-sai and Kanko-sai rituals.
    久世駒形稚児は祇園祭の神幸祭・還幸祭で、馬に乗って、素戔嗚尊(すさのおのみこと)が鎮まる中御座神輿(なかござみこし)の先導を務めるが、この際に胸にかける木彫りの馬の首(駒形)は國中社の神体を模したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The ascetic practice area is scattered with named rocks such as 'Tainai Kuguri' (a narrow sanctified cavern), 'Ari no Towatari' (proceeding like ants over a steep cliff), and 'Yurugi Ishi' (unstable stone which can be shaken with just one finger) and includes the Miroku image carving (only the halo remains), Shogatsu-do hall (Miroku image worship hall), a thirteen-storey stone pagoda, the engraved Kokuzo Bosatsu image on the cliff and the ruins of a temporary lodging for Emperor Godaigo.
    修行場には「胎内くぐり」「蟻の戸渡り」「ゆるぎ石」などと名付けられた岩が点在しており、途中に弥勒磨崖仏(現在は光背を残すのみ)、正月堂(弥勒磨崖仏の礼堂)、石造十三重塔、虚空蔵菩薩磨崖仏、後醍醐天皇行在所跡などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Two-thirds of the north side of the building (on the observers' right from the approach), where the Buddhist statues are placed, is architecture of the Tenpyo era (from the end of the seventh to the mid eighth centuries) and the Rai-do (worship) Hall, the south part of the building, was reconstructed around 1199 by removing the decrepit original Tenpyo architecture.
    建物の北側約3分の2(参道側から見て向かって左側)の、仏像が安置されている部分が天平時代の建築で、南側の礼堂(らいどう)部分は鎌倉時代の正治元年(1199年)頃に老朽化した天平建築を取り壊し再建したものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In May 1939, Tada-jinja Shrine, located in Tadain, Kawanishi City, Hyogo Prefecture and enshrining MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka, established 'Seiwa-Genji Dozokukai' (Seiwa-Genji family council) to worship the deity and ancestors as the family of Seiwa-Genji, and for the development of industries and cultures in Japan, and mutual friendship among the family.
    源満仲を祭神とする兵庫県川西市多田院にある多田神社では1939年5月、清和源氏一門として崇神崇祖、日本の産業と文化発展、一門の相互親和を図る目的で「清和源氏同族会」を設立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • An on-duty chamberlain from the Board of Chamberlains, the Imperial Household Agency, or a chamberlain who is told to stay at the Imperial Court to take care of affairs while the Emperor is absent to attend an event or visit another country, performs a rite called Maicho-godaihai (literally, "every morning worship on behalf of the Emperor") at 8:30 am and worships the deceased at the Kashikodokoro, the Koreiden, and the Shinden on behalf of the Emperor.
    午前8時30分に宮内庁侍従職の当直侍従が、また天皇が行幸及び外国旅行に際して不在でも居残り役の侍従が毎朝御代拝(まいちょうごだいはい)として、賢所、皇霊殿、神殿を天皇に代わって拝礼する行事を行っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Besides building the hoji office, Koro Tower, Rokubo-ji Temple and branch shrines of Kumano-jinja Shrine, Yasuyori built Fudaraku-ji Temple on Mt. Kikai to mourn for Shunkan in Kikaiga-shima Island (Fudaraku-ji means "temple for Kannon Worship" and Kikaiga-shima was regarded as the jodo (pure land of Kannon)); and built Gyokurin-ji Temple on Mt.Jigen where he held memorial services for all those killed in the Genpei War (war between the Minamoto clan and the Taira clan) irrespective of their allegiances.
    康頼は保司庁、鼓楼、六坊寺を建て、熊野神社を勧請し、鬼界山補陀らく寺を建てたがその名が示す通り鬼界が島の俊寛を弔うものであり、又、慈眼山玉林寺を建て源平の戦いで死んだ者を源平の区別無く供養したと云われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Thus, for him, the imperialism and socialism were merely the means to bring people in unity and make the state to create businesses, and according to his theories, as Niccolo MACHIAVELLI put it, the will of a person would be absorbed for his or her homeland and the state itself would be the subject of worship.
    このようにしてかれにとって帝国主義や社会主義は、国民を一致団結させ国家に事業を興させる手段であり、ニッコロ・マキャヴェッリのように、祖国のために個人の意志は吸収され、国家そのものが崇拝の対象となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, the history of Shotenzan Kangi-in Temple (located in present-day Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture) relating to the foundation of Sanemori showed that he took over the estate of Nagainosho in Hatara County, Musashi Province (present-day Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture) after Sanemori's death, and donated to such Temple a statue of Eleven-faced Kannon and Mishotai shakujo gashira (a head of a priest's pewter staff considered as the principal object of worship).
    一方、実盛死後に武蔵国幡羅郡長井庄(現埼玉県熊谷市)を継ぎ、実盛創建に係る聖天山歓喜院(埼玉県熊谷市)に十一面観音と御正躰錫杖頭を寄進したことが同院の縁起に見える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Kenzo tenno ki (Records of Emperor Kenzo)" of Chapter 15 of "Nihon Shoki," a god of the moon who claimed Takamimusubi as his (or her) ancestor possessed a man and said, 'Worship my god of the moon, then you will have pleasures,' and the people, having heard the words, erected a shrine in Kadono no kori in Yamashiro Province and had Oshiminosukune (the ancestor of Agatanonushi of Iki) serve it.
    書紀巻十五の顕宗天皇紀には、タカミムスビをわが祖と称する月の神が人に憑いて、「我が月神に奉れ、さすれば喜びがあろう」と宣ったので、その言葉通り山背国の葛野郡に社を建て、壱岐県主の祖・押見宿彌(オシミノスクネ)に祭らせたという記録がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is a kind of nature worship, and is believed to be a form of religion developing from the feeling of awe towards mountainous areas and its accompanying natural environment and the feeling of being overwhelmed, fear, and respect with the magnificence and harshness of the natural environment that hunters had in their deep relationship with mountains..
    自然崇拝の一種で、狩猟民族などの山岳と関係の深い民族が山岳地とそれに付帯する自然環境に対して抱く畏敬の念、雄大さや厳しい自然環境に圧倒され恐れ敬う感情などから発展した宗教形態であると思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Additionally, it applied the trikaya (three bodies of the Buddha) of Buddhist Tathagata to the three gods in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), with Kuninotokotachi no mikoto as hosshin, Kuninosatsuchi no mikoto as hojin, and Toyokumo no mikoto as ojin, and considered these three combined gods to be the Dainichi nyorai, the principal object of worship in esoteric Buddhism.
    また、日本書紀の三神に、仏教の如来の三身をあてはめ、国之常立神(くにのとこたちのみこと)が法身、国狭槌尊(くにのさつちのみこと)が報身、トヨクモノ(とよくものみこと)が応身であるとし、この三神が合一して、密教の本尊である大日如来となるともした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The worship manners in Shinsosai are the same as when worshipping kamidana or shrines--you bow a little once, bow once, clap hands twice, and bow once ('Ichiyu-ippai-nihakushu-ippai' style) or you bow twice, clap hands twice, and bow once --, but when clapping hands (Shinto) in funeral rites, you are required to do so without making a sound until the body is brought into a crematorium.
    神葬祭における拝礼は、神棚や神社を拝礼するときと同様に「一揖一拝二拍手一拝」(いちゆういっぱいにはくしゅいっぱい)「二拝二拍手一拝」などで行なうが、葬儀のときの拍手(神道)は火葬場へ送るまでは音を立てずに行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shrines to enshrine such Kami were a temporary place where Kami descended from Iwakura (dwelling place of a god, usually in reference to a large rock) or Kinsokuchi (tabooed land,) and ritual ceremonies were performed, but gradually, Haiden (a hall of worship) was built as a substitute for Kinsokuchi and Honden (a main shrine) was built to let Kami reside there.
    それら神々を祀る神社は、神を磐座や禁足地より降臨させ祭り事を執り行う臨時のものであったが、次第に禁足地に対して拝殿が、そして神そのものが常駐するという本殿が造営されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kujira-jinja Shrine is a familiar name for shrines that have a deep relationship with whaling, such as shrines building mounds to show gratitude and mourning for whales and enshrining the body of whales as goshintai (object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity), or shrines viewing and worshipping whaling itself as a Shinto ritual.
    鯨神社とは、鯨に対する感謝や追悼のための塚を建てたり、御神体として鯨の遺骸を祀っている神社や、あるいは捕鯨行為自体を神事として捉え、信仰している神社などの、捕鯨とかかわりの深い神社の俗称。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Artificial mounds (excluding ant mounds and dunghills) were made to prevent the gods that resided in various creatures and tools from becoming violent and to enshrine them so that they would become kannagi (peaceful gods) and bring happiness (some artificial mounds except for ancient tombs are objects of worship).
    人の作った塚(アリ塚や糞塚などは除く)には、様々な生き物や道具などに憑いた神が、荒ぶる神にならぬよう、そして神和ぎ(かんなぎ・和ぎる神)として幸を齎してくれぬようにと祀った碑としての塚(古墳は除くが信仰の対象となっているものもある)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He is enshrined in the Takabe-jinja Shrine (Minami Boso City, Chiba Prefecture), the Takahashi-jinja Shrine (Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture), and other shrines which received Kanjin (ceremonial transfer of a divided tutelary to a new location) from either of the above mentioned shrines; he is the central object of worship among licensed cooks and the brewing industry workers as Soshin for cooking or the god of brewing of soy sauce and miso.
    また、高家神社(千葉県南房総市)、高椅神社(栃木県小山市)、およびどちらかの神社から勧請を受けた各地の神社で祀られており、料理の祖神、醤油・味噌などの醸造の神として調理師や調味業者などの信仰を集めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Matsuri here means prayer, which include not only prayers by Shinto priesthood as a divine yorishiro but also by ordinary people who thank gods for everyday life by placing their hands together before shintai (an object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity), Shinto shrine as yorishiro, himorogi, iwakura, mounts, hokora (a small shrine), Doso-shin (traveler's guardian deity), Jizo, or the inazuma and rain that sometimes bring good harvest.
    祀りは祈りのことであり、神職による神の依り代としての祈祷だけでなく、庶民が神体や依り代である神社の社や神籬や磐座、塚・祠・道祖神・地蔵や時として豊作をもたらす稲妻や慈雨に対し手を合わせ日々を生を感謝すること。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The worship of Yamanokami has been formed and handed down by people living mainly in mountains such as those engaged in hunting, swidden agriculture, charcoal burners, woodcutters, sawyers, kijishi (wood master) (wood vessel production) and miners having their unique faith and religious behaviors according to their occupations.
    山の神信仰は、古くより、狩猟や焼畑耕作、炭焼、杣(木材の伐採)や木挽(製材)、木地師(木器製作)、鉱山関係者など、おもに山で暮らす人々によって、それぞれの生業に応じた独特の信仰や宗教的な行為が形成され伝承されてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The shingu listed here are the main ones, and depending on the shrine (shrine of the ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) or the shrine of worship) and Sect Shinto school, some things are necessary/unnecessary, so seek the advice of shrines, churches of Sect Shinto school, and shingu stores (butsugu (Buddhist altar fittings) stores carrying shingu).
    ここであげた神具は主なものであり、神社(氏神の神社や信仰する神社)や教派神道各派によっては必要なもの・不要なものがあることから神社や教派神道各派の教会、神具店(神具を扱う仏具店)に相談する必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Koshinto and jinja shinto coexist and are inseparable in some aspects and, therefore, some shrines have no buildings and deify shinboku as objects of worship, and some places are worshiped because of shinboku which have naturally grown even though there are no shrines in such places.
    また古神道と神社神道は、ある部分では共存し不可分でもあるため、神社によっては社を持たず、神木をそのまま神体として祀っているところもあり、また、神社はなくとも自然そのままにある神木が多くの信仰を集めている場所もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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