
  • Kegon Yogi Mondo - written by Gyofuku
    華厳要義問答 行福筆 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The record of the above lectures were compiled as "Kanmon Yogi Sho" in 41 volumes and still exist.
    その講説の記録は現在『観門要義鈔』41巻として現存する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sekiso Soen and Roya Ekaku (瑯琊慧覚) who were Zensho's disciples, and Yogi Hoe of the Yogi school and Oryu Enan of the Oryu school, who were Shonen's disciples, appeared and their group dominated all over China.
    善昭門下に石霜楚円、瑯琊慧覚が出、蘊聡門下からは楊岐派の楊岐方会、黄龍派の黄龍慧南が出て、その一門が中国全土を制覇することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the middle of the Sung Period, the lineage of Enan expanded its influence to as strong as the Goke with the Yogi school.
    宋代の中期以降に、慧南の系統が勢力を伸長し、楊岐派と共に、五家と肩を並べるまでになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, the group of Oryo School and Yogi School of the Rinzai sect strengthened the influence to as strong as the 'Goke,' which led to the idea of 'Goke Shichishu' including these two schools.
    さらに、臨済宗中から、黄龍派と楊岐阜派の勢力が伸長し、「五家」と肩を並べるまでになり、この二派を含めて「五家七宗」(ごけしちしゅう)という概念が生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Yangqi Fanghui ('Yogi Hoe' in Japanese), who went on to become one of the founders of the Rinzai Sect in Japan, undertook Zen meditation at a ruined temple on Mt. Yangqi during a snowy night, the wind grew and snow was blown into the room.
    日本臨済宗の祖の一人となった楊岐方会(ようぎほうえ)が雪の夜に楊岐山の破れ寺で座禅をしていた時に風が舞い、部屋の中へ雪が降り込んできた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the 17th century, a wealthy merchant with political ties, Ryoi SUMINOKURA, built a canal from the Katsura-gawa River to connect the present-day Yogi-mura (与木村) in Tanba-cho, and Yodo and Osaka; consequently, water transportation developed.
    17世紀にはいると嵐山の豪商であり政商の角倉了以が桂川を開削し、現在の丹波町与木村から下流の淀や大坂まで通じることになったため、船運が発達した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The appearance of Maido Soshin, Torin Josho (東林常聡) and Shinjo Katsubun (真浄克文) who were disciples of Enan, Shijin Goshin and Reigen Isei who were disciples of Shoshin, and Tosotsu Juetsu and Kakuhan Keiko (覚範慧洪) who were disciples of Katsubun, led to its flourishing and the Oryu school became superior to the Yogi school, which had flourished more before.
    慧南の門下から晦堂祖心、東林常聡、真浄克文が輩出し、祖心の弟子の死心悟新、霊源惟清が、克文の下からは兜率従悦、覚範慧洪らが出て活躍し、当初は、より盛んであった楊岐派よりも優勢になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The former includes "Kanmon Yogi Sho" of 41 volumes, "Kangyosho Tahitsusho" (the records of Shoku's lecture about "Kanmuryoju-kyosho" (the records of Shoku's lecture about Kanmuryoju-kyosho (or Kangyosho, Commentary on the Meditation Sutra) written by Kankyo) of 14 volumes, "Kangyosho Taii" (overview of Kanmuryoju-kyosho (or Kangyosho, Commentary on the Meditation Sutra)) of 1 volume, "Kanmon-gi Soan" (draft about the teachings of Kanmon (contemplating dharmas as void)) of 2 volumes, "Sanbu-kyo Rongiki" (summary of debating about Sanbu-kyo (three main sutras)) of 1 volume, "Sanengi" (teachings about sanen (the Three Types of Karmic Relation with Amida Buddha)) of 1 volume, "Josanryoken-gi" (literally, teachings about the mind in one's concentration and non-concentration) of 1 volume, "Godansho" (Buddhist scriptures about tariki nenbutsu (the spirituality of the other power of Buddhist invocation)) of 1 volume, "Anjinsho Furyaku Anjinsho" (literally, the scripture and the summary about obtaining peace of mind through faith or ascetic practice), "Zenne Shonin Gohogo" (the Buddhist sermon of Zenne Shonin (or Shoku)) of 1 volume, "Shiraki Nenbutsu Hogo" (the Buddhist sermon of Shiraki Nenbutsu (tariki nenbutsu (the spirituality of the other power of Buddhist invocation)) without distraction) of 1 volume, "Jutsujo" (records of dialogue between Shoku and Rensho) of 1 volume, "Chinkanyojin" of 1 volume and "Nyoingosho" of 2 volumes, and so on.
    前者には『観門要義鈔』41巻、『観経疏他筆鈔』14巻、『観経疏大意』1巻、『観門義草案』2巻、『三部経論義記』1巻、『三縁義』1巻、『定散料簡義』1巻、『五段鈔』1巻、『安心鈔附略安心鈔』1巻、『善慧上人御法語』1巻、『白木念仏法語』1巻、『述誠』1巻、『鎮勧用心』1巻、『女院御書』2巻などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
