「a vowed」を含む例文一覧(24)

  • a widow who has vowed fidelity to the memory of her husband
    赤い信女 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • They vowed a temple to Apollo.
    彼らはアポロに神殿を献納することを誓った. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • Because Shomyo was the act that Amida vowed in the Hongan (the Original Vow), it was a Shojo no go (a Rightly Established Practice), he argued.
    称名は本願に誓われた行であるから、正定業であるとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1674, he became a disciple of Kokai (monk), the head priest of Izumo-ji Temple on Mt. Goho (Monzeki of Bishamon-do Temple) and vowed to follow the religious precepts.
    延宝2年(1674年)、護法山出雲寺(毘沙門堂門跡)門主公海(僧)の室に入り受戒。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Inspired by encouragement from his common-law wife who was a continuity supervisor, he read as many theater scripts as possible and vowed to start anew.
    スクリプターをしていた内妻の励ましで奮起し劇作集を読みあさり再出発を誓う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • I vowed that, come what might, it should be a secret no longer.
    たといそれがどんなものであろうと、いつまでも秘密にしておいてはならない、——と、私は自身に誓いました。 - Conan Doyle『黄色な顔』
  • In 1335, the Rretired Emperor Hanazono shaved his head and became a monk, after which he vowed to convert the Hagiwaradono villa into a Zen temple.
    花園上皇は、建武(日本)2年(1335年)落飾(剃髪して仏門に入ること)して法皇となり、萩原殿を禅寺に改めることを発願した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • No sooner had he vowed never to bet again than he bet a million yen that he would keep his vow.
    もう二度と賭け事はしませんと言う口の下から, 百万円賭けてもいい, 僕は必ず約束を守るから, と彼はほざいた. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • Michinaga, who in his last years came to admire Jodo-shinko (the Pure Land faith), vowed to construct a Nine Amida Statue hall (also known as Muryojuin).
    晩年浄土信仰に傾倒した道長は、法成寺内に九体阿弥陀堂(無量寿院)の建立を発願した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Placed in power, Yoshito vowed revenge for his mother and brother's death, and ordered Soun, an official in the Bakufu with a castle near Chachamaru's residence, to carry out the attack.
    権力の座に就いた義遐は母と兄の敵討ちを幕府官僚の経歴を持ち、茶々丸の近隣に城を持つ早雲へ命じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the battle between the Soga clan and the Mononobe clan, Shotoku Taishi, who was affiliated with the Soga clan, vowed to Shitenno that he would build a temple if they had won the battle.
    蘇我氏と物部氏の戦いにおいて、蘇我氏側である聖徳太子は戦いに勝利すれば、寺院を建てると四天王に誓願を立てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Prince Otomo stood with an incense burner in his hand and vowed, saying 'Having the same spirit of faith, these six members promise to obey the imperial edict. If we break the promise, we'll be sure to be punished by heaven.' After that, the five other members stood one by one with koro in their hands and promised to obey the imperial edict, following the prince. They said, 'If we break the promise, Shitenno (the Four Divas) will strike us. The gods of heaven and earth will also punish us. Sanjusanten (the thirty-three inhabitants of heaven), be a witness of the following: our descendants and family clans will be sure to die out,' they thus vowed with tears in their eyes."
    大友皇子手執香鑪先起誓盟曰六人同心奉天皇詔若有違者必被天罰云云於是左大臣蘇我赤兄臣等手執香鑪隨次而起泣血誓盟曰臣等五人隨於殿下奉天皇詔若有違者四天王打天神地祇亦復誅罰三十三天証知此事子孫當絕家門必亡云云 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Emperor Shomu's disease was apparently not serious at that time, there is a different view that the Empress Komyo vowed to save the emperor from a disease (written in the "Shoku Nihongi" or Chronicles of Japan Continued) in 745, two years earlier than the first theory.
    なお、この時の聖武天皇の病気は大したものではなかったようで、むしろその2年前の天平17年(745年)の天皇の病気(『続日本紀』に記事がある)平癒のために発願されたとする見方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The seated statue of Shakya Nyorai, that was brought into Japan by Chonen, was enshrined in Seiryo-ji Temple, at the foot of Mt. Atago, where Chonen vowed to build a temple to enshrine Shakya, which began its construction before Chonen left for Sung and was completed after his death.
    奝然が請来した釈迦如来立像は、奝然が宋にわたる前に伽藍の建立を誓った愛宕山麓の地に清凉寺が建立され、奝然の没後に完成してそこに安置された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After escaping from execution by a lord, Kobunji and Sosuke met Keno by chance in Shinano and told her about their fateful connection with the Satomi family, but Keno had already vowed to avenge her last remaining foe, Itsutota KOMIYAMA.
    領主による処刑の危機を脱した二人は信濃で毛野と邂逅して里見家との縁を伝えるが、毛野は残る仇・籠山逸東太への復讐を誓っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1680 during the Edo period, Chion-in Temple's 38th head priest Manmu vowed to establish a Nenbutsu training hall on the site which was closely associated with Honen, and he and his disciple Nincho revived the structure into what was to become Honen-in Temple.
    江戸時代になり、1680年(延宝8年)に、知恩院の第38世である万無が、法然ゆかりの地に念仏道場を建てることを発願し、門弟の忍澂と共に再興したのが当寺であるとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Under these circumstances, Umayado no Miko cut the tree of Nurude (Japanese sumac) and created images of Shitenno (four guardian kings) out of it, then he prayed for victory and vowed to build a pagoda and devote himself to promoting Buddhism if the army of Umako had won.
    これを見た厩戸皇子は、白膠の木を切って四天王の像をつくり、戦勝を祈願して、勝利すれば仏塔をつくり仏法の弘通に努める、と誓った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Kugyo-Bunin" treated Yoshiaki as a Shogun until February 9 1588, when he followed Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, chief adviser to the Emperor, and visited the Imperial Palace, vowed loyalty to Hideyoshi and was granted status as Ju-sangu.
    『公卿補任』では、義昭が関白豊臣秀吉に従って参内して、秀吉への忠誠を誓って准三宮の待遇を受けた天正16年1月13日_(旧暦)(1588年2月9日)までを将軍扱いとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1236, Michiie KUJO (father of regent and Kamakura Shogun FUJIWARA no Yoritsune) vowed to build a large temple housing an approximately 15 meter tall statue of the Buddha Shakamuni on the site and the first character of the names of each of Nara's great temples, Todai-ji Temple and Kofuku-ji Temple, were combined to create the name 'Tofuku-ji Temple.'
    嘉禎2年(1236年)、九条道家(摂政・鎌倉将軍藤原頼経の父)は、この地に高さ5丈(約15メートル)の釈迦像を安置する大寺院を建立することを発願、寺名は奈良の東大寺、興福寺の二大寺から1字ずつ取って「東福寺」とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Proposing "leading the world in the low carbon revolution," "a healthy society with 497 longevity, in which people feel secure and strong" and "promoting the attractiveness of Japan" as the strategy's three pillars representing "fields in which we can capitalize on Japan's strengths and characteristics," Prime Minister Aso vowed to intensify public and private investment in these areas and implement bold institutional reforms to promote such investment.
    そして、「低炭素革命で世界をリードできる国」「安心・元気な健康長寿社会」「日本の魅力発揮」の3本の柱を「日本の強みや特徴を生かせる分野」として、官民による集中的な投資と、それを促す大胆な制度改革を実行することを宣言している。 - 経済産業省
  • His wife, Kita no Mandokoro, (who was also known as Nene and later took the name 'Kodaiin Kogetsuni' after becoming a Buddhist nun) vowed to establish a temple to pray to Buddha for the happiness of her late husband, and originally attempted to use Kotoku-ji Temple (used to be in Teramachi, Kyoto), in which her mother Asahi no Tsubone was buried, for this purpose but it was too small so she established a new temple on Kodai-ji Temple's current site in Higashiyama.
    秀吉の正室である北政所(ねね、出家後は高台院湖月尼)は秀吉の菩提を弔うための寺院の建立を発願し、当初は北政所の実母・朝日局が眠る康徳寺(京都の寺町にあった)をそれに充てようとしたが、手狭であったため、東山の現在地に新たな寺院を建立することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is stated in the "Hojoki" that Soun drank sake with Shigetoki DAIDOJI, Hyogo ARAKI, Gonbee TAME, Saishiro YAMANAKA, Matajiro ARAKAWA and Hyoe ARITAKE in Ise and that they vowed that should one of them become a feudal lord, the others would become his retainers, which is similar to the story of Toen-no-chikai in "Sangokushi."
    『北条記』に見える早雲駿河下向時の一節には、大道寺重時、荒木兵庫、多目権兵衛・山中才四郎・荒川又次郎・在竹兵衛らの仲間6人と、伊勢国で神水を酌み交わして、一人が大名になったら他の者は家臣になろうと誓い合ったという、三国志の桃園の誓いのような話が残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ibaraki Doji, who had found such a kindred spirit in Shuten Doji, also became his henchman, and together they began raiding the villages nearby; Ibaraki's mother, after hearing rumors of his misdeeds, draped herself in his baby clothes and appeared before him, which suddenly caused him to be flooded with memories of his childhood, so he vowed that 'never shall I set foot in this region again,' and together with Shuten Doji, began to make his way towards the capital (Kyoto), passing through Mt. Togakushi in Shinano (Nagano).
    酒呑童子と意気投合した茨木童子は舎弟となり共に周囲の村々を襲っていたが、そのうわさを聞いた母が、彼の幼い頃の産着を着けて茨木童子の前に立つと、茨木童子は急に子供の頃の想い出が甦ったか、「二度とこの地を踏まぬ」と約束して、酒呑童子とともに信州戸隠山などを経て京へと向かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Bassanio was so overpowered with gratitude and wonder at the gracious manner in which the rich and noble Portia accepted of a man of his humble fortunes, that he could not express his joy and reverence to the dear lady who so honoured him by any thing but broken words of love and thankfulness: and taking the ring, he vowed never to part with it.
    バサーニオは驚きと感謝のあまり感極まった。そんなに優雅な態度で、金持ちにして気品あるポーシャが、自分のようなほとんど財産を持たない男を受け入れてくれたのだから、当然であろう。そして、バサーニオをとても尊敬してくれた女性に対して、喜びと尊敬の言葉を言えなくなり、ただ愛と感謝とをとぎれとぎれにつぶやくばかりだった。バサーニオは指輪を受け取り、二度と手放さないことを誓った - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


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