
  • He entered the Buddhist priesthood as the hoshi (successor to an abbacy) to the Otani school of the Shinshu sect.
    1934年(昭和9年)、真宗大谷派の法嗣(法主後継者)として得度。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On June 15, 1946, his father, Tatsunyo retired and he succeeded to abbacy as the 21st Hoshu.
    1846年(弘化3年)5月22日、父・達如が隠退により、第21代法主を継承する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On May 26, 1841, his oldest brother, Kannyo, died and he was appointed Hoshi (successor to the abbacy) on January 21, 1842 and changed his homyo to Gonnyo.
    1841年(天保12年)12月10日、長兄・寶如の逝去(同年4月6日)により、法嗣(法主後継者)となり、法名を「厳如(厳密には、嚴如)」と改める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because his two older brothers, Sonnyo and Kannyo, died early, he became the hoshi (a successor to an abbacy), and when Kyonyo died in 1614, he succeeded as the 13th Hoshu.
    兄である尊如・観如の早世により法嗣(法主後継者)となり、1614年(慶長19年)、教如の逝去により、第13代法主を継承した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Soon after he was appointed as the fifth chief priest of 'Hongan-ji Temple' in 1390, he entrusted the practical running of the temple to his second son Gyonyo who was his hoshi (successor to an abbacy) in order to build and live in a soan (a hermitage built with a simple structure with a thatched roof) in Sugitani of Ecchu Province.
    康応2年/明徳元年(1390年)、「本願寺」を継承し第五世になるも、まもなく寺務を法嗣である第2子の巧如に委任し、越中国杉谷に草庵を結び居所とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Zen Buddhism originally recruited widely under the Jippo-Jujisei system of succession to the abbacy in Zen temples, but Daitoku-ji Temple was not involved in the system and this letter recognizes that only those monks who were followers of Shuho Myocho could be installed into the role of abbot.
    禅宗では本来、広く人材を募る「十方住持制」をとっているが、大徳寺はこの制度によらず、開祖宗峰妙超の法系の僧のみを住職とすることを認めた文書である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Upon her engagement to Kocho OTANI, the hoshi (successor to an abbacy) to the family of Court Otani Higashi Hongan-ji Temple, she moved to Kyoto, and after graduating from Kyoto Prefectural First Girls' High School, she married into the Otani family on May 3, 1924.
    そして、東本願寺大谷家(伯爵家)の法嗣(法主後継者)・大谷光暢と婚約したことから京都へ移り、京都府立第一高等女学校を卒業後、1924年(大正13年)5月3日、大谷家に降嫁した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • First he assumed the post of head priest of Kyogyo-ji Temple in Nara; however, he became hoshi (a successor to an abbacy) to the 17th Hoshu Shinnyo (Higashi Hongan-ji Temple) who was the nephew to his grandfather, and when Shinnyo died in 1744, he succeeded the post of the 18th Hoshu.
    はじめは奈良・教行寺の住職に就いたが、のちに祖父・一如の甥である第17代法主・真如(東本願寺)の法嗣(法主後継者)となり、1744年(延享元年)、真如が逝去し、第18代法主を継承した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There were many outstanding disciples called 'Gazan niju-go tetsu' (25 hoshi (a successor to an abbacy) of Gazan), and he had Taigen Soshin, Tsugen Jakurei, Mutan Sokan, Daitetsu Soryo and Jippo Ryoshu open sub temples, with the five of them rotating as the chief priest of Soji-ji Temple.
    門下には「峨山二十五哲」と呼ばれた多くの優れた弟子がいたが、特に太源宗真、通幻寂霊、無端祖環、大徹宗令、実峰良秀にそれぞれ塔頭寺院を開かせ、總持寺住職はこの五院住職の輪番とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1981, his father, Kosho, who was the Hoshi (successor to an abbacy) to the Otani school, Shinshu sect and the chief priest of Tokyo Branch Temple, Tokyo Hongan-ji Temple, was forced to separate his temple from the Otani school Shinshu sect because of a conflict with the Naikyoku (intra-ministerial bureau), and was removed from the priesthood; thereby, Koken succeeded as hoshi (successor of principle).
    1981年(昭和56年)、真宗大谷派の法嗣(新門=法主後継者)であった父・光紹が、真宗大谷派内局(当局)との確執(「お東騒動」)により、自身が住職であった真宗大谷派東京別院東京本願寺を宗派から独立させ、真宗大谷派の僧籍から離れたことから、父に代って法嗣となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
